Nam Seuljin ❤️ Leader ❤️ 남슬진


Nam, Seuljin, 남슬진 
NanaXXO || Yeonsoo || 10

other names: Momiji (japanese)

— Jinnie ( easier than Seuljin )
— y Sweetheart ( she looks y but is sweet : called this by her fans)
birthday & age: April 14, 1735   280 years old (26)
birthplace & hometown: Daegu, South Korea. (both)
Kyoto, Japan (since 1895)

height & weight: 5 foot 11 inches and 126 pounds

blood type: ab

— Korean ( fluent - born in Korea and lived there for 160 years )
— ​Japanese ( fluent - lived in Japan from 1895 until 2007)
--- English (fluent - took classes during college and training period)

faceclaim: ( ailee ) she looks very y, despite her sweet personality. She has a very curvy body and has long legs. She is the oldest of the group and looks like it. she looks mature and ladylike.
back-up face claim: ( shin sekyung )

personality traits: about 6-10, remember to give good and bad traits
adaptable, chill, motherly, considerate, captivating.      sarcastic, independent, passive. 

adaptable: Seuljin is very adaptable. She'll adjust her schedule and lifestyle to fit her current situation. It's not hard and she deals with large changes fairly easily. chill: seuljin is chill. she doesn't worry about much and doesn't fuss over small things. motherly: she takes care of all the members and treats them as if they were her children. she listens to their worries and problems and tries to help them out. considerate: she always thinks of others before herself. she takes other's feelings into consideration and bases her actions on others' feelings. captivating: she has a very captivating aura. whether it be her beauty or her personality, she manages to attract people's attention.

sarcastic: she is sarcastic and likes dark humour. she only shows this side of her to jaehyun and her rival. independent: she likes to do things on her own since she'd lived alone for so long. she has a hard time depending on someone and letting them take responsibility. passive: seuljin is a person who accepts what happens or what others do without resistance.

likes: min 5, use shift+enter to add more, add a reason if you must
— strawberries
— ​traditional korean and japanes music
— ​kimonos and hanboks
— ​flowers
— ​oranges
— jellies
— ​jello
— ​spicy food
— mint
— ​dark red
— ​books
— perfumes
— ​tea
— ​coffee

dislikes: same as above, use shift+enter to add more
— coffee shops like starbucks (because their coffee isn't "real coffee"
— bananas
— ​eggplants
— black cats (superstition)
— vain people

hobbies: max 5, use shift+enter, no explanation needed

— song writing
— playing the gayageum
— cooking
— cleaning
— reading

habits: min 5, use shift+enter, no explanation needed

— cracking her joints
— blanking out
— writing lyrics with her finger when she's bored
— crossing her legs
— chewing straw.

trivia: min 5, go crazy, use shift+enter

— loves playing the gayageum 가야금
— attended college and graduated with a bachelor's degree in psychology
— was a geisha and kisaeng
— is very superstitious
— is a spiritual medium
--- loves to cook
--- studied medical care for a long time.
--- is very flexible

---loves art
background: explain how your character got into music and how they entered the company
Seuljin was born in the Joseon Era. She was the lowest class of peasants, but she didn't mind. She got to be those beautiful girls who dance and sing at the castle. she never understood why they hated their job. she grew up poor with her father. her mother died at birth and there were no other relatives. When Seuljin became 13, the royal palace called her to train. she learned how to dance, sing, play instruments, heal the sick, and stitch. when she was 16, she got to perform in front of the royal family. she loved it. she loved the way she felt when she sang and danced with the music. the nobles treated her lower than dirt but amongst the kisaengs, she was a legend. she loved performing and vowed to do it until her audience didn't like her. One night, Seuljin was coming home late from a performance. She heard hisses and saw blood on the floor. A vampire had broken into her house and killed her father. The vampire attacked her and told her she was beautiful enough to be prat of his kind. he let her change into a vampire. When people started noticing she didn't age, she moved away. After 160 years, she moved to Japan. She became a geisha and performed for others. Same as Korea, when people noticed that she didn't age, she moved to different parts of Kyoto. She stated to miss Korea so she moved back to Korea in 2007. She immidiately attended college. She was often scouted by companies like SM, JYP, and CUBE. She always refused because she wanted to focus on her studies. Seuljin finally graduated and was ironically scouted by YG the day she graduated. She accepted and auditioned and passed without trouble.

father | Nam Sangjin | 52 | dead/ craftsman | kind, generous, hardworking | Sangjin always supported Seuljin and would love to listen to her sing. They were very close and Seuljin was devastated when he was killed.

mother | Nam Seulgi | 18 | dead | unknown | Seuljin never knew her mother but was always told that her mother was beautiful and that Seuljin looked exactly like her.

best friend | Amber Liu | 23 | idol rapper | bold, funny, responsible |

friend | Kwon Jiyong | 27 | idol rapper | wild, loud, unique |
stage name: Seuljin
persona: y Sweetheart
position: leader
back-up position: main dancer, vocalist
fanclub name: Iseul (it means dew, she wants her fans to stay as pure as morning dew)
fanclub colour: #660033
singing twin: Ailee
dancing twin: Red Velvet Seulgi
rapping twin: only if your character has a rapper position
talking twin: Red Velvet Irene

trainee years

— YG ( 4 years )

trainee life: she just worked hard and focused on her training. Nothing much since both her parents are deceased.

pre-debut experiences:
— Cameo in "Let's Not Fall in Love" with TOP
— acted in Soyou, kwon soonil. park yongin's THE SPACE BETWEEN
replace left pic with your love interest and right pic with your backup
love interest: Ahn Jae Hyun
back-up love interest: Choi Seunghyun, TOP
group: Actor (Jae Hyun)        BIGBANG (backup)
birthday & age:
July 1, 1987   (28)
personality: he's a bit sly. like a fox. he's quiet but tries his best to be social. he likes to be independent but likes to help others. he is generous. he gives up his wishes for others' happiness. He is understanding. He tries to put himself in other people's shoes. When he gets angry, he only has revenge on his mind. but, he cools off in an hour. Overall, he's sweet and really nice just, a bit introverted.
interactions: he always thinks that seuljin is cute and treats her like a princess. he always thinks that she's the one and never gives up on her. no matter how many problems she seems to be going through. he loves her and her persoanlity. Jaehyun always thinks that Seuljin is the most beautiful girl in the world and is a total gentleman. Seuljin loves the fact that she could let him be alone and he wouldn't cry for her and throw a tantrum. she loves the fact that he at least tries and doesn't regret meeting him.
how you meet/met: they met while filming for "The Space Between" (Let's not fall in Love for TOP) and became close friends. they exchanged phone numbers and just happened to like each other. 
relationship: lovers

replace left pic with your love rival and right pic with your backup
love rival: real name, stage name ( optional )
back-up love rival: real name, stage name
group: unless there's already a designated group
birthday & age: in letters please
personality: be as detailed as possible
interactions: important so be detailed!
how you meet/met: just show a brief meeting
relationship: friends? lovers? enemies?
replace left pic with your rival and right pic with your backup
rival: Ahn Heeyeon, Hani
back-up rival: Bang Minah, Minah
group: EXID (GIRL'S DAY for Minah)
birthday & age
June 9, 1994 (age 21)
personality: vain, confident, bold, annoying, invasive, mannerless, can't keep promises.
interactions: When XXO introduces themselves to (group name) RIVAL ignores them and just takes selcas of herself. she talks to Seuljin, who is 5 years older than her, informally.
comments/suggestions?: Hello!
questions?: Nothing
scene requests

— When XXO goes to Weekly Idol



password: Plotline #1


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