Dreaming of you

Who would thought that i will still dream about my playboy chinese ex boyfriend  i know that i dont  have anymore feelings for him but wae would i even dream about him this is insane.  

Does  dreaming about him means something or what ? Aish i'm going crazy  here broken heart


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LoveDG247 #1
haha I think its normal to have dream about your ex...
even tho I never been in a relationship before :P
But i have weirder dream....about me being in a relationship with a guy that I don't know in my dreams which always give me goosebump...LOL I'm so weird having weird dreams these days LOL
1say16 #2
@Mykoreanguy- you think so? :)
1say16 #3
@xxkpop -thanks
@Cupcakpanda- really anyway thanks
@TVXQcassie123-Well his being sweet to me in my dream but in real life he is not that sweet
@morge0920411-haha it's ok :)
@kyu_lover-4ever- maybe i just cant seem to like dreaming about him it just brings back the unwanted feelings i feel for him but thanks anyway :)
Well, things happen like that. It's just the brain's problem, even if it's a past life thingy, it somehow still thinks about it and make you dream something about it or make you think about it
Or in other ways to say it, you might have some feelings DEEP DEEP DEEP inside you that you can't see
morge0920411 #5
hmmm. its your deep conscious,... haha.. sorry... i shouldnt talk psychology things... hehe.. my teacher might scold me, saying "you still dont have any degree to counsel someone... wait till you graduate.." ehehe..
I think it means that your ex boyfriend is thinking about you.what did you dream about?
My mom used to tell me that when you dream about someone(especially a boy)it means that they're thinking about you before they/you go to bed.
When you love someone, it's hard to just forget about them~
Just how life works xD
Hang in there! :)
1say16 #9
maybe 7 1/2 years of being together hmm maybe ur right
Maybe your feeling lonely and miss the god times you had with him???? Cause there oughta be some good times, right???
1say16 #11
it's been 2 years thou we broke up after my 19th bday
1say16 #12
really omo is it really natural to dream about ur ex i mean its so weird :(
tralalaHaeRa #13
Maybe you still haven't gotten over him. :))