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NAME : 최전진

 Subway Queen ; because of her deep obsession of subway sandwiches ; by her fans and once in a while, her teammates
BIRTH DATE & AGE : 04/20/1994 & 21
BIRTHPLACE : Mokpo, Jeolla-Do, South Korea
HOMETOWN : Mokpo, Jeolla-Do, South Korea & Hongdae, Seoul, South Korea (since 7th grade)

 Korean ; fluent ; cuz she was born and raised in Korea
 English ; fluent ; she took classes since she was in 6th grade

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FACECLAIM : Red Velvet Seulgi
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 178 cm & 56 kg
APPEARANCE & STYLE : She has long black hair and light brown eyes. Jeonjin has a beautymark on the lower outer corner of her right eye. She's very pale like her brother and tall like him as well. Her waist is 23 in and her hips are 32 inches. Her larger than average hip size makes it hard for her to find jeans that fit. She likes to wear large t shirts and jeans or shorts when she is not being dressed by the stylists. She doesn't mind wearing dresses or skirts.

PERSONALITY TRAITS : A minimum of 4 traits for each (POS & NEG only)
( + ) : determined, adaptable, chill, motherly, captivating
( - ) : sly, insensitive, passive, tense.

determined: jeonjin doesn't give up unless she's tried and it's impossible. she tries her best and works hard for her goals. she doesn't like things coming to her easily. she'll look at only one thing and work on it. she won't start on anything unless it's finished. she'll even give up luxuries to finish the task.

adaptable: jeonjin is very adaptable. she'll adjust her schedule and lifestyle to fit her current situation. It's not hard and she deals with large changes fairly easily.

chill: jeonjin is chill. she doesn't worry about much and doesn't fuss over small things. she tries to be as non chalant as possible for her members and herself.

motherly: she takes care of her members and treats them as if they were her children. she listens to their worries and problems and tries to help them out. 

captivating: she has a very captivating aura. whether it be her beauty or her personality, she manages to attract people's attention.

sly: jeonjin somehow manages to manipulate people into getting what she wants without them knowing or feeling bad about it. she looks for loopholes and is very good at reading people. 

insensitive: since jeonjin is very chill and gets over things easily, she tends to be a bit insensitive. she thinks of things in her perspective when it is personal. 

passive: jeonjin is a person who accepts what happens or what others do without resistance. she'll accept the problem and won't try to resist.

tense: unlike her usual personality and outerself, jeonjin is always tense. she expects bad events to occur at any moment. she's never at rest and is always nervous. but when she's on stage, that's another story...

BACKGROUND : Jeonjin was born in Mokpo, Jeolla-Do as the oldest child in her family. she was the oldest, meaning she had to be responsible for her little brothers. her parents weren't getting along since her youngest brother was born. jeonjin tried her best to keep her little brothers distracted when her parents were fighting. she would sing them to sleep and tell them that everything was okay when she expected the worst. her parents finally divorced when she was in 7th grade. her father got custody over all three children and moved to Seoul with them. Jeonjin was always interested in music and performing arts so she tried to participate in activities related with that. Jeonjin was casted at the age of 15 by YG. She luckily auditioned and passed. She was a trainee for 2 years until she left to be a trainee at Big Hit Entertainment who offered her a better deal.

Loves rollercoasters
Her Ideal Type is a guy who has a deep or husky voice and wears a long sleeved white collar shirt
Collects Winnie The Pooh dolls and lip balms
Once practiced a whistle tone for too long and lost her voice for 3 days.
LOVES cucumbers
Eats Subway at least twice a week
has insomnia
likes coffee and tea
Thinks Junhoe is the best singer in the world

 Kang Jinhye  45  Business Woman  stubborn, fierce, talkative  Jinhye and Jeonjin were never really close since Jinhye was always working. They lost contact after her father got divorced.
Father  Choi Jeonhoon  46  Restaurant Owner  kind, considerate, moodmaker  Jeonhoon and Jeonjin are very close. They try to call each other every week and meet up once in a while. Jeonhoon always supports Jeonjin and her dreams.
Brother  Choi Jeonjoong  19  College Student  bright, outgoing, friendly  Jeonjin always tries to take care of her little brother and judges every girlfriend he has. She really cares for her little brother and feels sorry that she can't be with him all the time anymore.
Brother  Choi Jeonseok  16  Highschool Student  shy, quiet, sensitive  Jeonjin is always worrying about her quiet youngest brother. Jeonseok is very independent so Jeonjin always asks Jeonjoong to watch over him. Jeonjin is very apologetic that she didn't spend much time with him because of her training and wants to be someone he can be proud of.
Cousin  Choi Junhong  19  Idol Rapper in BAP  playful, bright, hardworking  They are very close and relate to each other since they are both in the kpop business. They will support each other no matter what.

Best Friends 
 Bobby/Kim Jiwon  20  Idol Rapper in IKON  Cheerful, loud, bold  They became close since their training years. They get along very well and Bobby always tries to get Jeonjin to loosen up.
Best Friends 
 Kim Jinhwan  21  Idol Singer in IKON  Responsible, Kind, Considerate  Since they were both YG trainees and the same age, they are the closest of friends. They both feel responsible for their group and try their best not to disappoint their team mates. 

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STAGE NAME : Jeonjin
POSITION : leader, main vocalist
BACKUP POSITION : main dancer, lead vocalist
FANCLUB NAME : Jinju (Pearls in Korean)
2 years in YG
1 year in Bighit

Jeonjin had a fairly simple trainee life. She went from school to the training center to the dorm. Jeonjin's debut was delayed in YG so she moved to Bighit. In Bighit, sha had an easy trainee life because she had already graduated highschool and learned a lot from YG.

DANCING TWIN : Red Velvet Seulgi
RAPPING TWIN : Please include link if you can. (Applies to rappers only!)

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NAME : Koo Junhoe
BIRTH DATE & AGE : 03/31/1997 & 18 

BIRTH DATE & AGE : 02/07/1994 & 21

PERSONALITY : Junhoe is a hardworking person who tries his best in everything. He can be a bit sassy with his witty comebacks and jokes. He is a caring person who can be insecure sometimes but, he fights through it. He looks scary but he is a person with a warm personality, like a teddy bear. He is really tall and has a big build, but he's really cute and sweet.

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HISTORY : They met during Jeonjin's trainee years in YG. They were close friends and often spent time after practice together.

INTERACTIONS : they meet on music programs and the rare days off. they are very close and have a crush on each other but don't take it any further because of their fear of getting caught.

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NICKNAME : Yeonsoo
ACTIVITY RATE : Every Day All the Time

COMMENTS : FORGIVE ME! I actually had a faceclaim in mind but she was an ulzzang so I couldn't use the entire idea. She was going to be Kai's older sister and blah blah blah but, I just fell in love with IKON so I couldn't use her because of the between Junhoe would be too large. I was going to make her the oldest too ㅠㅠ
SCENE REQUESTS : Weekly Idol with Mugunghwa
PASSWORD : Hangoonghwa (Hanguk + Mugunghwa) "Beautiful and Strong like a Mugunghwa! Hello! We are Mugunghwa!" 무궁화처럼 예쁘고 강하게~ 안녕하세요! 무궁화입니다!


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