You and I [ Poem ]

Trapped to the past
Refused to let it go

Its so precious---
why did you all act like it was over ?

Did they means nothing ?

I closes my eyes, and those who use that name is no longer you
You who i known-- You who share moment of my life

where are you now ?

I miss you to the death 
Yet, that person who standing in front of me 
With the same face and voice, is "Not" you

Did you who i know is the real one ?
Did you fake it. 

Because the "Me" you've know since beginning 
IS not even the real me 

This insane Game that we played
Is like drug
So addicting... 
It ruin us
IT give us a happiness in short time 
and Scar in the next moment 

Who are you ? Who i am ? 
No one know .
But one thing that i know 
You and I share the same moment even just for a while


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nghtsaturday #1
*coughs* ....
I dont even know why i find this so cheesy hahahaha