
Just a random vlog because im panicking right now and need to vent. Ive been ing with my mind lately. I've always liked guys, ive never been attracted to another girl. I see girls, and i think theyre pretty,but not in a gay way if you know what i mean. I dont see girls and go she's so hot,or i want her. Ive always had a high drive for guys although ive never had before. However,ive never had a boyfriend and im 18. I get curious about and stuff. I read lots of ,barely an gay until recently. I was looking through youtube and clicked on a video of two girls kissing. I thought it was hot.i saw more videos and found it hot yet discusting. I felt horrible for looking through those videos. Ive never seen before, but i triedlooking at lesbian . I figured out it wasnt for me, it was gross. I dont know, ive been hung up on the idea of homouality recently. I want to write a girls love story but im scared of what might happen to me.i dont want to be gay or bi. I have nothing against it, but it wouldnt end well for me. I wouldnt be accepted by my family. I do.t care what anyne else says though. I cant imagine myslefveig attracted to another girl being with one, but the idea doesn't leave my head. I identify as straight,but i dont like the  idea of being told what to do by society. I feel bad for what gays have to go through.is this boredom,me seeking attenton,me being rebellious?or am i going gay. I cant be. I want to write a lesbian fanfic but will that make me gay?


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tinyalexa #1
Thankyou :) As of now, I know I like men. If something comes up I might go for it,but I dont know. If i feel like experimenting I will,but I'm not looking for any relashionship as of now, so I'm good. I appreciate your support though. Maybe I'm curious is all. I will message you if I ever want to talk!
I don't think writing a lesbian fanfic would make you gay, if that's what you want do it! I say just do what makes you happy and comfortable. The way I see it, if you get uncomfortable with lesbian and stuff and anything more than kissing, then you're not really gay/bi, maybe just curious. And if it does end out you liking girls then it shouldn't matter what others think! It's your life and it's what makes you happy! Just be you and do what makes you comfortable. Don't feel pressured to fit into everyone's standard, because as it seems uality is becoming more and more accepted so it shouldn't be a problem. Either way, just be you. If you like girls, that's cool! If you like guys, that's cool! If you like both, that's cool! If you wanna marry your cat, awesome, I'll be a bridesmaid! If you think girls are cute but you would never want to be anywhere near their lady parts (which is a huge struggle to think about, trust me), then that's fine. Everybody's different. Tbh, I more would want to just have a girlfriend rather than have , but then I feel like that's no different than having a girl as a friend, except maybe kissing. I don't really know, but now I'm rambling sorry ^^; like I said, be you and do what you feel is right for YOU. That's all that matters :) message me if you need to talk!
MyShops #3
What do u feel when u watch lesbian or 2 girls kissing? Do u feel attracted to girls? If not then you're not a lesbian. But if u read a lot of girl×girl fics and try to make one maybe slowly you can change? Hehe
Yes, writing a lesbian fanfic will totally make you gay. You'll be the gayest person in the world because that's totally how homouality works. It's got nothing to do with your own ual desires and your ual preferences, it all comes from writing fanfics and watching . All you have to do is watch two girls kissing and bam! You're a lesbian and will remain a lesbian forever because that's totally how uality is defined in a person. I once saw two men holding hands a few years ago and I was instantly turned into a gay man, even though I'm only attracted to women. Weird, huh?