E-ternal App Part 2

Past life before trainee:

What was your school/ work place before you went to the audition?: Seoul National University

If you had work before, what is it part-time job or not?:

If you went to school before you went to the audition, what kind of school was it and how was your grades?: University

A+s & As

What’s your favorite subject at school?: Performing Arts, English and Chinese

What’s the most subject you hate/weak at?: Maths

Are you a social type in school or normal or a loner?: Social type

If you do, tell what kind of person your crush was and do tell his/her name: He is a nice person that likes to help people. He is also very cute and loves doing aegyos. He is somebody that will listen to all your problems and will offer you a shoulder to cry on.

Were your family/friends oppose your decision on auditioning?:  Yes. His family objected it.

Past love life:

Have you ever fallen in love before?: Yes

Were you and your past crush were lover or just crushes?: Crush

Tell me his/her name?:  Chae Jinseok

What was his/her personality?: He’s a very nice, caring and a cute person. He never fails to make the person smile and will do everything he can just to help the person

What kind of job he had?: Trainee

Have you two met again?: No not yet


What kind of person you want to be your lover?: A nice, caring and a cute person. A person who can make me smile and will do anything to make me happy. A person who I can lean on

How does he acts towards you?: I don’t know I don’t have a lover yet XD

How do you act towards that person?: Awkward and nice

Have you ever met before both of you went to the audition?: Yes

If yes, where and when?: On the streets on the way to the audition place

What type of love story you like? : Drama, love triangle


What do you usually do after practice?: Play computer/ surf internet

Do you like long hour practice or normal hour practice?: Long

Usually, what do you do during practice break?: Check he’s phone.

Dorm Life:

What type of team mate you like to hang out with?: A fun and loving person. A person that is cool.

How do you act with your team mate that you’re close with, in the dorm?: Hold hands, put hands around shoulders, kisses cheek.

How does your team mate act towards you in dorm?: Same way (:

What do you usually do in the dorm?: Play computer, talk to roommate

Do you have a sleeping habit?: No

If you do, what is it?:


What do you like to do before going on sage to perform?: Check his phone and post pictures and talks to friends before going on.

Do you make friends with the coordinators or PD’s?: Yes

Do you usually make ruckuses before/after you performed?: No

How do you act in a reality show?: Honest, fun loving, funny

What kind of reality show you like to shoot? [choose 1 only]

[ ] hello baby

[ ] idol maid

[X] sesame player

[ ] others

If others, suggest what reality show it is: 


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