
Hye guys!!!

Well this is my blog post (obviously 😌) the main purpose is just to say hello to all you guys (eventhough just only a few people but who cares). It has been a couple years since I have this acc and I did not do anything other than subsribed and read ff. I once write a oneshot but then I delete it since it is not good enough. So now, I want to try involve more in this so I hope you support me hihi. Well my first plan is to stop being a silent reader since I always be one. I have been reading lots and lots ff but it rare for me to comment and votes so I will slowly try to not being lazy to give a comment (that the actual reason actually sorryπŸ˜“πŸ˜“). I think that all. If want to know me better fell free to leave a messege on my wall or you can follow me on my twitter: @lattegirl_

Bye2...hope to be friend with you guysπŸ˜™πŸ˜™


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Hello! the first time i write a fanfic i was one shot too, and it was really bad and only 7 subscribers huhu.. i deleted it and started a new one! And it turned out to be better than before! Don't give up on your stories, I'm sure it will be a good story if you work hard :) fighting!
Hi. :) I used to be a silent reader, too, but now I try to leave comment on every fic that I read. Happy commenting! xD