How To Make Human Friends?


Well,lately,I've been thinking...What is a 'Friend'?


I think in the Hell realm...I only count Lust,Gluttony,Wrath and Pride as allies....Since they take care of me pretty well. Lust to keep healthy,Gluttony to keep healthy,Pride so that people will understand that he'll be after them for messing with his friend and Wrath to tell people not to bother me.


Then there's Envy and Greed who are just annoying...Not that I can be  bothered even to tell them but ya know. Not in a hurry to yell at them since I'll live quite a few years...


●Why do we make enimies?

●What causes friendship to end?


Meh. I don't know...

●What makes a good friend in the human world?

●How do you know if your lonely?

●Is it bad to be straightforward with your friends?

●Is it bad that you can't relate to their problems?

●How do you even KNOW your friends with them in the first place?


●What is friendship?

●What are friends?


Well,calling to all humans out there.

Answer at LEAST ONE question.

Or else Wrath will hurt you.



-  [ S l o t h - C h i I d  ]  -



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noone98 #1
I just know I'm lonely.
It's not bad to be straightforward to your friends.well, but sometimes it's really hard.that'd why until now I'm a liar.^^
Cause friendship to end are not knowing friends problem, insensitive, don't have patient.
-.-"..I think I just mumbling around Because I don't have enough experience with friendship thingy