Soo JIn-kyong
+ Baby doll, Jin-Kyong gave it to herself actually, because of her youthful appearance despite her age.
BIRTHDAY : November 2nd, 1993 (22)
BIRTHPLACE : South-Korea
LANGUAGES : Korean, She's from Korea.
OCCUPATION : Book shop owner.
this is me
FACECLAIM : Jiae, Lovelyz
BACKUP : Arin, Oh My Girl
HEIGHT : 5'5
WEIGHT : 124
" Paper pale skin and a baby face that could out shine Snow White."
Pale milky skin, Small sparkly brown eyes, Long dark brown hair and pouty lips, Almost ethereally youthful. Jin-Kyong deem's herself pretty much as beautiful as a doll, if not more. A beauty mark on her left inner thigh and a scar on the back of her neck as well as the acne she covers up with concealer all contribute to her perfectly imperfect image. Despite how pretty others think she is, Jin-Kyong does have to put in effort to keep it that way due to the blemishes and scars she has scattered around her face and body. Above the beauty mark on the left inner thigh there is a tattoo that says 'Pretty n Pink', Which I'm sure you can guess the true meaning of it. Alongside that tattoo, She has another on her right wrist that says 'Doll-Face' with a set of small black hearts around it. Jin-Kyong also has a large scar across the front of her right ankle from getting it sliced open on glass.
" Pastels are just as good as any color."
Pastel colored clothing is what Jin-Kyong loves to wear, But not just 'girly' types of pastel clothing, She prefers to sometimes wear male clothing because of how it fits her more oversized than the sizes in womens. Although you can almost always find Jin-Kyong wearing sweater shirts and comfortable leggings. She's more into relaxed clothing than tight dresses with the backs open. Despite her love of pastel colors for clothes, she has a lot more to her than that. She's very diverse in what she likes to wear and it differs from day to day. [x]
all about you
" Moods are a wave, You just gotta ride em'."
I could say Jin-Kyong is complex and a special little snow flake, But no. She isn't. But she isn't like every other girl either. Jin-Kyong is possibly the most clumsy person in the world, If not, the universe. Her clumsiness doesn't come randomly though, it stems from her high anxiety. Despite her anxiety, Jin-Kyong is very out-going and charasmatic. She is able to converse freely with others but chooses not to. She'd rather stay in her book shop and read books, being a huge book worm. Jin-Kyong is caring, aspiring and brilliant. Alongside her good traits there are also her bad. Previously mentioned her clumsiness and anxiety, but not only those. She's very stubborn and blunt  which usually gets her in trouble with most people. Jin-Kyong may seem like the cute and innocent type but honeslty she's unfiltered and cold at times. 
" Coffee and Tea are the best kind of medicine."
Jin-Kyong grew up with her mother and father in Seoul. Her parents owned the book shop she does now, as it was passed down to her. She was always an anxious and clumsy child who spent most of her time drawing, dancing or reading every book in the shop. It had been Jin-Kyong who'd taught herself to read at the age of five. Mainly everything she did was self taught which made her parents very proud. Her family was loving and accepting as she grew up later with aspirations to become a trainee at some company after college, Studying to get a degree in writing and art. She moved out of her parents house and to a nice decently sized home in the city, Close to the book shop. She works as the owner of her book shop and she's quite happy with it. Jin-Kyong free time at the shop is spent mainly either by reading books or fanfictions on her phone and taking quote on quote "aesthetic pictures" for her instagram and tumblr blogs. It was from a tumblr post on someone talking about wanting a Bangtan pocket monster that she found out what they were and knew she just had to have one.
TRIVIA : please keep it relevant to the story!
+ Her initials are J and K, like the text word for just kidding.
+ She's read almost half of all the books in the shop and her goal is to be able to read them all one day.
+ She loves to bake and cook, but she's still a beginner in cooking.
+ Her favorite drinks are Sprite, Strawberry milk, Ice-lattes, Milk teas, Banana milk and orange Fanta, She can usually be seen drinking sprite while eating popcorn in her home or at the shop.
+ She tends to have a large bowl of popcorn always with her, if not , a bag, when reading or just doing anything in general.
+She has a mini-library in her home that she's considering expanding.

+ I like to think I'm Miss Right...


+ Mother | Minkki | 40| Nurse | Determined |They call, text and visit each other.
+Father | Seokmin | 43 | Electrical engineer | Positive | They call and text and visit each other occasionally.
FRIENDS : please only include friends who drive the plot of the story.
+ RELATION | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
+ RELATION | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
OTHERS : this includes acquaintances, rivals, your dog, ex boyfriend, whatever. optional section.
+ RELATION | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
+ RELATION | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
+ I would like to apply for a pocket Bangtan because it gets quite lonely being just myself and books.
+ I would love him, take care of him, teach him things and give him a loving home!
+By feeding him, keeping him close to me and giving him all my love. I'd treat him like a sentient being as he should be treated.
+ K.N.J 10.12.94
Kim Namjoon
BACKUP :  Namjoon
PERSONALITY : Clumsy, Freewilled, Ambitious, Driven, unfiltered, erted, genious **brainmon**, stubborn.
INTERACTIONS :  Because they're almost alike they get along very well and understand each other greatly. They know when to give each other personal space and when to comfort each other when down. If either breaks something due to their clumsiness they console one another and tell them it's okay because everyone makes mistakes. Though at first they may not be romantic, their love for each other gradually grows through their bond of fondness towards each other.
TRIVIA : anything else there is to their relationship? this could be nicknames, favorite foods, habits of theirs, couple things the two do, anything you feel is relevant.
+ When either is anxious/nervous, they begin to fidget noticeably, which is how they're able to tell when they need to be comforted.
+ Namjoon's nickname for her is Doll face, and her nick name for him is Joojoo.
+ Occasionally she likes to make Namjoon dress up in pastel colors despite his protests.
+ Namjoon listens to hip hop a lot, so when ever Jin-Kyong isn't busy he attempts to rap for her.
+ Namjoon absolutely loves reading stories and books with Jin-Kyong, especially ones where he can learn different things.
+ Both have teddy bears that remind them of each other, Namjoon's for Jin is a soft bunny plush and Jin's for Namjoon is a giant stuffed bear.
+ Their ship name is NamJin
+ Namjoon occasionally goes onto Jin's tumblr to see all the memes, his favorite is 'Pepe'.

last words
COMMENTS : I left the friends and others part of the application blank because Jin-Kyong isn't very trusting of others and to be honest she doesn't really want friends, it's just how she is. I chalk it up to her being a Scorpio, I am personally the same. I based her birthday off of my own ^^ I'm sorry if you don't like this I'll change it if need be.
QUESTIONS : As I said before if you want me to change anything I will! And yes, I like eggs.  **Amanda Show reference**
CONCERNS : Nope ^^
SUGGESTIONS : Scorpio stuff, You can just google Scorpio and get a good understanding of them. 100% chance that everything is exact to a T.
+ Jin-Kyong at her book shop perhaps? ^^
PASSWORD : coffee


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