
As of about half an hour ago, I randomly saw a story with the tag "exo." Clicking on it led to search results numbering to 84 stories, mostly containing SHINee (Taemin in particular, for some reason) and "kai," "luhan," "sehun," etc., tags. Not that I checked all of them, but some of the latter tags were featured in 30+ stories. They’ve even started EXO pairings. (ßOTL)

Guys, these boys haven't even debuted yet!

Just found it interesting... how do you write a story about people who are still essentially "dark horses" of the K-pop industry? Maybe it's because I prefer to read fics where said Asian star is portrayed realistically (caricatured versions of their personality work, too XD), so I personally find this a bit laughable. I mean, seriously, guys? Before they’ve even released an album, fans have already started giving them this-and-that personalities in their stories… I wonder if this will influence other people’s perception of them.

Lol I dunno. Just had to share. But as a fanfic writer myself, I guess I’m just as guilty as those authors, huh…


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...I'm still wondering how anyone can manage to write a story about people no one even really know about...
boredbluejay #2
Agreed! We barely know anything about their music and dance styles, let alone their personalities. We only know that they have handsome faces!
Someone correct me if I'm wrong. >.>
predictator #3
I know, rite ._.

100% agreed with you OTL