Searching for Review shops.

I'm looking for review shops who can actually help me with my grammar and vocabular mistakes. All I hear is that my grammar and vocabular is not that great, but my flow is good.
But they don't actually say where I went wrong.


I was looking for these in the beginning of my story The Mighty Five (then called Worlds Apart).


I really need a shop that helps me correct my mistakes and not only say to check it and like correct my mistakes on my own. I'm doing the best I can, but I can't do it on my own. And since I changed my forword 'Hallucinated Dreams' review doesn't help me. They really did their best for my forword but I changed later on.


So review shops I already went to.

Hallucinated Dreams 

World of Liteature

heart, mind and seoul

BLK Review


So if anyone knows a shop that actually correct my mistakes I really would appreciate it.


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#1 I found the review from this shop pretty helpful, but unfortunately they're closed right now... but maybe you can stay subscribed just in case they update sometime in the future? I requested for a review once but it was a long time ago and I don't remember if it was helpful or not and they've taken down the review already...,, I've never actually requested a review from these shops but maybe they'll help? same for, they're closed for the next month or so but maybe you can try requesting from there when they open again?
Some reviews I got for the grammar section they gave me samples of where my mistakes were but they can't correct everything I also tired some beta reader's but most of them only corrected typos. The donut hole is a good beta reader shop but my beta reader disappeared I should really poke her to see if my fic will ever be finished lol and right now I'm working with to the point review shop it's 5 karma per chapter if you have a long one (more than 2.5k) but I'm really liking their job, we are working on a Google doc and she is going through my chapter pointing the mistakes, restructuring my sentences, telling me what sounds and is probably unecessary text. It was only half the first chapter but I was really surprised and satisfied with the job. My advice is to go to review shops, search for the ones that say I'm grammar nazy and ask if they could be so kind as to show you all your mistakes but really I think spending a bit of karma to get a beta job could be better. (My favorite review shops are my affiliates at my shop you could check them)
Honestly I think that is more something not a shop as a whole does but more a single reviewer.
You are right that there are shops that don't correct your mistakes but I know that there are some that have reviewer that actually do it.