What are you guys talking about?

OH MY GOD. My friends are so... funny and weird. They are randomly talking about getting married. And I was there like... We're only 19, shut ut -__-

They have boyfriends, I have no one. How do they even get the idea to bring me into that kind of conversation? My friends are weird -________-' 


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whoaa..you're 19? I'm 18 kekeke~ eonni!! *slapped*
lol me and my friends always talk abt marriage mainly because we have to get married young...
same my friends r so mature...they talk about guys while I talk about snsd
Supfunkayhelen #4
Hehe I'm like 14 turning 15 and we have even talked about marriag too!! Lol and my parents have even talked about it too!! How random is that!!?? Lol they ally do think too far :P