Why Super Junior Should Perform on the 2012 Olympics


[This is NOT from me; copy+paste from a website]


Why Super Junior Should perform on the 2012 Olympics?


Relatively, there are many artists that dream of the chance to perform in such a grand scale event such as the Olympics. And Super Junior is just one of those thousands if not millions...


It's common for one who does not know them to Google and see that they are simply a group from South Korea with 13 members. Boyband wannabes they might say, but not for those who have followed them in their every step since debut, or even those who have seen at least one of their LIVE performances.


But let's cut to the chase. What REALLY sets Super Junior apart from the generations of boy groups then and now? What do they have to deserve a chance to perform in a big event such as the Olympics?


First, Super Junior is innovative. One of the main reason why Super Junior has lasted throughout these years was because they never run out style. If must, the better phrase should be they have lived their OWN style. Music business is just as cutthroat as any other fields of industry, some would just be simply proclaimed a superstar after releasing a couple of megahits and then fade into the oblivion after a younger generation would claim it. But that is not the case with Super Junior. They stayed faithful to their own style. They polished all their rough edges and created a harmony that people would continuously want to hear. Now after five main albums and many other releases, Super Junior constantly awes people not just with their looks, but their catchy beats and awesome harmony. In a simple comparison, Super Junior is like a wine; age just makes them better.

Second, Super Junior is versatile and comes along with it is their adaptability. Fans and audience alike agree that one strength of Super Junior is their diverse strengths in many fields. They do not just sing or dance, there are also commendable actors, TV hosts, DJs, product endorsers, models etc. Name a field and if they can do it, they will. That alone makes them available to ALL types of audience. While some might just target a particular age group or social margin, Super Junior cuts across the boundaries, making them lovable from the kids and even up to the mature public. Aside from that, when we talk about adaptability, we also would think of their stage performances. Super Junior has proven themselves as a group that could perform in any stage big or small. From the small stages of the music shows in Korea to the massive stages in their sold-out Super Shows, Super Junior's performance convey only one thing: they came to electrify the audience. Why not let them do the same in the Olympics right?

Third, Super Junior unites so many cultures with the love coming from their fans all over the world. I admit, it may sound too grand, or maybe fans from other artists would simply rebuke this idea saying their artists has done better; but consider my point. Super Junior is a NON-ENGLISH SPEAKING GROUP; or simply speaking, THEY DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH. But then they have conquered the Social Networking site such asTwitter and has been named #9 in the Trending Topic List Worlwide in 2011 and #4 in the Musicians category. Even in Mashable Awards where they got 3 awards when they haven't even debuted in the United States. And to add many other countries where their songs reach the #1 position in the music charts without them even performing at least once would take forever to discuss. So how do they get so much love from fans? You see, the matters they lack in English vocabulary, they filled it with passion. And passion is not something quantified by mere use of words; you feel them engulf you. For us, the words we barely understand because it's not English is not a problem because we feel them in our hearts. And if there is one thing that is common to us humans is a feeling heart. That goes beyond cultural differences. That is beyond a Universal Language. And that is what Super Junior did. It united our hearts.

Finally, Super Junior can be considered a role model for every generation. Oh no, I'm not saying they are the Mr. Perfect in such a way that they don't do anything wrong; that would be flat-out lying. But Super Junior taught the younger generation to persevere and believe in their dreams as they have opened their lives to many and they never hid the fact that it took so much of their blood and sweat and tears to get this far. And they also taught the more mature generation the culture of humility amidst the achievements they have earned. They still laugh at their comical blunders and are not afraid to admit and apologize and correct the mistakes that might be serious enough. They are not afraid to lower their pride and cry openly when they hurt, and they are not afraid to share the happiness in their victory. They taught everyone to believe in friendships that lasts. They are the perfect role models because they are REAL; that each and every one of us can relate to them that in a way, we find a piece of us in them whenever they appear on stage or in shows or in their own everyday lives.


  Having said so many things on what sets them apart, let me in turn relate it towhy they should perform in the 2012 Olympics.


  The Olympics has always been known to be a gathering of diverse cultures aimed at one goal: To represent their people and bring glory to their respective countries. The five rings which stood proud symbolizing the unity in five continents is exactly the reason why Olympics is held.  As Super Junior is innovative, versatile and easily-adaptable, you can expect that their performance would be well-thought as something that would represent, not just their country South Korea, but the whole world. They've cut across cultures that their performance would definitely bring out the passion in the audience and the athletes as well; and ultimately unite everyone for that purpose. Isn't that the Olympics is all about? Unity? It is not about being a musical genius, nor is it about being an evolution. This is about preserving the well-held foundation of the Olympic Games: The Unity among the people. If Super Junior could unite the hearts of people, then it goes to say that they are doing the same thing as what the Olympics intend do.

And since the Olympics sends out a positive message not just to the athletes participating but also to the people watching, it is a great deal to say that the performer should also bring out a positive message to the whole world. Super Junior, being role models, goes along the line of what the Olympic Games is trying to convey. Their positive disposition and their sincere passion in their craft can be a message to the world community that here is a group that does not just electrify an audience; they also inspire them.


Maybe many of you might think that this is just a post from a blinded fan who is already hero-worshipping this group. Maybe so, but hear them first. Give them the chance to be heard. Give them the chance to inspire you. Let them make you feel as we do. 


And most of all... let them perform in the 2012 Olympics. They are ready for this kind of world stage.


Credits: http://www.the-top-tens.com/members/visitor/blog/why-super-junior-should-perform-2012-olympics-5588.asp


So please get voting [hehe once again] for Super Junior  !! :)

Link: http://www.the-top-tens.com/lists/singers-perform-london-olympics-opening-ceremonies.asp






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Yea SJ fighting! Proud to be an ELF! They are the BEST! I dont care what people say, like my mom ==". .hell yeah. But imma shoutout proud to my only fandom -SUPER JUNI0R- So, lets work hard for this! Super Junior and ELF! Fighting!! <3
KrisHanna #2
While reading this the only thing i did is nod :D

Yeah.SuJu deserves to perform there :D
seriously whoever wrote this is a genius :D respect him and i think i know now why i'd fall for Suju in the very first place and i think i'm falling over them all again ^^
SungHoney #4
That was seriously one of the best things I've ever read in my life! So FREAKIN TRUE! Miku better not freakin win T_T I love her and all but I really prefer SUJU!!
I cried while I reading this. I heart was aching with happiness:'D
Voting again:DDDD
I can do nothing but be in awe of the person who wrote this.
So very true. I'm proud to be an ELF.
This made me cry. Proud to be an ELF
Kind-Hearted_Devil #9
Speechless...*applaud for the one who wrote this*