Hello again.

This time I want to tell my freaking-author-head-problem. You must asking what the heck is that problem. For authors out there, this must be one of your problem too. FYI, I love writing/typing fanfics and I have a loooot of abandoned fanfics. If you look at my 'stories', there's just one, but in my laptop, there's dozens of unfinshed fanfics. That's because of my freaking-author-head-problem. Everytimes I thinking of something, new idea pop in my freaking head. But this 'sometimes' is what I'm afraid of talking about. In a normal day where I do nothing but online, sleep and eat, there's at least two idea popping in my mind and this problem is bothering me since God-know-when. Haven't you authors have the same problem? I'll write/ type the idea I get in my notebook or my tablet. Guess what? There's dozens of ideas. Even with one freaking word, I can expand it into a idea of fanfic. Usually, I'll just keep the ideas, but when I think the ideas are great, I'll start to make fanfics. And here I am telling my freaking problem to you. So, I don't know how to finish those fanfics.

Okay. I think my brain will explode if I don't stop my freaking-author-head-problem.

Thanks for read my rambling. I appriciate how another authors can finish their fanfics.

Bye... TT TT 


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Yeah, I was in the same situation as you and it was really hard.
But fortunately, that problem has gone ^-^
It takes quite a long time....
But, don't worry :)