
Hi! My name is Zen and I'm a full time NEET!

I've recently started to watch more anime since last month.

The first anime I finished was Gargantia and I will watch the second season of it!

Other animes I finished this week was Kurosuji and Michiko to Hatchin.

I finished Kurosuji seasons, book of circus and murder, recap, and specials.

The place I watch these anime in is Kiss Anime.

I've bookmarked a few anime to watch when I'm done with one and another one.

If they all get finished then I'll find other ones through genres of Historical!

Genres I most likely look into are: Demon, Shounen, Historical.

I love the ones in 1800s!

The style of that era is so pretty and everything is so interesting!

I don't just watch any episodes from the genres I said.

The plot and character development has to be really high or to my standard.

If anyone has recommendations for me, please comment below!

Alright bye!


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