A Key post that killed me.


Tumblr is HILARIOUS. Well.. NO DUH.

But this killed me.

  • science lesson: some key points are-
  • me: KEY?
  • english lesson: he continued, "where's the house keys-"
  • me: KEY?
  • math lesson: how would the key fit-
  • me: KEY?
  • history lesson: he carried a brass key-
  • me: KEY?
  • art lesson: the reflection of the light from the key-
  • me: KEY?
  • health lesson: so we're going to learn about
  • me: ..Key


LMAOO. Omg they forgot French. Well, since it's a must to learn french in Canada, i know it.

Qui is who in French. And it's pronounced as... YOU GUESSES IT.


  • french lesson: qui est-ce-
  • me: KEY.

LMAO. I swear, my teacher mentioned Qui(Key) like 10+ times that lesson. ROFL.



key why you so keyute? ... TT 


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lol. XD
im like that too.
i remember my little freshman, she like shinee too and i didnt know her as much and she sat two seats behind me in the bus and she said key (did i mention i had my headphones one anyways) i quickly turn around and was like, KEY!!!!
xxshiningshineexx #2
Lol. I'm the exact same XD