ㅤㅤ`ㅤAEON ⋮ 전정아



elegantly • rin • 8


the basics.

name » jeon jungah (전정아)

nickname(s) »

golden maknae as a form to annoy her, her acquaintances calls her this because she doesn't like being compared to her brother. but she is a golden maknae though
jungah her acquaintances calls her this because this is her name
brat her friends and family calls her this ("hey brat, whats up?") because of her cheeky and sly tendencies
tomboy inspired by her own self, her friends calls her this because of her tomboy-ish behavior

BIRTHDAY » november 25 1998 (17/18)

birthplace » busan, south korea

hometown » busan, south korea
ethnicity » korean

language(s) »

korean fluent as heck. peppered by her busan accent that can't seem to get away when she's flustered or angry
japanese intermediate since she has studied japanese for more or less 3 years, considering her training duration in sm entertainment. she could read kanji, hiragana, and katakana and she knows a lot of japanese vocabulary but still, it's still hard for her to translate japanese natives words because they speak so fast. her pronunciation is quite passable for a foreigner
mandarin basic af. even though she has ben studying mandarin for more or less 3 years (again, courtesy of sm entertainment), everyone knows how hard chinese is and even though jungah's hardworking, sometimes she gets lazy whenever she needs to memorize thousands of symbols and she feels like her head is going to pop. she can speak mandarin whenever the words are romanized, however
english quite basic. she has been studying this for more or less 3 years and 10 months but english grammar is too confusing and frustrating, plus her pronunciation needs A LOT of work. she knows some vocabularies but don't expect her to form an intricate sentence


face claim » jung yein

backup face claim » lee suji


appearance »

even if you're young you could still achieve a lot jungah is considered tall for a girl her age with 168cm as height and 50kg as weight. it's the gift from great genes since her brothers, jungkook and junghyun are quite tall as well. jungah is a natural beauty, it's all thanks to more or less 3 years and 10 months of being a trainee with great skincare, correct styling, and makeup. equipped with big eyes and monolids, people would describe her first impression as "cute". unintentionally you may wonder if she's related to bts' jungkook. she thinks that her smile gives off a "cute" vibe as well. her face still has a lot of baby fat because of her young age that would hopefully gradually mature beautifully. onto her hair, she has long, black hair without any style because the company didn't give her hair any style at all. she's frequently spotted with her hair tied to a ponytail. since she's still young, her body is still developing. right now she has no s-line whatsoever. she is tall but her body is relatively normal, not voluptuous or anything


style »

my own taste, my own style contrary to her friendly and cute visuals, jungah is a fan of skinny jeans and would steer away from skirts. she's not a fan of bright colors and would opt for a more pastel-colored clothings. she likes wearing short pants because she could show off her legs and that wearing short pants doesn't make her feel hot, especially when it's summer. she's not that fond of dresses but she would wear those to a formal event, a date for example. she's not too fond of patterns as well but there's some in her wardrobe. also, sunglasses are a must in her collection. she's a fan of converse (and sneakers in general ) and high heels, you could find lots of them in her wardrobe. she likes bags as well and has a lot of bags for different occasions. i'm so sorry for copying this from my other app


click me

" wow, are you getting shorter? "

" don't take it seriously, heh "


the girl next door.


plotline » the puppeteer the naive


STAGE NAME » jungah
STAGE PERSONA » the social butterfly / the definition of freedom (same, yes i know)
POSITION » main vocalist, sub-dancer
BACK-UP POSITION » lead vocalist, lead dancer
INDIVIDUAL FANCLUB NAME » butterfly (simply because she loves butterflies. she loves her fan too, of course)

SINGING TWIN » son seungwan
DANCING TWIN » jung yein
SPEAKING TWIN » jung yein
ACTING TWIN » jung yein
VARIETY TWIN » jung yein


#1 jeon jungah spotted on smrookies' website
#2 jeon jungah singing an ost titled because i love you for mimi
#3 jeon jungah is rising star bts' jeon jungkook's girfriend?
#4 jeon jungah confirmed as bts' jeon jungkook's sister


TRAINEE SPAN » 3 years in sm ent

sm entertainment

it was when jungkook's 13 y.o and jungah 12 y.o. jungah traveled from busan to seoul to audition without jungkook knowing. she was scouted by a sm entertainment scout while she was warming up to seoul and looking for companies to audition to. because she had no plans whatsover when it comes to the companies she's to audition to, she decided to audition for sm entertainment under the category of singing and was accepted as a trainee, while jungkook was happily training in bighit. trainee life in sm entertainment wasn't all bad. except for the trainees, everyone is really friendly although the relationship could be felt as pure business. of course, the trainees would have to compete with each other so not everyone was friendly. jungah didn't feel the need to tell others that she has a brother that's a trainee from big hit so everyone didn't even know about it. jungah's reputation as a trainee was "friendly" and "talented" and she's okay with it. a lot saw her as competition of course but no one bullied her because of her easygoing personality


sm entertainment 2.0

then came the day when bangtan boys debuted and the trainees and staffs were exposed to jungkook. a lot wondered if jungah's related to jungkook. a lot was more open so they asked jungah about it. all she did was answer truthfully when it's the staff that asked while the trainees received only a laugh. then the fact that she's bts' jungkook's sister was spread. while jungkook had a time to breath after his debut, he called his home back in busan and got a heart attack when her mother told her that jungah's in sm entertainment now. he can't really visit her like that so he couldn't do anything even though he wanted to contact jungah because he doesn't want to interrupt her trainings. at some point, jungah felt quite impatient. she wanted to debut soon but the company only focused on red velvet. in the end, her perseverance paid off as she was added to the line-up of aeon


devil spawn she has a knack of scaring other members
skinships she likes skinships especially hugging and wouldn't hesitate to initiate it
colors she likes blue, black, and white
talking unlike her brother who's sometimes as silent as a clam, she can't stop talking
cucumbers she likes snacking on them
foods she goes bat crazy in front of foods
animals she likes a lot of them actually, dogs, cats, birds, etc
movie mania she likes watching movies


colors she hates brown and pink
cooking she needs to take cooking lessons. she could burn the kitchen while boiling water like
jungkook she hates being compared to her brother
waking up she hates walking up. she usually wakes up grumpy
lemons she doesn't like lemons because they're too sour and they make her derp
books she doesn't like reading books. she tends to doze off in the middle of reading
reading notes she can't read music notes and tends to get stressed when she sees one ("what is this. makes my self esteem drop")
skirts isn't that fond of them because she can't move freely whenever she uses them


nose she scrunches her nose or sometimes wiggles them when she's concentrating or disgusted
accent her busan accent shows whenever she's angry or flustered
legs she usually unknowingly spread her legs like a guy, another proof that she's a tomboy
exercising after she eats (especially in the dorm), she would semi-run around the dorm to exercise


hanging out she likes going out to the malls or the streets with her friends or brother. she's unstoppable really. usually she either eats, shops or watch movies
photography she likes taking pictures with her dslr


siblings is the 3rd child of 3. she has two older brothers, jeon junghyun who's in the army since 2014 and jeon jungkook who's a member of bts
midnight according to the members jungah loses her sanity whenever it' midnight
brave she's the most brave member of the group. expect her to laugh at the ghosts in a haunted house
social butterfly even though she's still young, she has a lot of friends already. she's everyone's best friend and guys like her because she's like a guy friend
fan fool she's a fool for her fans. she likes interacting with her fans and hugging them, boy or girl doesn't matter to her
light sleeper she's easy to wake up. when you call her while she's sleeping, she would jolt into a sitting position from lying on the bed
impersonation she's quite good at voice and action impersonations of animals, the members, sm entertainment's ceos and staffs, her friends, and her brother
elvis she's a fan of aoa and her bias is choa
blood type her bloodtype is b
taste buds she hates sour foods and she likes spicy and sweet foods
crime scene she's a fan of the tv show "crime scene" and "the genius". she likes hong jinho and jang jin the most. she started watching "crime scene" for hani but later on was hooked to hong jinho
not ticklish she's not ticklish
running away she's a pro when it comes to running away from her manager and into the arms of her friends or brother in mall or something like that. she's a pro when it comes to running away from anyone tbh. she's also a quick runner
image she doesn't care about her image so-
running man her dream is to be a guest in running man because she thinks it would be fun and that she likes watching the tv show as well


twitter jungahjeon
instagram jungahjeon
snapchat jungahjeon
kakaotalk jungahjeon
soundcloud jungahjeon


home is where your heart is.



positives charming, eloquent, forgiving, hardworking, sociable
neutrals affectionate, talkative, daredevil, straightforward, has a quick sense
negatives carefree, impulsive, sly, stubborn, temperamental


jeon jungah in a ripe nutshell

jungah has something to her that charms you. she is indeed charming in the way that she brings herself. she's also quite eloquent, gifted to worm her way out of things. she's good with words and that's good for someone as talkative as her. jungah is also forgiving. she rarely holds grudges and it's a good quality in a person. jungah is hardworking which means that it's hard for her to give up. when she sets her eyes on a target, she's going to work hard to achieve that. it helps her school days whenever she has assignments and tests to do. sometimes her persistence could even shock people. for example, if she sets her mind to win the cooking competition, she could even win (thus, maknae on top). jungah is a social butterfly, she has a lot of friends and is known for her friendly image because of this. she's really sociable. whenever she goes, she could free-ly talk to anyone near her because she isn't afraid to greet others first


jeon jungah in a normal nutshell

jungah is affectionate and is not afraid to show her love for others. she could be frequently spotted hugging others or kissing them on the cheeks. she's a daredevil as she's not easily scared or shocked. you could spot her laughing at the ghost in a haunted house. she's quite brave for a maknae (thus, maknae on top again). she has a quick sense as well so it's hard to prank her or lie to her. she catches thing easily. plus, she's an expert when it comes to doing pranks. you can't beat the sensei, right? jungah's mouth doesn't have a filter. she doesn't swear but she's really blunt and straightforward. she doesn't like to lie or hide her feelings so don't worry, you could trust her not to talk about you behind your back. she's also talkative, she rarely runs out of topics to talk about and it's quite hard to make her stop. that's why she's a pro when it comes to variety and reality shows


jeon jungah in a rotten nutshell 

jungah is carefree and sometimes she doesn't care about her antis words against her (as long as she's happy). she doesn't care about other's opinion as well but it's not a good trait to live with. equipped with her stubbornness, it's hard to change her bad doings because she doesn't care. she knows it's bad but she doesn't care. her stubbornness makes her hardheaded and sometimes hard to work with if our views differs from hers. if our anything differs from her. she's sly as well so equip this with eloquent then you'll get a devil spawn in return. she's smart in a bad way because she uses her smartness not for good things, that makes her a sly person. jungah is impulsive and sometimes thinks before she acts, thankfully her case isn't too bad because she has sense as well. but still there are times where her impulsiveness could get out of hand if she's not careful (but knowing her, the queen of not being careful with anything). it's bound to brings lots of scandals for her. maybe it's because she's still a teenager but jungah is temperamental. she has sudden moodswings but she's not hot-tempered and is quite patient so she wouldn't be a or anything. it's sometimes hard to decipher her when it's "the time of the month". but everyday might be "the time of the month", knowing how unpredictable jungah is


jeon jungah in a special nutshell

there's something about jungah that most people don't know. it's that jungah is an expert when it comes to manipulating her own feelings. she can decide whenever she wants to love someone or not. she doesn't know how she does it but it helps her cope with breakups and socializing with a lot of guys. a lot of guys sees jungah as an answer to their prayers, a cool girl friend who wouldn't bring her emotions whenever socializing with guys. but it's a bother to guys who sees her as a possible girlfriend because she's rarely serious whenever she's with guys (besides she has a lot of guy friends and who wouldn't be jealous?). guys doesn't know about her ability however, they only know that she's outgoing


background »

busan-born babe, that's me

jeon jungah who was born in busan, south korea with jeon seonsang and kim sungri as parents was welcomed with wide arms because the couple has been wanting a daughter for a while, having 2 sons already. of course, as the maknae of the family as well as a girl, the couple babied her a lot and basically gave her lots of love. their efforts to buy her lots of girl toys and dresses was blocked by her love and want to be like her brothers. sure enough, the 3 siblings got along quite well with each other and jungah would sometimes tag along to play if they allowed her. her childhood went through quite easily while jungah gained lots of friends along the way. she wasn't the smartest student in her class or the dumbest. she's in between whenever she studies

following my brother's footsteps

then came the day when her brother, jungkook went to seoul to pursue his singer dreams. jungah who had always loved dancing and the spotlight was really thrilled to hear that her brother, jungkook had been accepted as a trainee in bighit ent. little jungah who was like every other kids had always looked up to her brothers, junghyun and jungkook and copied every little thing they did. she knew how jungkook had always been happy whenever he's dancing or singing and she strived to become like him. her turning point was her own brother being accepted as a trainee in bighit ent. she started seeing singing seriously and would cover some girlgroup and boygroup songs, uploading them to soundcloud under the username "jungahjeon". after a year or so, jungah decided to come to seoul to audition and she ended up in front of sm entertainment as she was scouted by one of their scouts. she ended up auditioning under the category of singing and was accepted as a trainee


family ».


my embarassment of a brother

jungkook may not be the most protective brother there is but he has his limits. although both may clash at times, each really cares for the other. sometimes when they meet with each other for a date, both would unlock their phones and give them to each other as a form of monitoring each other. it's like a habit for them. and plus, it would reassure jungkook that jungah doesn't talk about him behind his back with jimin that little prick. jungah's closer to jungkook that her other other brother because of the small age difference


friends/rivals » 


i'm thankful he's there to bug the hell out of my brother

meeting each other thanks to jungkook, jungah is happy that there's someone that could take care of jungkook and give him love, love that jungah would similarly give to jungkook if they're together. jungah trusts jungkook to be a pillar for jungkook and she would usually ask her brother's condition through jimin (without jungkook knowing). unknowingly both became good friends as well, usually joking around together


last words.


comments/suggestions » i finished this!! yes. i'm sorry if i seemed like i'm not giving my 100% i'm just rushing this since i was afraid that i wouldn't make it in time. also, you might wanna hover over the icons. basically, even though she's the youngest, oddly the members all listen to her when it comes to deciding and she's a black card in varieties, thus the puppeteer name. close example would be teen top's chunji when teen top was in weekly idol

scene requests » actually, jiminxjungah would be fine as heck. also, her dates and interactions with jungkook would be a+++. i would also like for her to be aeon's resident cupid ty ty

password » eternally? heh


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