On writing fanfictions


(excuse me for becoming a philosopher and writing down random my mind comes up with every day)

Now, you can't tell me that: 'I just can't write a fanfiction. I'm not good.'

There are only two options for people to not start writing: They either don't want to or feel too scared of criticism.
Let me tell you something: People who write fanfictions weren't  born with talent (no, I'm not saying I'm talented, don't get me wrong)

We learn to write. My first fanfiction was actually. Want me to tell you how I started writing?
One day the idea just hit me: "Oh, that would be something great to rea----why don't I just write it?"
And it was basically a story that was going with the flow. I didn't have the plot made up in my head...I just let it go.
It was called "Dirty Minds" I was writing it in Bulgarian and uploading it as video clips on a Bulgarian video platform. Each episode 3-4 minutes.
There weren't any details and what the chapters included was Kibum finding Jonghyun's diary and reading his dirty thoughts then Jonghyun chasing after him to '' *kidding* to turn Kibum gay. It was stupid, see?

So what it takes is being brave for a moment, giving faith to your imagination and posting something.

Then you start learning. I've improved my writing style since then, I can say. I learned to include more details, to make the action go slower and don't allow things to become too silly. AND I IMPROVED MY ENGLISH, HEY...That's a lot isn't it?
So if you really wanna start writing fanfictions, go for it!
There's no one who has the rights to tell you that you can't....After all with your account you can do whatever you please.
I needed time to learn so don't get upset if you don's success with the first story. My first one had 24 subscribers and I was really happy with that.

This was an advisory post. So reading was optional...Reading blog-posts is always optional LOL.



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daddy-jjong #1
my first fic was in late 2013 and it was ~200 words long :')
I remember my first fic, LOL, I was so happy when I had gotten 1 subscriber! (My writing in my first fic was absolutely horrid I tell you, especially since I hated English) This is more than understandable and it's so true. I was so bad a writing in the beginning, but as the years came by you pick up the writing habits of those you've read and you end up making your own style of writing.
Jongkeyra #3
the problem is im too lazy and school is being a -__-