hong rian              dobibaby               shu              9


you'd be lucky to know a girl like me.

get to know me

NAME // hong rian (홍리안)

BIRTHDAY // 10/08/1993

AGE // 22


BIRTHPLACE // seoul, korea

HOMETOWN // seoul, korea

ethnicity // full korean


FACECLAIM // ninemuses' kyungri



siamese : because of her kittish and coy appearance, the boys nicknamed her after a breed of cat, mostly because they thought it was funny how cat-like she looked.

chic unnie : whatever rian does, she looks chic and cool doing it, so the girls coined the nickname for her.

tiger ri : sort of a pun alluring to a tiger mom, rian is quite short-tempered, yet quick-witted, kind of like a tiger, so the girls call her that whenever she's mad/annoyed.


Korean : fluent - AS she was born & raised in korea, rian has no problem with complimenting herself in this language.

english : basic - because she learned a small bit in high school, she's always known a few important phrases, such as "hello" and "please don't talk to a beautiful girl like me." that's probably all she knows.


WEIGHT & HEIGHT // 171 cm and 56 kg 


APPEARAnCE // with a graceful toss of the hair and a teasing smirk, rian is the type to turn heads when she walks into a room. many think that her visuals is quite extraordinary, and it's even more of a surprise to hear that she's 100% natural. her pupils are dark brown, but still light enough of a color to make them seem unique. they give off an elusive and mysterious feel whenever she's looking at anything, and her coy smile just adds to the effect.

a lock of hair is always tucked behind her right ear, unless if she has a zit in that area, but even so, she usually covers it with makeup. people never see her without a spot of makeup on her face, unless if they're exceptional to her, but she usually sports foundation, mascara, eyeliner, eyebrow dip, and some lipstick. although she has a deep set of bags under her eyes, she just plays it off as aegyo sals (though they certainly don't look like them at some points of time), but usually people don't notice that because of how pale her skin is.


STYLE // rian likes to flaunt all colors of any kind - except green, of course. she dislikes that color with an extreme passion. although her ftyle isn't 100% provocative, she's not shy about showing skin either. dresses line her closet, along with shorts, skirts, and lacey tops, as well as sweaters. she certainly loves a good crop top, but she adores cardigans also. after years of wearing them, rian enjoys donning short heels, and she also quite enjoys wearing some accessories - whenever she's not on missions, that is. once she's working, though, those earrings and bracelets come off. 

impressive, aren't i?

the past made me who i am now

BACKGROUND // how was their childhood, what happened that it made them into who they are now? their history. meet hong rian, the spy most reknown for her model-like looks and her arrogant personality. she wasn't always known as that though; before, she was actually quite a bubbly child, and she was a rather innocent beauty. some attention to her was because of her face, but most of the attention was because oh - hong rian was an orphan. her parents, who were both 16 when they conceived her, dumped her at the orphanage when she was 8 years old because they decided that they couldn't keep her anymore. granted, her parents were never the responsible bunch, but it was a traumatizing experience for the young girl. from being pushed out of her mother's arm into a place where she felt ostracized and different, rian grew to be more cynical and pretended to have a tough exterior. despite her good looks, families didn't like her increasingly pessimistic nature, and decided to adopt all the bubbly kids, leaving her there to grow in shameful conditions. she felt ragged everyday and it was awkward saying "oh yeah, i'm an orphan," so rian never quite mentioned it to her peers in school. once she turned 16, she decided that she had had enough. rian decided to run away, and run away she did, by sneaking out of her window in the middle of the night. having no place to crash, rian wobbled around the street with her rumpled pajamas and dark bags under her delicate eyes. she was not in the right state to do anything, but rian knew she had to go. 

of course, she's not hong rian until a couple of scouting agents decided to come up to her and ask if she wanted to be a model because of her unique look. at first, she was intrigued because they all offered her incredible amounts and she was extremely tempted to take up the offer of the one who was going to give her the most money, but suddenly she felt a tapping on her shoulder - it was the ceo of ooyu corp, who happened to be around the scene at the time. rian was in shock, but he later told her, "I think you're more fit for my company instead. don't worry, we'll house you." though she doesn't know why she followed him, she didn't really care because there was nothing left for her anyways. she was homeless, parent-less, and she had no direction in life. does it even matter that she was following a complete stranger? however, what shocked her was how in love she was with ooyu when she walked in through the doors. it was comfy and had a family-style interior. it was homey, which was what she desperately needed. right from when she first walked in, she knew that ooyu was made for her. 

positive - sociable, charming, quick-witted, easygoing
negative - conceited, obnoxious, short-tempered, cynical

ELABORATION // elaborate on your character's personality here. minimum of two paragraphs.

TRIVIAS // you are allowed to go wild. likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. but make sure to still keep your trivias relevant to the plotline

meet the people in my life


family // please only write relevant ones and will help with your character's development 

// father | hong jungmin | 55 | occupation | elaboration about relationship with character.
// older sister | hong rihwa | 25 | kindergarten teacher | rian occasionally contacts rihwa, but her older sister just can't seem to understand why rian would risk her life every time she does a mission. she just doesn't understand, but rian doesn't mind; it can get hard for other people to understand why she wants to be a spy sometimes.


friends // 

// best friend | rae jihee | 22 | spy | This girl is one of the girls on her team (and probably one of the only people in the world that don't get annoyed with rian's conceited attitude), but they have been close since the beginning. honestly, rian could probably just jump off a cliff and trust jihee to catch her at the bottom, just because of how much she trusts her. 

others // 

// boss | kim woobin | 26 | manager of ooyu corp. | rian has a pretty relaxed attitude towards her boss - way too relaxed actually. she likes to give him cute little nicknames, and never refers to him formally. he's actually great company, and rian sometimes wonders why he even deals with her the way he does.
// super mega boss | rae jihoon | 54 | vice ceo of ooyu corp. | jihee's father is one of the most important people in the ooyu company branch, and even though rian's met him once, she doesn't particularly want to meet him again - probably because she doesn't want to lose her job for acting stupid, maybe?

going undercover in kapae.co

1. why did you want to be a spy?

"well, i've always been good with finding out information from others, so i thought why not? being a detective is too much of a drag and working for the police seems suffocating, but being a spy gives you freedom - or more than the other occupations at least," rian answered with a smirk. 


2. how do you feel about kapae co.?

"what can i say? i personally believe that kapae is the best company for spies out there. wouldn't you agree with me?" rian asked coyly, a small smirk forming on her face.


3. what is your best and worst skill?

rian smirked; knowing her skills came easily to her. "well, for starters," she puffed her chest pridefully, "i am very popular and i have a ton of connections. i can get information for anything, and i mean anything. i'm also pretty attractive, so seducing targets comes easily for me. i would say that anything involving men and getting information from other sources are my best skills. though, i do admit, i'm terrible at using weapons other than a gun, but even then, my aim is tragic. i also do not do well in nature, it's my enemy. i'm more of an undercover spy, if you know what i mean." 


4. how is your relationship with the girls? do you have anyone you particularly dislike or is not close to? if so, why?

rian didn't answer immediately, taking her time to think about her relationship with the other girls, instead. after a moment of silence, she cleared and said, "i am good friends with rae jihee and understand her well. the joker i'm okay with, along with the leader and the newbie, but i'm super awkward with the stoic and the worry wart. the stoic, for one, is quiet as heck and it's always awkward whenever we're alone. and the worry wart worries too much, she needs to chill out."


5. you will be trained by agent jung hoseok, how do you feel about that?

rian paused, remembering that he was one of the idiot spies of kapae. with a small cough, she responded, "i don't really care, just as long as he is a good teacher." deep down inside, though, she was nearly about to scream in annoyance.

he's the man of my dreams

love interest's faceclaim // jung hoseok


elaborate in paragraphs. minimal of two. 

history // 
as she hails from ooyu, she knows a lot about the idiot spies of kapae, particularly a bunch of 7 men, who seem to be labelled as the dummies of kapae, despite their high success rates. rian wasn't too keen on hoseok being the one to train her, considering that he appears to be a bumbling idiot. they met when rian was formally accepted into kapae and introduced to her mentor, who didn't appear to be that skillful as a spy in rian's eyes. he looked liek the type to just mess everything up, and she didn't have high expectations for him. hoseok, on the other hand, was interested in rian, and wondered why such a pretty lady became a spy. of course, he was a man, so he was piqued with her beautiful looks. being able to train such a girl, he was originally quite excited, but after getting a taste of her personality, he decided that she wasn't his type. she was nice to look at, but dating her was definitely a no from him, and rian certainly had the same thoughts as him. however, she was talented at being a spy, and learned quickly, so hoseok was appreciative of that. he grew used to her arrogance and often has to reprimand her whenever she was being too cocky, reminding her that even though she was attractive, that nasty personality of hers isn't gonna get her a man - but it's not like rian cares about what an idiot thinks anyways. after some time, though, he became adjusted to her conceitedness, and it was easier to ignore her arrogant comments than before. since that happened, he started to see her good traits, such as her charm and quick wit, and became sensitive to her. he couldn't explain it, but he was quite fond of rian. her, on the other hand, feelings weren't exactly the same as hoseok's. she didn't especially like him, mostly because he was her enemy, and how could she fall in love with a rival? this wasn't a romeo and juliet spin-off; she couldn't afford to fall in love with someone from an enemy company, although his strong sense of justice and exhuberant amount of care and loyalty certainly tugged the strings to her heart once in a while. after he started treating her in a more friendly manner than before, rian felt strangely comfortable with him, and even replied back to him accordingly whenever he talked to her. she was slightly keen on having him train her because that meant that the pair could talk and hang out. the girls started to see rian and hoseok's relationship slowly change, and when they contronted her about it, rian denied having feelings for hoseok, since he was a complete idiot and the enemy anyways, so why would she be crazy enough to like him? despite that, when she realized her feelings for him, she knew that it was a huge mistake on her part. she tried to convince herself that she certainly did not like jung hoseok, but she certainly did, and he certainly grew feelings for her too.

relationship // 
at first, rian was absolutely not a fan of hoseok and had minimal contact with him. she preferred being away from him as much as possible and seeing his idiotic self made her want to gag. however, as the two get more comfortable, she allows him to be around her in a closer manner (rather than just standing 5 feet apart from each other), and rian doesn't exactly feel like his presence is suffocating her. when they start to date, rian gradually becomes more touchy with him. keep in mind, she's not one to care about pda a lot, but she'll occasionally press onto him or lay her head on his shoulder, and hoseok just lives for those moments. although rian's not so much a pda person, hoseok is all for it. he's just naturally touchy, so his hand always finds itself on rian's back or holding her hand, and he's always touchy with her. rian hates it when he pinches her cheeks, but hoseok thinks it's endearing and pretty cute seeing her flustered, so there'll probably never be an end to his cheek pinching. despite their chummy moments, rian can't help but think, "what am i doing? i have a job to be doing." but despite that, she still melts when she sees hoseok's smiling face. 

trivias // 
write down the trivia about you and your love interest.

in the mirror

explain about how you feel about yourself, your life, and how you view things.

pretend that this is kapae taking an interview video and you will have to introduce yourself in first pov. describe everything that is relevant to your character and her development.

especially looking forward for this section. goodluck!





comments // --


questions // --


scene requests // --


password // man idk what is it


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