≈LIKE I'M ON TV.º Kim Yubin || Kim Possible



Yubin : KIM Yubin


nanaxxo : yeonsoo : 10/10




full name : Kim yubin


other NAME(s) : none
nickname(s) : 
binnie ; by her boyfriend
spygirl; because she super badass ; by friends


birthdate : August 14, 1997 (age: 18)


birthplace : daegu, south korea


hometown : daegu, south korea.


ethnicity : korean


languages : 
English ; she studying it but isn't fluent. she still has an accent but her boyfriend thinks it's cute.




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what makes me beautiful




faceclaim : gfriend umji


backup : gfriend eunha


height & weight : 157.5 cm & 50 kg


bloodtype : ab


style : she likes to wear simple clothes like t chirts and jeans. she also likes leather jackets to punk up her style. she looks very cute but likes to weat punky clothes.




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this is me




traits :
positive: sweet, cheerful, loyal, hardworking, active
neutral: spontaneous, bold

negative: fierce, agrressive, blunt


personality : 
SWEET: yubin is really cute and sweet. she's nice to everyone that she likes and is considerate. she thinks of others before herdself.she's mannerful and friendly.
cheerful: yubin is cheerful. she tries to be bright and happy all the time. she is normally seen smiling.
loyal: yubin will always stick to you unless you show her disloyalty. she'll defend you and even get rid of her pride for you. 
hardworking: yubin is hardworking. she'll do her best even if she doesn't want to. she manages to juggle a lot of activities together and still finishes all of her tasks.
active: yubin is always seen doing something. she likes to be busy or have something to do at all times. it keeps her life interesting.

spontaneous: yubin has random thoughts that pop up so she just goes witth the flow. she'll do random things that just come up to her mind.
bold: yubin likes to be bold. being quiet and shy just isn't her forte. she likes to do what she wants and even if it's a little weird.

fierce: yubin can get a little fiesty and defensive. she'll go from cheerful to snarky in a snap. she'll be sarcastic and throw in some harsh remarks.
agressive: yubin comes off a bit strong. she's a bit aggressive, attacking mentally and physically. she scares off the weak and shy.
blunt: yubin will say things that are hurtful and tactless. she'll say things that aren't too smooth or sweet. she's blunt. she says and does what she wants.


background : yubin was born in a household in daegu filled with men, her mother being the only woman other than yubin. since she was around so many men, she was very active. her personality was rough and prickly. but, her mother always taught her to be nice. her father, being a taekwondo teacher, taught her taekwondo since yubin was 4 years old. she took out her anger on the taekwondo studio. her father wanted her to know how to fight. he treated her like a boy and thought of her as a son.yubin's mother always argued with her father, telling him that he wasn't a good example for yubin. they would always fight. her brothers would take her outside to get away from the fighting. inyubin's second year of middle school (7th grade) yubin's parents filed a divorce. yubin would always pray thta her parents would get back together, but in her heart she knew that was never going to happen. her mother won custody over her father and kicked her father out of their house. yubin kept contact with her father but drifted apart. she still used the fighting skills he taught her. she moved to a different taekwondo studio and even tried out for her high school's cheerleading squad on her first year. she surprised everyone with her flexibility. Yubin is very curvy and still has baby fat on her face. she's short but she doesn't mind because she always uses it as an advantage. she looks very stiff but is really. really. flexible.




likes : spicy food, food, candy, animals, taekwondo, cheerleading, physical education, the color blue, studying, singing, flowers


dislikes : disloyalty, ghosts, birds, sour things, chocolate


hobbies : taekwondo, singing, cheerleading, reading,dancing, writing.


habits : crossing her legs, cracking her joints


trivia : 
- loves dogs and cats
- has a job as a waitress
- loves lollipops
- calls her friends once a week
- goes to library once every two days.
- favorite season is fall.
- has had a couple fights and has always won.
- is not afraid of bbugs.
- likes staying up late
- weakness: wants to help everyone.




we're all here to help




family : 
mother; kim Yujin ; age 50; works at the supermarket
father; kang kibum ; 52; taekwondo teacher
older brother; kim seokjin; 24; college graduate; works at a pub

They have a supportive relationship. seokjin doesn't like his little sister meddling in her spy activities but will support her. yubin admires how stable her brother's life is and loves his girlfriend.
older brother; kim namjoon; 22; college student; waitor
Namjoon adores yubin and always tries to "protect" her even though she's a better fighter. they're like brothers. they have this weird language that they created when they were younger. (two grunts means that they want the other person to pass the snacks) They also have this eye language/ signals that only they seem to understand. they also have a secret handshake.
older brother; kim taehyung ; 20; college student; works at bakery
he's weird. she's weird. taehyung and yubin go out to do weird things and come up with new food combos like doritos and ketchup. taehyung finds yubin's spy life really cool and always begs her to take him with her. he also tries to scare off her crushes.


friends : 
park mina; best friends
they bonded over their mutual love of dance. they like to go to hongdae and do random dances on the streets. mina currently doesn't know about ubin's spy life and just thinks that she's busy with her job.
choi seungcheol; friends
after yubin beat seungcheol at basketball, they became friends. their competitive natures always makes them challenge each other. it's a friendly comeptition but if you interfere...
jeon wonwoo; best friends
Wonwoo and yubin became friends because seungcheol introduced him to her. he's usually caught in between the crossfire of seuncheol and yubin's competitions.


others : 
Im shigon; enemies    (shego from kim possible)
shin daekyun; enemies    (doctor drakken from kim possible)





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getting to know you more




character quote : "if you're happy then i'm happy"


plotline : kim possible #7


progress : she's understanding that she can't help everyone after she fails to help someone in a mission which she really couldn't doing anything about. of course jihoon helped her get over it.


conclusion : she'll mature a bit more by admitting that she can't help everyone in front of Jihoon and Jihoon will tell her that he's proud of her. She'll barely make it in time for the graduation ceremony and graduate high school




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WE'll make it work




love interest : seventeen woozi


backup love interest : seventeen jeonghan




personality : sweet, affectionate, passionate, hardworking, passive, tense, restless


first meeting : they first met in physical education when woozi/jeonghan accidentally shot their volleyball to yubin's court. jihoon being the cutie that he is apologizes. yubin laughs and says it's okay. jihoon blushes and goes back to his court. he gets distracted by Yubin and almost gets hit by the ball while watching her. he found her in the library later that day and stuck up a conversation.


relationship : they are very honest with each other. they trust each other and support each other no matter what. woozi/jeonghan likes to treatt yubinlike a princess. yubin likes to stare at woozi and jeonghan and tell him that he's handsome or how much hemakes her heart flutter. she likes to be a total cutie pie to him. he doesn't notice her aggresive side and when he does, he just says it'll be useful for her to defend herself.


status : dating


ending : jihoon attends college with yubin and ends up working in the "spy business" with yubin. he asks to go with yubin on a mission and yubin hesitantly lets him join. he manages to help yubin on her mission so she offers to let him join her little "spy clique" with her brothers.

HOW JIHOON FINDS OUT : when jihoon and yubin are out on their third date at the zoo, Im shigon and shin daekyun sabotages the cages' locks and lets all the animals loose. yubin has to jump into action while jihoon watches. she explains everything at a cafe near the zoo and expects him to dump her but he says it's cool and asks her more questions about the whole spy thing. he walks her home and says she's the most interesting person he's ever met and kisses her on the lips.





anything else?




comments : i hope i'm chosen!


scene request(s) : n/a


suggestion(s) : n/a


password : shinsun






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