Had a loverly Christmas~ first day back at work.


Well I had a loverly Christmas and got my first car as a secret surprise present from my whole family, that was my massive present while I got a polaroid camera which is another thing I didn't even know I was getting cause of how pricey they are, but I got a pink one and its the most adorable thing in the world!!! 

I however along with my mother became sick from the food we ate at a family members, I normally am fine with the persons cooking but one thing didn't go right with me and her so we have been sick since yesterday *pout* and it's sunday I do 9am-1pm and 3pm-6pm for my job and I am feeling so bad right now that I don't want to move....but I need the cash for my trip and other expenses for my daily life such as food for myself at college and clothes and photography supplies...I don't like to use my mothers money as we are struggling to get by due to her being a single parent and possibably having MS well that's what they believe she has. shes currently having tests done. So I am a carer to her when she has an episode and needs her meds which then makes it more difficult for me to focus on my college work and I need to get money in for myself so I can feed and take care of myself, I often have to care for my brother as well since he is younger than me and can't work yet. So basically I have to work to not only earn money for myself but for my family. 

I feel sick as hell but I have to go to work...someone send me strawberry milkshake with a massive teddy I just want to cuddle hehe.

Okay I better go now, have a loverly day and did you all have a loverly christmas and eat lots of yummy food~


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