O_o (+ karma gifting!)

Okay, so I have been very slow about some things... like what's going on in the cyber world~ (Stupid internet is not working, and school has been keeping me too busy. -_-)

But I was just looking at the AFF twitter page and realized the whole SOPA/PIPA issue thing. I admit I have NO clue as to what on EARTH THAT IS, BUT it seems (okay imma sound like a COMPLETE BABO here... TAE TAE DON'T TEASE ME!!!!! *whines*) like if you're outside of the US and trying to log on here, it won't work...? like you won't be able to...? WTH?! -______-

Okay, like I could be totally wrong here because like I said.... I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON. -__-


On the plus side....




Haha, I so am about to do that! Prepare to be gifted wonderful karma some wonderful people out there!!! xD


What else...??

Oh... I am having major writers block, so if any of my wonderful subbers can help me out.... I'll promise to update ASAP! ^^ (plus there's that whole karma-gifting thing~ *hint hint nudge nusge wink wink*)


AND.... are we supposed to pull things off the internet (pictures, links, etc) that aren't ours? Okay, well that seems kinda obvious, BUT THEN AGAIN.... I WAS SO THERE WHEN MY BIAS' DID CONCERTS, CFS AND WERE... doing other things. lol. I don't know what to say....Pffffttttt....... -_-

Oh... maybe I just credit them? blush


ooh.... apparently I am about to eat caprese salad... YUMMY!!! lol, k yea that was totally random... ^.^


Okay, (lol, omg there is a speck of something right above the the comma that looks like a period, so i kept typing and deleting the comma, thinking  it was a semicolon. xD ) I will now go gift some karma, respond to comments, create some outfits on Polyvore, maybe shop around a little while I'm there and... go look for a dress to wear to my friends upcoming black-tie/prom/whatever par-tayyyyy!!!! lol.


Byeeeeeee!!!!! xD


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