fancfic contest

OMG!!!!!!! favourite fanfic has decided to do a contest for their readers. \(*-*)/

The fanfic is called "For your entertainment"

It's a Xiumin and Baekhyun fanfic, and it's sooooooooooo good!!!!

Reasons to read:

- It is one of those fanfics that has you on the edge of your seat waiting for the next update

- Also the IS AMAZING!!!!!!! #XIUDADDY

My favourite character is obviously Xiumin, as he is my ub, and the best scene had to be when she meets Xiumin.....( all i'm gonna say is it was INTENSE AF) (thats all you are gonna get, if you want to know more you have to read it yourself)

Anyways the authors are hilarious, and they even leave relatable comments at the end of each chapter >.<

So please do give it a read :P


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I LOVE THIS STORY!!! Everything you said it exactly how I feel about it, also it's great to find someone else who has Xiumin as their UB.^^