First relapse of 2016...


Yea as you can see by the title of this I had a relapse last night at around 5pm... I had gotten upset and triggered by something and I do know what it was so I now know to avoid it, but I tried talking to someone to distract myself but it failed to do so, I ended up allowing the 'voice' to take over and I lost control of my actions. I now have a horrible looking thigh and wrist *Sigh* I tried so hard and I was 2-3 months clean (not really sure but I am sure it is 3)... 

After that happened my phone charger (the only working one left in the house) broke so I had no way of charging my phone that I I had to secretly order one without my mother's permission but it was only £2... I will pay her back since I work... 

Then I had a boy message me and I had to deal with him trying to pressure me- I full on went at him... I am not a nice person when I get mad, my family to the rage I had on the 31st December- basically I had started my period on that day and it was the worst pain I have felt for months and it took me by surprise and I couldn't even move it was so bad, I took pain killers took more than I should have but it worked for a while. I would get angry when I was asked to clean or get up so my cousin came and ripped shreads at me, then she proceeded to then cause me to get even angrier as she turned to the weight issue and started going on about my weight (which I have lost a damn amount since I was obese 7 years ago- I now am 65kg so I still have a little to lose) but yes I returned the favor and ended up shutting her up. 

I am now suffering with a massive headache and I have to work all day today (kill me please) but I need the cash man I really do need the cash... I also need a wrist support for my weak wrist (both of my wrist are weak just like all my joints) I keep having to lift heavy objects and it's causing me to wake up with a popped shoulder and my wrists are hurting ridiculously. And a creepy guy keeps harrassing me at boss has to keep an eye on him because the same guy had touched up my co-worker who has just had a baby... god I wish life was easy on me hehe...




okay I am going to go suffer with my problems alone and go to work now so bye bye for now


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oh god, i hope you're alright now...
even though i'm not in a situation better then you, but i do pray and hope you'll be fine...
stay strong my friend...i'm sorry that i couldn't help you...