This Unicorn is Killing Me!

So I was rewatching and catching up on "go fighting!" because I haven't watched it in a while. Then when I got to episode 5, Yixing got wet and they censored something. So me being the dirty-minded person I am searched images to find a non-censored photo when I died looking at this (really hope you don't die):

ing mother of ing (excuse the language) God! Asdfghjkl!! I am both really happy and really uncomfortable at the same f***ing time (if that makes sense)! Hope you didn't die too!

Okay, to be real, this isn't as bad as his MYM performance and the whole 'lift your shirt up and ' but still! Why did I not keep up with this damn show? What did you think? Also is that unicorn going to give me a heart-attack?

P.S Where is cute, forgetful, funny Lay when I need him? Never mind he'll probably kill me too.🦄



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