song hana says to go love yourself ♡

( amylea / amy / 9 / イッカク。 )
the basics
( full name ) : Song Hana
( nicknames ) : 
• nana / a cute way of calling her name / close friends and famiily
( dob / age ) : 29 • 02 • 1992 (24)
( birthplace ) : harajuku, japan
( hometown ) : pohang, south korea
( ethnicity ) : korean-japanese
( languages ) : 
• korean / native language / native speaker
• japanese / her mother speaks japanese with her most of the time / fluent
• france / she needs to learn it to be able to continue her study in france / semi-fluent
• english / learn it in school / conversational
( height ) : 160 cm
( weight ) : 55 kg
( appearance ) : hana has a long hair that flows staright to her waist. she has a hazel colored eyes and a slight dimple on her left cheek that could be seen if she's smiling. 
the face
( fc ) : a pink yoon bomi is taken
( backup fc ) : iu is taken
( style ) : hana loves wearing feminine clothes, i.e. skirts, dresses and blouse. she also loves wearing heels and wedges. she loves wearing headband on her hair.
examples : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
the deep end
"now it's back to where we started. strangers."
( plotline ) : the forgotten
( personality traits ) :
positive : easy-going, cheerful, optimistic, selfless, intelligent, wise, 
negative :  escapist, meddlesome, hardheaded, ignorant
neutral : talkative, friendly
( elaboration ) : hana is a very easygoing and cheerful girl. she's very friendly with everyone and her life is always rainbows and sunshine. she never think about any problems for a long time and always forgot it when she have to. she always have a way to come out with a big wide smile although she was actuallysad or sick. she dislikes people seeing her bad self, i.e when she's frustrated, disappointed, frustrated or sad. she wanted to be someone who could give a smile to everyone and anyone.hana is also very optimistic who always saw the glass as half-full. she believes that what happens in the past are in the past. she never thought about anything unnecessary and always move on and try harder everytime she meets with a failure. she's also selfless, always putting everyone before her and always think of others before herself. she's a kind sould who loves helping other people and always act humble around others. middle-aged and old people loves her so much because of her sweet personality. other than that, hana is always known as an intelligent and wise girl. she's one of the top grader in school until she finishes university and graduated with the best student awards. she's very wise in deciding her own life, but she's a failure when it coes to using her heart.
hana is a lso a very friendly and talkative girl who can always started a conversation with others, although they were stragers. she could talk for the whole day without getting tired, she'll only keep quiet when she's sick.
however, hana is known as an escapist. she always help others to solve their problems, but hana find it easier to run away from her problems and move on. she hates failing, therefore, she usuually decided to escape from whatever she think she couldn't do without trying. she'll only do whatever she likes or something she's sure she will succeed. hana is also known as a hardheaded girl, she rarely listen to other's advice. well, she'll listen to you but if it opposed her decision, then she'll just skipped it or tuned it out. she's also a very ignorant girl. she can easily ignore others who desn't have any significant in her life and get through everything mindlessly. and once you get to know her, she sometimes get meddlesome, and meddle into others business when she feels like. sometimes people tend to get annoyed with her, butshe usually ignored them and contunie to poke her nose inside the problem and help them to solve it.
( background ) : hana was born from a family of four. her father is a baker while her mother is a cook. she has a twin brother who was born five minutes younger than her. when they were 6 years old, her grandmother was ill and their family moves back to korea to take care of her. after she passed away, her parents decided to stay in pohang and run the small family restaurant nearby their house. hana and her brother was sent to a boarding high school in seoul. after graduated from high school, hana continued her study in japan in fashion and textiles and come back after three years. she's now managed to open his own boutique with one of her friend from her university, park jiyeon. she currently lived in her uncle's apartment with her twin brother. her uncle have gose back to pohang and left his apartment and gift one of his shop building to hana and hajun to open up their own business, saving their money to buy any physical shop. hana then opened her boutique on the lower floor and left the upper floor for hajun with his photography studio. they also used another part of the building to serve as cafe, for anyone who used their service.
likes ) : 
• teddy ; she has her bed full of teddies.
• drawing ; she loves combining her favorite color to create her new design
• bright color ; she loves bright colors i.e red, orange, gold.
• sweet things - chocolate, cupcakes, ice cream ; she has sweet tooth
• swimming ; one of her favorite sport and she's very good at it
• baking ; one of her favorite past time
• raining ; she loves walking in the rain and hide her tears with the rain
• cycling ; she prefers cycling for transportation
( dislikes ) : 
• smokers ; it's not good for your health
• darkness ; she hates sleeping by herslef in total darkness
• rollercoaster ; it's scary!
• blood ; she'll fainted just with the sight of blood.

• crisps, chips and salty food ; it makes you obese
• flowers ; she's allergic of pollen
• clown ; she get nightmares if she sees any
• motorcycle ; they're too fast

( trivia ) : 
• she finds it hard to differentiate left and right 
• she has a black belt in hapkido and taekwondo
• she falls sick easily if she was exposed under the heavy sun, heavy snow or hot sun for more than half an hour.
• she hates the time when the plane departs and landed the most.
• she dislikes driving and she's not very good at it, she tooks the exam for about ten times before passing.
• she has never been on any vehicles that moves on or under water.
• she has two pet goldfishes.

• she plays with sudoku whenever she has problems
• she bites her lips whenever she's thinking (sometimes it bleed and she didn't realise it until someone pointed it out)
• she mixed her korean and japanese when she's nervous
• she's a great baker, but she's disastrous in cooking
• she loves watching movie in the cinema and goes shopping by herself.
• she loves playing piano and violin
• she sings when she's showering and baking.
the people close to me
"if you love someone, then let him go. if he comes back to you, he's yours, but if he doesn't, then he never was..."
( twin brother ) : song hajun : 24 : mischievous, caring and protective : they currently live together in their shared apartment near to their workplace. he cares a lot for her sister and always look out for her. but he's also a major prankster who always prank her sister a lot. she has feelings for jiyeon, hana's business partner. 

close friends ) : jung eunji : 24 : shy, reserved and quiet : they known each other since they were small. jimin always followed both of them around and ended up in the same course with hajun. she's currently work in hajun's studio. jimin rarely talk even to hajun, but she becomes talkative around hana. they shared most of their stories together and hana know that she has a crush on her twin brother.

( current boy
friend ) : kim jongdae (chen) : 24 : kind, calm and funny : jongdae was hajun's roommate when they went to the university. hajun lightly introduces them one day and jongdae decided to asked her to be his girlfriend and she accepted. they act sweetly towards each other, but they rarely shows off they affection on each other in front of others.


close friends ) : ahn saemi and the others : 22 : energetic, sweet, humorous : they meet up every weeks and talked to each other with the others. they sometimes went to see each other and go out for lunch.
( business partner/rival) : park jiyeon : 24 : narcissitic, perfectionist, honest : they started of as friends and business partners. but then, she started to develop a feeling for jongdae as well and things get awkward when jongdae asked hana to be her girlfriend. they sometimes argue for some problems, but hana usually give in and let jiyeon do whatever she likes and she'll agree with whatever that it good.
the romance
( love interest ) : kim suho
( backup ) : kim minseok
( personality ) : calm, kind, slow, sweet, absentminded, honest
suho is a very kind and sweet guy. he's a major heartthrob and a very popular guy, who people's think of girl magnet. but he's quite firm and always tell people honestly about how he feel. he's also very calm and wise in making decision or doing anything. he thinks very deep and long before doing any decision and he's always be a very good advisor. however he's sometimes slow and absentminded. he could be very blur when it comes to making decision for his own good.
( meeting ) : suho was practicing football when he kicked the ball too hard that it hit hana who was walking nearby. she fell off and suho quickly went to apologize and retrieve her ball. suho then pointed out that her nosewas bleeding. she was shocked to see the blood and fainted on the spot. suho brought her to the infirmary.
( the past ) : after that incident, suho felt really guilty and offered herself to be hana's assistant for the week. hana refused him at first but she let him be after that. tehy become close since then and suho finally asked hana out which she gladly accepted. they were known as the sweetest cople in the school as they usually spend their time together in the cafeteria, studying and eating. tehy also always went out for a sweet date, watching movie or just walking together in the park. suho was the only guy other than hajun that have seen hana cried, therefore he was very special for her.
after he graduates, on his way back after celebrating hajun's and hana's birthday with a few of their other friends, suho unfortunately met with a bad car-crash. he was in comatose state for the whole week and hana went to pray so hard so that suho would be saved. he eventually woke up a week later with no memories of his past years including hana. she was so shocked, she cried for the whole week and tried to beg him, but it was all in vain. suho's arents then decided that it was better to move out from the place so that suho can rest without having to remember everything since he was surrounded with all the people he forgotten. hana was heartbroken for a few months, but she went back to her bubbly self soon after and tried her very hardest to move on. after high school, she continued her studies in france and enjoyed her life and she managed to move on and forgot about him. 
( present ) : everything was normal until that one day, he suddenly appeared at her boutique, accompanying his mother to buy a dress for their wedding anniversary. hna ignored him at first, but he came back soon after asking if he could know her better. hana was quite shocked to see him again, and jiyeon being a very good friend, explained to him that she was already taken. jiyeon then offered herself to know him betterbut suho rejected her. he keep coming back for hana although hana rejected him. she then realise that she still like him, but she already had a boyfriend. everytime suho come, she'd ignore him and let jiyeon courted him instead. 

P/S : i'll left the final part, there's too many possiblities. haha. i would like them to get back together, but i also pitied jongdae. so, you could make your own story if you decide to write about my character,
( status ) : single, with someone courting him
the goodbye
( comments ) : i'm sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language. Hope you like her! ^^
( questions ) : where do they actually study in high school?
( concerns ) : i use seoul for the town since i didn't know where the settings is. you can always tell me where's the place and i'll quickly changed the town.
( scene suggestions ) : 
• suho and hana first meeting after all those times.
• jongdae heard hana said suho's name in her sleep.
• hana and hajun sibling's interaction
• hana and jiyeon bickering
• hana cried in front of others for the first time



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