
So listen here. I have an essay to write on Loneliness. And I came to some conclusions I wanted to share.

Note! It's a Copy --> paste the first part of my essay so you might as well tell me your opinion about it.
Now listen: I've made some researches on loneliness so the first part might be helpful.

Loneliness, the term on its own means is a complex and usually unpleasant emotional response to isolation or lack of companionship. But it’s not only this. This makes the understanding of the state of loneliness too simple. Loneliness is emptiness and at the same time fills the ones who go through it with so many emotions. Nowadays, it seems like every second person suffers from loneliness. And it does not depend on how many people you have around you, it has nothing to do with the number of friends and relatives you have.  It depends on the quality of the relationship you have with them. The causes are a variety of factors and the consequences are more than frightening.

Loneliness may appear for variety of reasons such as the lack of friendship relations during one’s childhood or the absence of meaningful people in their lives. At the same time loneliness might be a symptom of psychological problems such as chronic depression.

“It has been estimated that approximately 60 million people in the United States, or 20% of the total population, feel lonely. Another study found that 12% of Americans have no one with whom to spend free time or to discuss important matters.”

“Important matters” leaning to this collocation we can make the conclusion that loneliness can start from mistrust. Even though surrounded by many people we still have to have a really strong relationship built between us and at least one another person to be able to say that we’re not alone. There’s this idea that we cannot trust anyone but ourselves and that no one will ever choose to us before themselves. Then it hits us. We’re alone...there’s no one beside us, there’s no one real to support us. And it’s so sad that we can’t help but to feel lonely when we finally come to this conclusion. After all, isn’t it like that?

Imagine a race. You fall. How many people would be fateful enough to give up the chance of winning the race and reach a hand to help you stand up and continue? If we think of such situation and then find no one who’d do this for us, there’s not a way out of loneliness.

What do you think? How is it?


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I think its good :) This could also stand out as an awareness