⋆ ʀᴇᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɢɪʀʟs' ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ — bae yoobi is beautiful ⋆


yoobae : bae yoobi
roadmap : tia : 8/10
full name : bae yoobi.
other NAME(s) : n/a
nickname(s) :
• baebi/baby — frequently used by her older brother and bestfriend just because yoobi is the youngest amongst them (kwon and soyu)
• bbyu — she's a hardcore shipper of btob's yook sungjae and red velvet's joy. bbyu comes from yookjoy's couple name from the variety show called we got married. this nickname is made to identify herself as a fan. 
• yeobo — her love interest teasingly call her this because as he said hey, bae yoobi -- why not change your name to bae yeobo instead so that i can easily claim you as mine? oh my god, why am i so excited while writing this but hohoho hope this mini blurb/cliffhanger make you want to kill me for this, jk.


birthdate : october 13th, 1995.
birthplace : jeju-do, south korea.
hometown : seoul, south korea.
ethnicity : south korean.
languages :
« korean » semi fluent. because hey, not all koreans are fluent in it just because they're koreans, some still struggle, aighty.
« english » fluent. funny enough, yoobi grew up while being exposed to english since her brother loves watching english movies (and cartoons).

like a mannequin
faceclaim : soloist iu.
backup : oh my girl's seunghee. is it just me that sees seunghee as iu junior like, bro they almost look the same to me exc seunghee's eyes and maybe voice but they are almost similar to me. ;;
height & weight : 159cm, 48kg.
bloodtype : ab.
appearance : she has a tiny mole under the corner of her right eye that people regarded as her beauty marks. other than that, she always let her black/dark brown hair down or simply tie them up in a messy bun if she thinks she ca't handle the heat.
style : casual clothings such as sweaters, leggings and pair of sneakers would be her guilty pleasure. if she's attending a more formal ocassion, she would ask her bestfriend to choose for her since she got no preferance on dressing code, other than the usuals.
why am i like this?
traits : human sunshine, reliable, understanding, laidback, perfectionist, critical, spicy, bossy, secretive.
personality :
→ the human sunshine. she's literally the most idealistic lady you would even known. if you feel down, just talk to her, she will atleast dump some of her brightness onto you. she's a certified expert on making people feel better, tbh.

reliable + understanding. isn't these two traits are supposed to come off as a duo? if someone is understanding, doesn't that automatically explains how they are reliable? with her uncountable kgs of happiness, yoobi is pretty much an understanding creature. she would try her best to give reasons out of anything that happens. like, when her brother was late from picking her up from school, maybe he's stranded in traffic congestion. due to her understanding personality, people find it easier to confide into her. not literally everyone did though but those who did, they rely on her since she can keep shut while giving them emotional supports.

→  laidback. she doesn't act out rashly and rather, she would give it some time before making things to happen. staying relaxed keep her on her ground. you must be wondering why laidback is one of her neutral traits but i'll just, keep writing for now. /slapped. the good thing about her laidback persona is that she doesn't do things that can get out of hands. yet again, the bad outcome of said personality is that, she can missed on good things while activating her laidback mode on. like, when she's too relaxed on the rest of the members, she could accidentally turn them into a slacking trainee or something. (am i even making any sense right now oh gosh)

→ perfectionist. the ½ of bae yoobi's neutral traits. the + about this is that she could keep things in order since she's a perfectionist, she can't handle mess. however, when things (her perfectionist trait) can get out of control, it can irritate people. an example that hopefully can show how her perfectionist trait can irritate people : when it was raining heavily and the rest of the girls were also drenched while trying to get into the practice room + when they finally get in, the youngest members has may have forgotten to place the wet umbrellas into the right place (perhaps, a place where the umbrellas should be placed on) and so, she would simply "clean" the mess instead of rushing to do the practice as soon as she can.

critical + spicy. what is? her remarks. her words would only be coated with honesty, the harsh truth instead of sugar. when this traits tunes in, it can keep people on their place and totally change their impressions towards her. some of her old classmates couldn't stand her critical remarks that they made a very big deal out of it and so, anti-yoobi fans made their way into the pictures. it has been years since she last saw her antis but she's sure that maybe they would still hate her. she expects worst scenarios could happen during her glory debut days since some of them would still be content with hatred.

bossy. she may be one of the eldest members of the group but that doesn't exactly define how she's bossy. she's the influenced to be bossy type. since she's the youngest member in her household and amongst her inner circle, she's always the sole victim that has been ordered around (though it wasnt exactly a bad thing). so she has become bossy whenever there's younger people around her. she would make it as if she's telling them in a good way instead of directly ordering them around.

secretive. how so? especially when she's the human sunshine? well, hello and welcome to the weird earthling life of bae yoobi. she may seem as if she got nothing to lose by spreading the happy virus. the truth is, she's just acting like that just so that people don't get worried of her. she had rather keep it deep down on her guts instead of telling it out loud. bottling things up is also one of her guilty pleasures, you know? no? now you do. ehehe.

background :

past history on how she lived her life past fifteen years.
she lived and grew up in an old-fashioned bungalow house that was owned by her parents. even so, it has always been the two of them. the batman of the bae and his sidekicker, yoobinhood. okay that was lame. anyway, it was always her and her older brother who occupied the house since her parents always got posted to work in seoul.

the day she finally got her feet on the aeroplane.
only until six years ago she finally moved out jeju, not that she hates it there. it's just that, she hates the feeling of not knowing her parents condition since they were barely back home when they were in jeju. when she finally got the chance to fly to seoul, it was one of her dream place to live in, she doesn't hesitate to answer her parents with a loud, chirpy yes, sir/ma'am!

now now, let's peek into her life before she was scouted by bang ceo pd, shall we?
it was her brother who gave up his ambition on being a singer but all thanks to him, she was able to get proper lessons on perfecting her instrument/musical skills. she played the guitar since she was seven under the influence of her big brother. before she was seven, she would just sing along with her brother while he strummed the guitar. when she finally had her own room in their new house in seoul, she decorate them, turning it into a small studio of her own with a customade bed that was stuck/glued onto the table for her piano.

likes :
kids! watching or meeting them in real life, she likes kids. she enjoys watching the parenting show called the return of superman. she would squeal like a dolphin (like how the twins' mother would react whenever she came home) because the kids are just too cute for her to handle. she thought that if she ever had a younger sibling, he/she would be drowning from the unconditional love of her and her older brother.
 like most teenagers, she enjoy iced coffee and lattes. on sad and worst ocassions, she would order the bitter espresso since the bitterness itself speaks for her feelings.
→ chocolates! sugar! bubbletea! ice blended! contrary to her spicy remarks, another guilty pleasure of bae yoobi is sweetness. she enjoys matcha ice blended greentea drink as much as she love to take in hershey cookies and cream chocolate.
→ cartoons and dramas. her all-time favorite cartoon from disney would be mickey mouse, if it's not the fairytales. she enjoys watching korean drama too.
 singing and playing instruments. if she doesn't feel like doing both, she would pick one and do one of it on daily basis. that way, her tongue and fingers won't feel foreign to singing or playing those instruments.
pastel colors.
sticky notes.
any handwritten stuffs. esp letters.
→ staying up for a reason.

→ the rain; the sound, the smell, the water droplets, the atmosphere.
→ moderate amount of skinship.
→ anything pink, strawberries!
→ horror story!
→ flats, sneakers, sports shoes. anything that make her secure that she won't fall on the ground.

dislikes :
→ waking up late + horrifying waking up calls.
→ bitter foods. such as garlics.
→ noises especially when she's focusing on something, or when she's sleeping.
→ solemn/dark/bad atmosphere. as if voldermort would appear out of nowhere and kill you.
→ animals. she can stand cats but give it some gap. she can't handle the fur, it made her sneeze.
→ smelly things.
→ zombies and clowns. heck, she hates those.
→ very high heels.
tba once my brain is back alive.

hobbies :
→ taking morning walks before she gets started on her self improvement and reflection thingy (to make sure she doesn't lost touch on her skills).
→ cooking. she enjoys cooking since she was little.
→ reading books, especially the hard cover fiction ones and writing.
→ cuddling up on her older brother because he's v v v warm.
→ acting dumb and mean whenever she met jimin. the male ver.
→ taking pictures. ohmygod, it's literally her priority whenever they visit places. of people, anything alive such as the plants or even -- the unseen things.

habits :
→ working too hard on her voice that she almost lost her vocals. she really knows no limit.
→ drinking mineral water the moment she wakes up.
→ forgetting the names of actors or actress that she has just watched their movies or dramas because to her, it's more better when her brain microchip keep the face instead of the name. what's the good thing of remembering the name of a human when you forgot their looks, right?
→ doing simple yoga before going to bed so that she can tire her body easily.
→ showering four times a day whenever she had the time only.
→ having a small notebook + pencil + pen + eraser in her small bag because she hates it whenever she's out, she has ideas on such things.

trivia :
→ she owns a lot mini notebooks that has undefined drawings/doodlings and lyrics all over the place.
→ when she got accepted into bighit entertainment, soyu freaked out because she didn't expect for yoobi to get into one of the known music agencies in south korea.
→ yoobi has jimin's chibi as her phone lockscreen.
→ she would feel lost if she didn't wear her watch.
→ eventhough she's a photographer, she's not exactly a photogenic person.
→ in her bag : small towel, spare clothes, her favorite brooklyn light green/turquoise colored googles jacket, sticky notes, mini hakuna matata bling bling notebook, a lego pen, a pencil, her headphone and ipod.

you're too harsh
family :
bae jaesuk — father, fifty six, the head of a travel agency.
song hyerin — mother, forty nine, the accountant and planner of the travelling agency.
bae kwon — older brother, twentysix, part time gamer, full time english lecturer in one of the highschools in seoul.
friends :
# the oc bestfriend figure + her right wing.
  han soyu.
soyu is yoobi's pamper bestfriend. they are as inseparable as baetman and yoobinhood. eventhough soyu is few months older, she can easily associate herself with yoobi because they share few characteristics especially with being critical. soyu lives across yoobi's house in seoul so if either need each other, they would just appear on the doorstep. soyu secretly is into soonyoung.
# the holy trinity of seventeen. — artists under pledis entertainment.
  lee seokmin. nineteen, main vocalist.
the dumbest out of the three, the closest guy yoobi ever had. one out of three sources how she can stay positive. seokmin met yoobi when she was performing on the street. with her cheerful appearance, seokmin could relate her to himself. except that he's more mischievous than yoobi.
  kwon soonyoung. twenty, main dancer.
"eventhough you had a young in your name, that doesn't mean you'll live young, smol eyes creature." yoobi loves to tease soonyoung because his replies never failed to make her laugh. soonyoung is the wittiest and oldest out of the trio. he met her when they, the holy trinity, were wandering around the heart of seoul because they were given a day off from practice. soonyoung is a very considerate guy, as one of yoobi's bestfriends, never once had yoobi ever regret meeting soonyoung.
  boo seungkwan. eighteen, main vocalist.
yoobi didn't know how it all started. all she knows is that, seungkwan is seokmin and soonyoung's friend. until one time, seungkwan's jeju dialect slipped off his tongue. no wonder he seems familiar! when she heard his dialect, almost automatically her hand slapped seungkwan's arms. seungkwan knew that yoobi was from jeju, his mother is a good friend of yoobi's mother. he's the youngest out of the three. seungkwan can be quite as savage but he ain't the dumbest, he can be serious at the most wrong timing and his jokes may be off at some least expected times but yoobi understands him the best because of similar hierarchy in terms of friends.
# the yeppeoji, fellow trainee + yoobi's superman.
 lee jimin @ jee.
teehee, it's finally jee's turn to be introduced. yoobi doesn't know where to start, actually. but, when jee first met yoobi and introduced herself, yoobi's heart almost drop. because she thought that jee was park jimin-associated. since jee's position was also as a dancer, yoobi had ever imagined if jee ever met the male version of bighit's jimin before. she surely does though, right? because dancers -- ahhhh so envious! /smacked. how is jee yoobi's superman? way to go, jee is yoobi's saviour when she first arrived at bighit ent main building. since assumably jee was trained before yoobi ever came into picture, she saved yoobi from getting lost. suit to jee's position as the pretty one, jee also has a heart of an angel. few weeks later, yoobi had asked jee to teach her how to rap and dance. seriously, yoobi can't thank her enough for saving her bum out of troubles for unccountable times.
# the other members <3

others : n/a.
i wanna be like that unni
stage name : yoobae because hi i'm your bae aka secret santa.
persona :
 beautiful -- she wanted to appear on the stage beautifully, throwing aside her cute appearance that everyone once knew. even so, she can't completely throw her cute side since somtimes her body refuse to react to her mind and impromptly form aegyo.
position : main vocalist.
fanclub : yeobo(s).
talent twin(s) :
» singing — soloist iu.
» dancing — apink's yoon bomi.
» rapping — n/a. bangtan's kim taehyung aka v the female version.

trainee years : a year and half.
TRAINEE life : she had no trouble adapting to the trainee life environment since she's used to living without her parents. but, she was struggling on rapping and dancing. since it is ideal to be an all-rounder performer in the music agency, she started to seek help from whoever she know so that she could help herself in improving to be a better future performer. eventhough she was going through the inevitable hurdle as a trainee, she never lose her motivation and she keep on spreading or dumping positivity -- or should i use, happy pills?
predebut :
→ bangtan "beautiful" mv appearance.
→ unplanned busking/street performing as lead singer and guitarist along with jee when they were walking down the street of myeongdong.

scandals :
→ none at the moment because bae yoobi has been playing the angel and not the devil.
i've dreamed of a romantic movie
love interest : bangtan's park jimin.
backup love interest : bangtan's kim taehyung.
personality : onstage + offstage — to yoobi who never once agreed to the statement of park jimin being the most charming member, she sees him as someone who isn't too loud but not too quiet either. jimin's personality vary between when he's onstage and offstage. he's rather the iest member standing on the stage, as if the main light all directed on him. offstage.. he's a softie, a flirty, anything that ends with the sound of -ie or -y, that's all jimin-ized.

background : they met when yoobi was getting vocal lesson from bighit's vocal teacher. since yoobi was scheduled two hours before jimin has to turn up, they would always stumbled upon each other whenever she's done. jimin being the punctual "sunbae" would always barge into the room at any day, including the first time yoobi getting her lesson.
"who…?" was the first word she ever heard coming out of bangtan's jimin's lips. it was amusing, to finally meet the real artist that she has only knew their existence through the television. yoobi loved how his voice sounds wet + raspy but her face remained expressionless. no human sunshine all-smile face. it's just a plain, blank face.

the vocal ssaem introduced her to him. though she only gave him a curt bow, he was honored that he's acknowledged as another human. she didn't even bother to let her voice out so before jimin could ever mutter another sentence, yoobi packed her things quickly, leaving peach-coloured sticky note to her vocal teacher, it said that, thank you for today, ssaem! i'll see you again next --

"next time!? she's coming back here -- when, hyung?" she can hear his loud voice echoing through the small vocal room and a warm smile replaced her poker face. maybe meeting him wasn't all bad. and he even steal the sticky note from vocal ssaem.

boy was she wrong. the next day, jimin came into the room the moment she was supposed to get started on her vocal training, with three cups of iced coffee on his hands.

"bae yeobo, am i right?" his goofy smile stayed on his face until she finally respond to him. interesting, bae yoobi. jimin sure love to tease his own twin (if only he knew.)

"ddaeng! that was a very lame pun coming from you. man, i'm disappointed, i was hoping for you to atleast memorize my name by mind if you can't do it by heart, park jimin-ssi,"
she was really butthurt though. but hey, atleast her sarcasm mode comes to life to save her face from meeting the floor because she would embarrass herself anytime sooner if she explodes or losing cool on park jimin.

"then, why not change your name to bae yeobo instead of bae yoobi because it would make it ten thousand times easier for me to claim you(r heart)?" she hissed at that. only because she can't think of more witty comeback. god, how much i hate park jimin for this.

these kind of scenarios keep on-going since then. no cute smiley face, no nothing. but more to lets fire you away with my response way of conversing.

relationship : secretly flings oil and water. sunbae and hoobae. lalala, dasi run run run — yoobi figuring out that they're more than just oil and water is making the situation far more worst bc she's starting to avoid him.
everything is so awkward
comments : i think i wrote too much within two hours span. otl. i.. dont even think that most things explained are relevant enough but let's just hope it is relevant..?  and most of it is like a useless crap though i really, really hope you understand it. yay for another bighit applyfic! not sure if you'll like yoobae but i tried, yippie! since i literally failed writing my applications for numerous times, (not literally bc i just over-exaggerate it, omfg tia stop) here you go. i'm horrible at codings and i tried adding more pictures earlier but i end up messing the codes -- so it's like, the most gif-less or image-less app ever. i hope you enjoy reading my character's application though. oooayo, chiao!
scene request(s) :
# when yoobi can't control her fangirl side when yookjoy made special apperance as the mc for gg's debut stage + a jealous looking jimin.
# jimin being the first guy who ever use the term "beautiful" on yoobi.
# when she figure out her feelings on park jimin + decided to avoid him.
# when a scandal break out between jimin and yoobi — the rumors weren't confirmed by bighit but jimin has been telling the coolest hyungnim in bangtan (aka syuga syuga) and taehyung (bc vmin's friendship is like a friendship goal ok) that it might be true.
# when kwon (yoobi's older brother) went to pick yoobi up from bighit main building and jimin saw it -- he even called gg's manager to ask about it. "i get all worked up for nothing but you, bae yoobi" [ jimin sighing ] « his reaction when he found out that the guy was yoobi's older brother.
# when gg won their first trophy on a music program and jimin ran out of nowhere to hug yoobi + more rumors coming up.
#when he found out that he shared the same birthday as her.
# it was gg's first stage when the holy trinity also make another comeback while bangtan was still preparing for theirs -- on backstage, hoshi and dk was cuddling their noona when jimin suddenly appeared along with seungkwan and seungkwan immediately and teasingly asked jimin to introduce yoobi to the whole world through showchamp and mpd's camera. "…wait sunbae.. why are you here? does bangtan made another secret come--" seungkwan's commentary suddenly got cut because the real intention of jimin being there was to cheer on bae yoobi's career.

suggestion(s) : has a lot on my brain but im not sure how to write them out so um, maybe i'll pm you next time? or edit this. since im sure i need to get something fixed bc i literally just write (no exaggeration intended) whatever my waterfall-like brain is telling me. hohoho.
password : fineapple.


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