Next Project

I honestly bite off more than I can chew. 

Once I finish Let's Take It Up A Notch and Park Jimin, You're Mine, there will be a new writing released. 

Already got the idea and plot out, all that's left is to draft the chapters physically. 

Honestly, its a project. I call it a project because it's as big and complicated as Will You Still Love Me..

I think that Will You Still Love Me is the most successful of my three works, only because it's the most serious. So if you liked that one, then I think you will like my next work. It will be jsut as complicated, if not more ( I think it's more complicated, haven't gotten to the details yet). 

Lots of details...lots of themes...lots of ish. 

Anyways, just something to let you guys know since you are following me and know that i actually blog on here. 

Thanks again<3



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Hopehope94 #1
just what is in your brain? lol is the next project about jihope too? (okay sorry for being a Jihope's ing trash xD)