Merry Christmas :>


I hope everyone is having a great time at the end of 2015 :) While I am relatively busy (yes, I have exams right after New Year and I'm in my final year), I'll try to update on all the stories that I have started right now, and begin new ones along the way.

Chased By a Devil: This story is the most precious ever, and I'm stuck at a point where I'm afraid I'm treading on thin ice and I might ruin it :( Therefore, I will probably leave it until after my exams when I can still down and think slowly about the plot and the direction I want the story to move in. Thank you everyone for reading all the way till now :) 

Winter Tales | Eunhae Edition: Just a collection of random things I happen to think of, especially since it's the winter season. I'll try to keep this regularly updated until New Year's (by then it should be marked as complete!).

Crescendo D'Amour: A new story! It's an entry for @eunhaeluv's writing contest ( I'm supposed to write a blog post to apply for the competition, but I'm not sure if I can complete it by the deadline. In any case, the story will be for everyone's enjoyment :) It's about a chance meeting between Hyukjae and Donghae and they both have preconceived notions about each other from their appearance but they're truly quite different on the inside, so they discover the interiors behind their smooth facades and somehow manage to discover the happiness that they mutually create. It is supposed to allude to both Halloween and Christmas at some point so Halloween is referred to in the first chapter, though not really to that much of an extent as I would prefer it to. And I'll try to upload all the chapters before the deadline; I've planned for 5 chapters so far. 

I think I'm babbling in this post.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to everyone :) Have a great end to 2015 and a greater beginning to 2016!

<3 @charlomarshmellow 




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krystal0154401 #1
Merry Christmas ^^ I'm gonna check the contest fic out then... :D