Please Read if You're a BAP Fics Addict ^^




i'm soo addicted to these so i wanna share them to you too ^^


who wants to get overwhelemed with daejae feels? (me: raises both hands and feet lol)

then i recommend you these lovely drabbles written by a wonderful friend (i just selfishly declared that we're friends. uhh. erase that. she might see this. *hides* i don't think she'll get mad though coz she's very sweet and all. haha)

if you want yourself to get drowned on them feels, feel free to commit suicide and click Winter Wonderland

caution: you might go to heaven XD






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Yeap.. as a daejae addict i can say i enjoy these stories
Uroboros #2
oh my gooood >////<

thank you~~ <3
and of course we are friends!