J U N G M I C H I K O will Guard YG/ Turn In

full name : JUNG MICHIKO
nickname(s) : 
birthdate : 04/04/1994
birthplace : sapporo, japan
hometown : sapporo, japan
ethnicity : half korean, half japanese
languages : 
korean ; semi-fluent ; didn't know korean until she moved to korea for training.
japanese ; fluent ; lived in japan for 17 years
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like a mannequin
faceclaim : twice momo
backup : ^^^^^^
height & weight : 163 cm & 46 kg
bloodtype : n/a
appearance : She has waist length hair and she has very long legs. She used to have naturally brown hair but she dyed it blonde. she has a beauty mark on the lower outer corner of her left eye
style : she likes to wear casual clothes like jeans, shorts, tshirts, tank tops, coats, cardigans, sweaters, hoodies.
why am i like this?
traits : sweet, considerate, calm, motherly.    forgetful, oblivious, workaholic.
personality : tba
background :
Michiko was born in sapporo and lived a fairly normal life. she was always into music so she leaned towards activities that related to that. she attended dance academy since she was 5 and liked to sing. she got into hiphop when she was in this phase where she was discovering a genre of music she liked. she attended a performing arts high school and continued following her interests in music. she auditioned to be in a band in her highschool which she passed. she was the main vocalist and base guitarist.

when yg entertainemnt held auditions in japan, michiko auditioned without her parents knowing. she passed the first round and didn't teel her parents until she passed the second round. she flew to korea to perform for her last round. she passed so her parents agreed to letting her be a trainee. she moved to korea without knowing korean at all. her parents were unable to move to korea with her because of the life they already started there and their restaurant.
likes : peaches, cucumbers, her dog, animals, reading, hamburgers, subway sandwiches, sour candy, mint, the color mint, spicy food, tea, exercising, ikon
dislikes : chocolate, cake, cookies, sweet things, roses, ghosts
hobbies : tarot card reading, song-writing/making, dancing, cooking, exercising, singing
habits : pinching her jawline when she's nervous & holding her breath when she's nervous.
trivia :
knows how to read tarot cards
has insomnia
collects jars of tea
likes to make songs and lyrics
hasn't been able to see her parents and younger brother for 5 years.
eats spicy and sour things very well
loves subway sandwiches andhamburgers
LOVES korean food
has an accent when speaking korean but it disppears when she sings.
had one boyfriend predebut but yg doesn't let her tell anyone
sincerely believes in ghosts and spirits
has "11" shaped abs
has a necklace she always wears to keep ghosts away.
has seen a ghost before
her favorite genre of music is hiphop and jazz and r&b
has a slight lisp when speaking korean.
her lucky number is 4
collects albums of singers from yg
is very flexible
knows how to play piano, guitar, and the drums.
was in a high school band called "Doteki"
you're too harsh
family : 
father : jung youngjoon : 45 : restaurant owner
mother : mitsui mieko : 46 : restaurant owner
brother : jung mikihiko : 19 : college student
friends : 
best friends : kim hanbin/BI : 20 : idol rapper
best friends : kim jiwon/bobby : 21 : idol rapper
best friends : song yunhyeong : 21 : idol singer
best friends : kim jinhwan : 22 : idol singer
best friends : kim donghyuk : 19 : idol singer

best friends : koo junhoe : 19 : idol singer
close friends : jung chanwoo : 18 : idol singer
others : 
pet : shiro : 7 : french bulldog
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i wanna be like that unni
stage name : michiko
persona : aloof angel
position : leader, main vocal
talent twin(s) : 
Singing twin : ailee
Dancing twin : twice momo
rapping twin : n/a 
trainee years : 5 years and 4 months
TRAINEE life : michiko came to korea without knowing a since word of korean. she practically expressed herself to people who don't speak japanese with hand gestures. jinhwan helped a lot with her speaking and learning korean. she was very homesick but couldn't see her family face to face because of school and training. when michiko graduated high school, she spent all of her time in training and didn't apply for college. she had a very hard time with the language barrier and homesickness.
predebut activity : featuring in epik high's album & cameoing in "baby goodnight" by gd & top
scandals : 
Guardian's michiko dating ikon's bobby
guardian's michiko and _ fainting on stage
ikon-kim-jin-hwan.jpg large.jpg jinhwan.jpg
i've dreamed of a romantic movie
love interest : ikon's jinhwan
backup love interest : ^^^^^
Traits : you know jinhwan if you're an ikon fan 
PERSONALITY : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Background : tba
History : they met when Michiko entered yg a month after jinhwan and hanbin did. they were very close due to their same age and liked to dance together. they attended the same highschool and spent all the time they had after training toggether. they faced hardships together because they were both far from home. on every new years, they wished that they would both be able to debut. jinhwan and michiko are "shipped" together by ikon. jinhwan helped michiko which her language barrier since he was fluent in japanese. he was the first person she talked to in yg.
relationship : at the start, they act as be=st friends. they are incredibly close and but when they realize their crush, they start getting a little closer and they try to give each other hints that they like each other which the latter doesn't notice but people around them notices. when they start dating, they have a very romantic but shy relationship. they act like best friends in public and it is very noticable that they are close.after they start dating, they act like they normally do around friends.they treat each other with respect and care. they support each other no matter what and always look after each other. jinhwan treats michiko like a baby and always tries to take care of her and michiko treats jinhwan like a true lover. they both really care for each other and always check up on each other. they wish every year on new year's , good luck on their fellow members and each other. Jinhwan always calls michiko by her name or mochiko. michiko likes to call jinhwan Hwannie-Oppa or jinan. (after dating) Jinhwan saved michko's number as "my mochi" and michiko saved jinhwan's number as "my oppa~ <3"
status : currently crushes
everything is so awkward
comments : i hope you all apply! 
scene request(s) : n/a
QUESTION(s) : do you love ikon?
password : on the cheatsheet 


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I finally finished! It took quite a while, wow, but here it is!
xoxomissjenn #2
I hope she's not super basic. LOL it was fun to write though =)
divaboo #3
I'm first! (This has never happened before wow go me lol)