Happy New Year's!

Hey everyone!

Happy New Year's to you! Another year actually just flew by! It seems like just yesterday it was January 2015 and now here we are, the end of December, going into the 1st of January. Yay!!!! *dances and throws confetti*

For me, the year 2015 was a year full of complications. I've made many mistakes and I've come to learn from them. I've been very active as a writer, and very inactive as a writer. It's just been one hell of a crazy ride this year. 2015 was the year of a crazy 25 year old. And as many of you can see from my profile, my birthday is also coming up in January...it's Kaisoo day! That's right, January 13th. 2016 will make the beginning of the rest of my life. I'll be 26 years old, working on completing my Master's in Mental Health Counseling, struggling to make money and continue on with my love for Kpop.

I hope you all had a better year than I have! I hope you learned many new things and have grown as a person (hopefully for the better).  I want to wish you and your family all a Happy New Year and I'll see you all in 2016!

Oh, and no, I have no resolution for this year because I always fail at them. I did have one resolution of being more active in my writing, which new fics are coming, but we shall see....

Anyway! Happy New Year's everyone!!!!!!!

Love you all!!!!!



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affgaga #2
wow! we share the same month, mine is on the 18th, happy bday in advance ^.^
PixieChick101 #3
Wow we're both born in January! Mines is the 29th. Good lucl on getting you master's and happy new year
kemy13 #4