〈 런닝 커플 ♡ don't walk, run! 〉ga rawon. (#EDE9F5, #C3B4E1, #E6E0F2)

ga rawon


name — ga rawon

kkoma (꼬마) - seeing as rawon looks like a kid and is as tall as one, her fans and other celebrities have given her the nickname that means "little kid."
halmoni (할머니) - because of her traditional values, her fans have coined her with an endearing nickname that means "grandma."
yulyeong rawon (유령라원) - fans noticed that she only wears white and very rarely wears other colors, so they lovingly started calling her a ghost.
e.t. (이티) - since she's 4d and quite odd at times, her fans call her e.t., or an alien.
beef soup (쇠고기 수프) - rawon is also the name of an indonesian black beef soup, so when her fans found out, they started calling her beef soup. it's ironic because she loves beef (well, i mean who doesn't, though). 

birthday — 13 december 1992. 23.

birth place — busan, south korea

hometown — busan, south korea

languages — korean (native; she was born and raised in korea, so of course she's fluent in the language)

height + weight — 162 cm + 50kg

dobibaby / shu / activity lvl: 4/5



face claim — yulhee (laboum)

backup face claimmizuki yamamoto (model)

appearance — with the familiar bounce of her bob cut and her babyface, rawon definitely doesn't look like she's 23. she's often mistaken as 15 out on the streets, and it's quite embarrassing, but rawon feels comfortable with how she looks, so she's not too keen on changing her appearance. she has milky white skin, mostly due to years of using skin whitening products, and her small face frames a set of black eyes, a thin nose, and small lips. since she's 162 cm, she's not too tall, also adding to the stipulation that she's 15, but thank god for heels, right? she has two piercings on each lobe, and really wants to get one on her cartilage, but also does not want to deal with that kind of pain. as an idol, she has to dye her hair different colors, and that has happened already, but for now, rawon is settling with a nice head of black hair. 

fashion style — rawon's style as an idol and as a regular person varies greatly. as an idol, she wears a lot of dresses, collared shirts, and practically anything girlish. she tends to wear the color white a lot, and most of her clothes have lace or some sort of design on them. she also pulls up her hair into pig tails, or wears a headband, and dons many accessories, like bracelets and necklaces. she's also mostly wearing short heels or cute sandals, even in the winter (although she doesn't know how she does it because it's freezing). whenever she gets the freedom to dress up casually, though, she leans more towards hoodies, crewnecks, simple shirts, and a pair of jeans will do for her. she often wears a pair of dirty white adidas shoes or the basic black converses. she's less fancy whenever she dresses casually, and seems to care a lot less about makeup as well. she does pull up her hair, but she just doesn't seem to put much effort in what she's wearing, but that's okay because she's comfortable in them.


traits — 
( POSITIVE ) charming, energetic, humorous, eccentric
( NEGATIVE ) childish, reckless, gullible, ignorant

personality — rawon is a 23 year old with the personality of a child - literally. she's energetic and always hyper. it's a wonder how she can be so energetic all the time, but people just think she's on a sugar high 24/7. even her members wonder how she's so hyper most of the time. rawon is also quite charming. being around her is just pleasant and lots of people think that she has a lot of charm and she's endearing. they don't know why, but maybe it's because of her silly personality that makes her appear to be more appealing to them. rawon has a great sense of humor and is probably one of the funniest in her group. she likes to make jokes, annoy her peers with puns, and just laugh a lot overall. honestly, she has such a good grasp on jokes that her company decided that she would be the one to do all the variety. it kind of helps that she's slightly eccentric, though she thinks it's a good trait of hers. fans think she's a little weird at times, but she doesn't mind because she's having fun. she talks to cameras, has staring contests with animals, and does a lot more peculiar things, but that's okay because it's funny, and helped to create her alien-like personality. 
however, rawon can be a little bit too childish for her own good. she is quite immature at times and a little too silly as well. her leader often scolds her for being too childish, saying that she has to be serious once in a while, but for rawon, it seems to be impossible. no matter what she does, she ends up doing it childishly, and some adults just want to wring her neck for being so immature. rawon is also reckless as heck. she doesn't think before she does, and only focuses on the present time, instead of the future. she's not really concerned about the consequences of her actions, and her motto is "live in the present," which her members always get annoyed at because they always have to reprimand her for being too careless. she also is very gullible and anything you tell her will probably end up being believed. even if you tell her something so outrageously stupid, she will gasp and say "wow! really?" her friends and family always laugh at her being gullible, but she's a little self-conscious about it. rawon is also slightly ignorant, as she just isn't aware of some things. she lacks common sense, and a lot of people have to teach her basic things, but with things like politics or economics, rawon is really ignorant with that type of stuff. her worst subjects in school were politics and economics, so whenever people talk about the government or money, she doesn't really get what they're talking about, and seems to be a little oblivious to it. despite that, rawon does work hard as an idol, and she's still a youthful, charming lady.


background —
rawon was born to ga hanhyuk and sooin during a bitter winter. she was their blessing, and the two really cherished her because she is their first born. they decided to name her rawon, and she grew up beautifully. her parents wanted her to have a musical background, so they enrolled her into piano lessons when she was 5, and although she wasn't that good at sitting still, she managed to properly play the instrument. when she was 6, her younger brother, dongchul, was born, and all of her parent's attention shifted from her to him, so she wasn't quite pleased with that, and honestly hated him for a while (though she loves him now). however, her parent's love was now divided into two, so rawon would always attempt to gain it back by constantly practicing the piano. now that she thinks about it, it was quite embarrassing, but it was the foundation for her current love for music, so she doesn't mind. even after a while, she stopped blaming her newborn brother for taking away the attention of her favorite mom and dad, and even grew to love him after he first uttered her name. as the years went by, she continued playing piano, even though she quit, due to lack of practice time and school responsibilities. despite that, she kept on learning new things and challenging herself to write songs, which progressively got better as her grasp on music became better.
when she became 14, rawon discovered a newfound love for a genre called rap. she first listened to a song made by yoon mirae and just fell in love. she aspired to be like her and to rap like that, so she began writing lyrics. they weren't good at first, albeit they were made purely out of effort, so she was proud of them. every time she heard a beat, she would practice freestyle and making sure that her flow was good, and whenever she was in the shower, she would secretly rap to the beat in her head. embarrassingly enough, she also made a soundcloud account where she would rap and post covers and original songs on, documenting her journey on the road to rap. two years later, she had vastly improved on her rapping skills, but she still felt like she was lacking. honestly, her dream was to do something that involved music, so she decided to be an idol, and when she was going to the yg auditions, a cube employee scouted her, and instead directed her to the cube auditions. she gave it a try and showcased her skills, which landed her a trainee position at cube ent. her parents weren't so happy with the fact that she actually became a trainee, but later agreed to the idea when they saw how hard working she was, in an attempt to actually make her dreams come true.

after four years of blood, sweat, and tears, cube finally debuted a girl group, and luckily, rawon made it in the mix. she was paired with five other girls: kim dahyun, jung woolhee, lee minae, lee seoji, and jang haeun. their group was called platinum, and rawon, obviously, was the main rapper, vocalist, and face of the group, since she seemed to be the one best fit for varieties. they debuted with the album "petit macaron," and their popularity slowly grew. most of their popularity came from rawon being on variety shows because her 4d personality brought a lot of attention to the group, so cube naturally chose her to be the one to go on varieties the most. after a year of getting their name out there, platinum released another album called "sugar sugar," which received a more positive impact than "petit macaron." after seeing that sales were good, the girls released another album a few months later, which was entitled "aalow aalow." due to rawon's constant attempts in bringing the girls into the spotlight, they have found a piece of security that they could work with. 

sweets - rawon has an immense sweet tooth and her favorite are chocolate brownies. it saddens her whenever she has to go on a diet because she always has to give them up. (cue rawon's sad face)
lattes - she likes sweet tastes over bitter, so obviously, she can't quite drink regular coffees. lattes, which are a sweeter alternative, are much better for her taste buds. 
variety shows - rawon is the variety member of her group, so she's the one that's always sent out to do them. they're really fun, so she enjoys them every time; she really wanted to go on running man ever since her debut. 
street foods - whenever rawon goes out on the streets of hongdae or somewhere else, she always has to get some street foods. ddeokbokki, kimbap, and sweet potato sticks are some of her absolute favorite snacks to buy.
scented candles - rawon always lights a candle when she's in the dorm, and her favorite scents are fruity ones that smell "tropical." 
romance novels and movies - rawon loves to read romance novels and watch movies, and embarrassingly enough, she sometimes wishes for some of that stuff to happen to her as well. she can be quite a hopeless romantic at times. 

dislikes — 
vegetables - rawon doesn't like the taste of vegetables, so she doesn't like to eat them much, but dahyun always has to force feed her some. 
bitter tastes - since rawon loves sweets the way she does, so bitter things aren't her favorite at all. she honestly feels like gagging whenever it enters .
energy drinks - rawon doesn't like drinking energy drinks because whenever she does, her muscles always tense up, and it's not a comfortable feeling, so she tends to avoid them whenever possible.
slow/no wifi - rawon depends on the internet like it's her life, so whenever she has slow internet or no internet at all, she tends to be a little agonized about that.
reptiles - she's scared of things with scales, so snakes and lizards don't bode well with her. the only reptile she can handle are turtles, honestly.
seeing blood - rawon tends to be quite squeamish whenever she sees blood or body parts, so whenever it's on medical dramas, she just shuts her eyes and waits for it to stop.

hobbies — 

jogging - rawon honestly at exercising with weights or certain machines, but jogging is one of her favorite exercises, so she does it every morning.
writing raps - rawon is the main rapper, so she's always writing raps in her spare time to improve on her work.
facetiming her friends - she loves talking to people, so she always facetimes someone whenever she can. whenever she's out on variety shows alone, she likes to facetime her members while she's in her dressing room.

habits — 
nervous - whenever rawon is nervous, she tends to bite on the inside of her cheek or lip.
sleep - rawon has a habit of falling asleep anywhere, even when she's standing up, so she has to be extra careful whenever she's on broadcast.
tapping her foot - whenever she feels a good beat, rawon has a habit of tapping her foot to follow the beat or making a tempo.


trivias — 
blood type - rawon has type o positive blood.
favorite boy band - sticking true to her agency, rawon's favorite boy bands are btob and b2st, who she admits has some pretty great songs. 
social media - rawon has an instagram, snapchat, and twitter, all of which have the username @platinumrawon
ideal type - rawon's ideal type would probably have to be someone like exo's suho; he's her favorite member.
license - she has a driver's license, but she barely uses it because her manager is usually the one to drive her everywhere.
pets - rawon has a pet beagle named clover, whom she's desperately in love with. he lives in the dorm with the girls.

foods- rawon can eat any type of food, but her favorites are korean and italian. 
chores - rawon hates doing chores; she's good at washing dishes, but taking out the trash is her weakness and she hates it.
samsung - rawon has a strange obsession with samsung products. she swears by the galaxy phones and although she was interested in apple products a few times, she just can't take her heart away from samsung phones.
face masks - rawon follows the one mask a day practice where she wears a face mask everyday, and swears by it religiously. 
stuffed animals - despite being 23, rawon loves stuffed animals with a passion, and has a bunch of hamster stuffed animals on her bed. hamsters are her favorite animal of all time, by the way. they're just so adorable to her.
muay thai - when she was younger, rawon did muay thai until she quit when she was 12. 

arm wrestling champion - rawon is quite good at arm wrestling and beats most girls at it.

glasses - rawon  has a pair of glasses that are shaped like harry potter glasses, but she very rarely wears them. they only appear when her company makes her. 
purple - rawon loves the color purple; it's her favorite.
pokemon - ever since she was young, rawon would always play the pokemon games, and even now she does. honestly, she could probably name all of them if you quizzed her.
dramas - although rawon's favorite tv show category will always be variety shows, she does find enjoyment in watching dramas. they're quite interesting and time always seems to go by faster whenever she's watching a particularly good one.
braces - when she was a kid, she didn't have the straightest of teeth, so she had to have braces for about 4 years, but even now, she still has to wear her retainer about once a week.
direction - rawon has no sense of directions and she can still get lost with the guide of a map or gps, so never trust her with directions if you love yourself. 
traditions - rawon is the type of girl who believes in fulfilling traditions, so she's kind of old-fashioned sometimes. she's even called a grandma by her fans.


family — 

father | ga hanhyuk (fc: lee bumsoo) | he's the endearing father of ga rawon and ga dongchul. honestly, he looks like the type of dad to coddle his children, and he is. whenever rawon or dongchul is sick, he makes them soup and whenever their birthdays come, he makes sure to make a delicious seaweed soup that would knock their socks off. hanhyuk has kept all of their drawings, awards, and certain schoolwork, which he looks at from time to time just because. when rawon wanted to become an idol, he supported her dreams fully, but when she became a trainee, he saw her less and less, which upset him. from time to time, he sees her on tv and makes sure to call her and tell her all about it. he truly is a doting father, and even though rawon and dongchul get slightly embarrassed about it at times, he does mean well. whenever he tries to talk to rawon's members or dongchul's friends, though, he attempts to be a cool dad and ends up making the ga siblings cringe, but their members and friends always end up laughing, so he continues to do it. as expected from him, he's quite overprotective of his kids and whenever they find someone they like, he always has to know and approve them.  | 50

— mother | ga sooin (fc: lee boyoung) | she's the loving mother of ga rawon and ga dongchul. since their father is more relaxed and easygoing with the siblings, she's the strict one that puts everyone in order. she's a firm lady who makes sure her kids are happy and safe, and tends to be a little overbearing at times. sooin wants the best for her kids and is always looking out for them. when rawon wanted to become an idol, she was against the idea at first because everyone knows that idols are always starved and overworked, so why would rawon want to even think about that type of profession? after some time though, her mother saw her large interest in being an idol, so she reluctantly allowed her to audition. since rawon doesn't have many chances to come home, seeing her on tv gets sooin very excited and she ends up recording the episode to watch again, just becuase she misses her daughter that much. the two keep in touch by texting on kakao, and sooin is always filling rawon in on what's happening in the household, like how her father is endearingly watching one of her music videos or how her brother is busy denying the lie that he doesn't miss his sister. although she is a strict mom, she's also a very tender and loving one as well. | 48

— younger brother | ga dongchul (fc: lee jongsuk) | he's the annoying younger brother of ga rawon, whom she dotes and wants to beat up all at the same time. he's still in high school, so rawon likes to about having to go to school, but then he fires back cannons on how he's a dilligent student, unlike her (which was totally not true, but rawon has to generously give him the win because he's a brat, unfortunately). despite that, the two rarely see each other because of her schedules, so whenever they do, he's quite happy and content. every time she texts him, stating that she's going to come back, he gets a little excited, although he doesn't show it all too much (but rawon gets secret information from her mom, wink wink). since he's still in high school, rawon desperately tries to hide the fact that he's her brother, so that he doesn't get chased around by his peers, demanding to see her, and dongchul is quite good at keeping the secret too. he tells rawon that whenever his classmates talk about her, he feels quite adventurous saying that she's probably an annoying chipmunk in real life - which is totally not true. despite that, rawon can't help but love her cheeky younger brother. | 17


friends — 

member | kim dahyun | dahyun is the leader and lead vocalist of platinum because she's the oldest and the one that has trained the longest. she's a responsible leader with an educated head on her shoulders, and if she didn't become an idol, she probably would have become a teacher or someone of a respected profession. dahyun keeps the girls in check, especially rawon, who's the rowdiest among the bunch. she truly is a good leader with a strong love for music, which can be seen by the fact that she's constantly in the studio practicing and composing music.  | 24

member | jung woolhee | woolhee, whose stage name is rae, is the main dancer and vocalist of platinum. she's usually the one making up the cheoreography for the girls to learn, and her passion is driven towards popping and locking. whenever dahyun is sick, woolhee is the one leading them, and she's pretty darn good at it. though she's not a serious leader, she does try to lead while having fun, so her being the leader at times can be quite... interesting. woolhee genuinely cares for the girls and if anyone insults one of them, they're going to have a beating from her. | 24


member | lee minae | minae, also known as minnie, is the visual of the group and the rapper/vocalist. she's slightly immature at times and tends to be short-tempered as well, but she's meticulous and careful with what she does. that's why she's the member that's never had a scandal ever, and honestly, she's probably the most innocent member. minae can be a lot to handle at times, especially when she's being whiny and demanding, but she truly does care a heck lot about her members and is always working hard for them. | 23


member | lee seoji | seoji, also known by her stage name of sujin, is the main vocalist of platinum, and like dahyun, she's very into music. she sings on the daily and even covers songs in her free time, and not to mention, she's the member that gets the most offers for recording an ost soundtrack. she may be one of the youngest members, but she has a lot ahead of her, and is quite talented in what she does. she might be a little ditzy and clueless at times, but you can't deny that she's a good singer. | 22


member | jang haeun | jang haeun, the maknae, lead dancer, and lead rapper of platinum is a rambunctious 22 year old with the heart of a 10 year old. she and rawon are the most playful ones in the whole group, but if she really gets down to work, everyone can see that she works quite hard to achieve her goals. she might have moments where she dances lazily or has a frown on her face, but no one can deny that even though she's the maknae, she certainly works as hard as the older members, as well. | 22


friend | seo eunkwang | if you've ever met seo eunkwang, you would probably know that he's one of the weirdest people to ever walk the earth. he compliments rawon's eccentric personality, and they are commonly nicknamed as the two aliens. occasionally, the two will meet up for coffee or a meal and enjoy some time together; since eunkwang is older than her, he takes care of her a lot and even though he may not show it, he is like her older brother. rawon may not say it out loud, but she's lucky to have someone like eunkwang to lean on; he's a good role model, cheers her up when she's down, and is a good friend in general. what would she do without him? | 25


friend | son dongwoon | since dongwoon is also in her agency and is around her age, she's good friends with him too. he's practically like another eunkwang to her, albeit he's not as wild as him, but he's caring, deals with her even during the bad times, and is always there to encourage her. whenever rawon is feeling down in the dumps about being an idol, dongwoon is always there to cheer her up and listen to her problems. despite not being as funny as eunkwang, he's also like the understanding older brother, which rawon appreciates very much. she loves going out to eat with him just to talk about what's going on and just talking in general; it's always soothing to talk to him. | 24



— n/a

My other half... sort of

love interest — yoo youngjae (bap)

backup love interest — sungyeol (infinite)


personality — 
( POSITIVE ) intelligent, easygoing, honest, intuitive
( NEGATIVE ) blunt, fickle, irritable, moody

yoo youngjae is a brainiac that seems to be moody at all times, but there's a lot of layers to this er. he's intelligent, for one. he never has to try to retain information and studying comes naturally for him. he is well-educated and he's the type of person that you just ask, why couldn't he be stupider? he's also an easygoing kind of guy, and doesn't like being too fixed on life, and having a schedule that's not a work schedule is just not his thing. he tends to go with the flow a lot and is laidback with everything. youngjae is as honest as it gets, since it's one of his morals to be honest. he cannot tell a lie, and it's quite endearing how honest he can really be. hiding secrets is a horrible experience for him, mostly because it just kills his insides, having to hide something from others. that's probably why not many trust him with their secrets, sigh. youngjae is intuitive, though, and guesses things without having people tell him directly. he can decipher clues and hints and usually can understand situations, even if he doesn't know what's happening. he can't explain it, but he just gets things without even having to have the context for it. 

despite his good traits, though, yoo youngjae is a brat. it ties in with his honesty, but he's blunt as heck. sometimes, the things that comes out of his mouth aren't so nice, but he can't help it; he blames it on his inability to lie, but everybody knows that's just an excuse for him being blunt. he's also really fickle with everything. his food, his clothes, his hairstyle, practically everything. he has certain likes and dislikes, and prefers that he doesn't get in contact with the things he dislikes. and if he just so happens to, he refuses to acknowledge it, pretending like it doesn't exist, which tends to annoy his mom all the time, but hey, youngjae's youngjae. he's also irritable at times, and a little thing can just set him off. he tends to be a little short and sharp with people whenever he's being irritable, but it's just a phase, really. he's a moody kind of guy, and his emotions change a lot (but he's not bipolar). one moment, he's happy and the next, he's feeling slightly annoyed, and then happy again. it's like a random cycle, but despite that, youngjae is truly a genuine individual with many strengths, along with his weaknesses. 

relationship — since they never really had a chance to meet, running couple was their first time ever seeing each other in person. of course, rawon didn't think of it as awkward because she's quite friendly and isn't too scared of people, so it's easy to talk to them. youngjae, on the other hand, was contemplating on how he was going to treat her. she was 4d and those are usually the most random people on earth. the whole day was quite tiring for him; he was doing missions while both interacting with a girl that he had just met that day, so of course it was exhausting. although he felt like he still didn't know her that well, he was certainly more relaxed around her because he was starting to get a sense on how she worked. her charismatic and energetic personality complimented his rather easygoing and more lax one, which made him feel quite eased while doing the missions. as they see each other more, the pair gradually begin to understand each other and slowly form feelings. because the two are shy with pda, they don't show it much, but rawon can usually just tell what's on youngjae's mind just by looking at him. because youngjae is so irritable and moody at times, he tends to make sharp comments with rawon, who butts back with her own reply, causing the two to get real annoyed with each other, and then they start to try to take revenge on the other, while also completing their mission (it's kinda weird, but that's what they do). usually, when they do that, they bump into each other purposely, they flick and pinch each other's arms, etc. fortunately though, they usually make up by the end of the day. although youngjae isn't one to show his emotions all too often, he does subtly try to show that he cares for her and he's always watching out for her. rawon doesn't realize it, but he's always making sure she's comfortable and happy (despite them fighting sometimes).

"please support my girls, platinum! thank you."

comments/suggestions — nice story <33 sorry for taking forever with my app bc im so lazy with apps in general HAHA i hope you like rawon and her eccentric self :-)

scene requests
-some interactions w/ dongchul and his fav sister pls ;-) 
-idk maybe rawon posting a picture of her and youngjae on all of her social media HAHA
-rawon facetiming her members with youngjae next to her hehe
-rawon meeting bap maybe? :-) or vice versa haha
-youngjae first being confused on how to interact w/ rawon because of her 4d personality

passwordrunning couple

turn in — back to the story


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