Han Minhee as The Mommy



 In this unrealistic world, it is hard to find someone real like them.
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Knock! Knock! Who's there?
Name — Han Minhee
  • Min-- A nickname made up by her family members. Taken from the suffix of her name Minhee.
  • Mammahee-- Is called by her four best friends because of her mother-like personality.  
  • Areum-- Only called by her Grandmother because when Minhee was born that was the name she wanted to give but Minhee's dad strongly disagreed. (that was the name of the Grandmother's best friend that deceased exactly one year before Minhee was born.)
  • Miss Cold-- Called by her classmates from elementary-college, employees and sometimes by (whoever is the one who got the Happy-Go-Lucky plot) just to kid around with her.             
Birthday & Age — 24 December 1991 (almost turning 24 but currently 23 years old)
Occupation — CEO of Milian Luxury Hotel (just graduated from Seoul University with high honors of Business and Marketing Degree)
Ethnicity — Korean (full)
Faceclaim — Park Chorong (Apink)
Back-up — Kang Seulgi (Red Velvet)
Appearance — Minhee is 165 cm (5'4) and weighs 45kg which equals to around 101 pounds. She has bangs and dark brown hair that is a little past her chest. She have a good body porportion because of her mother constant pestering to exercise since she was young. There is a small birthmark that looked like a heart that centered right in the middle of the back. She have long fingers but her hands are really small. 
Style —  She likes a variety of style ranging from casual to sophisticated syle. She can be considered the fashionsta among her group of friends. She is always on track with the trends. She is the one everyone go to for the advice on fashion realted matters. Even so, she perfer girly outfits over anything else (but she hates it if it is too girly). She likes something that is neat and simple but stylish. Dislike business attires as she pointed out that it is too stiff and stuffy(which she have to get used to later because of her job). But in the end she able to incorporate her style into business too. The weather and seasons affect the way she dress. No matter what season or time she is always up on her games. She is a real fashion queen.
Summer Style & Spring
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Fall Style & Winter
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Business Style
Spirit, Body and Soul
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Personality — 

Minhee is a warm hearted person.  She is caring and is always there for her friends when they are in need of trouble. She cares soo much about others that much of the times she forget about herself.  Her friends always told her to place herself above anyone else. She is a great listener and gives good advice. Whenever somebody close to her have problems they always confide it to her first before anyone else. She help them in every step of the problem. She is the type to watch from beind, watching her friend happy, that is her happiness. Despit not looking like it, she is absent-minded. She is off in her own little world, thinking about life, her work and the problems of her friends. She is like the second mother for all her friends. 

Even so, she do have negative sides of her. Especially when she is working or in public place full of people she don't know. This side of her is really blunt as she would go straight to the point without a care about the other's feelings. She is ruthless in business and always ahead of her competitors but she is always fair. In public events she have a poker face on, nobody would ever thought she is the same smiling one from the cafe with her friends. She is stubborn and can be sharp-tongued to people she don't like in which her love interst is going to have to deal with at first. Her posionous side is only shown to people she dislike and avoid showing this side to her friends. 


Likes — 
  • cooking (especially baking cupcakes)
  • classical music (musician like Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, and Bach)
  • tea (herbal, Earl Grey, and green tea)
  • reading mystery novels (by authors like Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Charles Dickens and Edgar Allan Poe) 
  • fashion
  • love flowers (her favorite is white and pinkish roses. Red is acceptable to her.)
  • gardening (have her own personal garden and a green house)
  • strangers (especially male)
  • seeing her friends in trouble
  • foul language (it is a big no-no to her)
  • alcohol/drug/cigarette (hates them to the core)
  • bitter food
  • Bugs (ants and spiders)
Hobbies — 
  • Playing piano and violin
  • Exercising (doing Yoga)
  • Writing peoms about life in general 
  • Shopping
  • Painting landscapes such as hills, river (natural views)
Habits — 
  • rubbing her chin when in deep thoughts (The Cocky Plot would always say that it remind her of Einstein)
  • tapping her index finger when bored 
  • twirling her hair when nervous
  • filling with air when irritated
  • tendency to humming to herself when happy
  • her lips (feeling nervous) 
Fears — 
  • Loud noises (trauma from the past. Direct cause unknown but have to do with her older sister)
Fun Facts — 
  • never fallen in love before and never had a crush on somebody before
  • owned a puppy before, named Coco but died when Minhee was 12 years old. From then on she never get a new pet to respect the deceased one.  
  • She can easily switch between the two sides of her. One moment she can be scolding at her employee and then immediately change into a happy face to her friends.
  • Can't stay still. A part of her body have to move even when sitting or reading. 
  • feels uncomfortable around men
  • can speak English, French, and Italian
  • wanted to be a florist when she was young, but had to give it up when her father disagreed. He wanted her to follow his path.
  • Born in Milan, Italy. 
  • Secretly went to a garden at night with her friends when she was 9 years old
  • her friends believe her drawing skill is horrible but her painting is good
  • have a soft spot for childrens
  • reason why she love roses soo much was because that was the flower that connected her to her friends
  • design clothes (also she gives some of those clothes to her friends) 
  • loves eating mango
Nature's Growth and Surrounding
History — Minhee is born into the wealthy Han family. She is acutally not the only daughter but the fact is hidden from her. Her parents were busy most of the time in her life. She don't remember any time where she spends it with her parents. She was lonely living alone in the big mansion filled with maids and butlers but none can be her friend. All of the other kids her parent intoduced to her was spoiled and bratty and since then Minhee shut those girls out of her life. One summer when she was 6 years old, her parents send her to live with her grandmother. That was when she met all the other girls. They were able to make her happy and careless about the harsh and lonely world that she was living. 
They quickly became close and inseparable. Even with the difference they were able to connect well. The girls would come over to her grandmother's place and they would play together and eat snacks made by her grandmother. Her grandmother would give an update about her to her parents everyday about how she is doing. The reason why her parents even send her there was because they noticed how lonely she was. When she finished high school at Gwangju she applied for Seoul University and got in immedicately. All the other girls also moved to Seoul with her for their own reasons. 
Current Life — Currently, Minhee is living alone (sometimes the girls stay over) in a mansion bought from her dad's money because she wanted to live independently but her father disagreed at first. In the end he let her but she can only live in a place he agreed upon. She have recently graduated and became the new CEO. Her daily life consist of working at the hotel and spending her free times with her friends at the coffee shop. Helping out at the shop, breaking up fights between the friends and simply watch them have fun while relaxing.
  • father | Han Yonghwa | 57 | Chairman of the Board of Directors of Milian Luxury Hotel | Yonghwa is harsh and strict to his daughter but deep inside he love Minhee a lot. He do not show his true feelings to her but he is prtoective of her. Even though he is not physically there most of the times, next to her, he is always watching her from afar. He supports her and is confident in her abilities. He is the type of father that wishes his daughter well but his words and actions come out wrong. When they are together, they do not speak much except about business. Even so, there is a silent agreement between them. Want her to get married with the guy of his choice so that Minhee would not meet the fate of his other daughter.
  • mother | Han Soomin | 53 | Currently a Fashion Designer (ex-model) | She loves Minhee a lot but her job always pull her away from her daughter which made her really guilty of doing that. Just like her husband she watches Minhee from afar. She believes Minhee is the most beautiful person in the world and is proud of her. When they are together on Minhee's mother free day, her mother would drag Minhee to shop, eat out, or basically a "mother-daughter day out". Do not want Minhee to become like her other daughter. Always fearing that event will repeat.
  • grandmother | Han Naeun | 78 | Retired (former Chairwomen) | She loves Minhee a lot as she always said, Minhee remind her of her deceased friend. Minhee spend her childhood with her grandmother. They have a really close relationship and Minhee do not want to lose her grandmother. Her grandmother is someone Minhee can relate to and she can make Minhee calm and happy when she was young. Want Minhee to marry and build a family because she believes Minhee is at the age for marriage and that is where Minhee cannot agree with her.
  • older sister(also love rival) | Han Jiyoon | 32 | Unknown | The older sister that ran away from home to be with her lover that was not accepted by her parents. Minhee do not know about her existence. But will later show up in the story because she and her lover (husband) ended their relationship because she was bored of him and that he lost a lot of money. She will become a love rival for Minhee. Jiyoon do not like Minhee believing that Minhee took everything from her. 
  • love rival | Jung Nara | 23 | Cunning, Quiet, Annoying, Seductive  | She is Minhee's love interest's ex-girlfriend. Suho broke up with her a few years back and she want him back. Hates Minhee and is always planning to harm her. Later teams up with Jiyoon, Minhee's sister. 
  • love interst's older sister | Kim Hyemi | 27 | Playful, Smart, Bright  | Hyemi likes Minhee a lot. She ships her brother and Minhee together. She is happy that Minhee is going to become her sister-in-law. She is smart and can judge people precisily. Minhee and Hyemi can get along well and they would talk about flowers most of the time since Hyemi is a florist. 
Unexpectedly A Beautiful Answer
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Name — Kim Joonmyeon (aka Suho) (Exo)
Birthday & Age — 21 May 1989 (26 years old)
Occupation — CEO of the prestigious Kim Airline 
Back-up — V (BTS)
Personality — He is a very intelligent man in business just like Minhee. He is a loyal man who trust people to the max. including Minhee. When people slandered her, he believed she did not do it. He knew her well, and he is not letting his heart control him. When he loves someone he stick to them and never look at other girl except for the one he love. He is very kind as he do volunteer work and donates a lot of his earning to charity. He is protective of people he love and care about. Their safety is a higher priority than his. He has a playful side to him when he is not working. He would tease Minhee and tried to make her smile. When he is working he is a serious man who is not in the least playing around. He knows when to play and not to. 
Background — Suho is also born into a wealthy family. He took over his dad's position in the Kim Airline. Since the age of 10 he lived abroad and attended school there but he did come back to S. Korea for the summer & winter break. After he graduated at the age of 23 years old, he moved back to succeed his father. He have one older sister who is already married. There is a friendly interaction between the family members. He considered to be the most wanted bachelor and the most successful young career man in the country. He did dated a girl before (Jung Nara) but she cheated on him. He immediately ended the relationship with her, and he starts to doubt women's goodness. He remained single without casting a look at other girls. Until one day he saw a girl that changed his mind and he immedicately fell heads over heeels for her. (basically love at first sight?) 
First meeting — That day was 2 years back from when (your) story starts. Minhee volunteered to clean the park. On that same day Suho was jogging there. Suho stopped to take a rest and noticed people cleaning the park. He was immediately drawn to Minhee and he had no idea why. For the last few years he did not care about any women but this one just stood out. He shook his head thinking that someting must be wrong with him and ran again to keep his mind off of her.
The next day he saw her again, but this time at the orphanage. He just donated the money to place and was walking around when he saw Minhee playing soccer with the orphaned kids. He was touched and he realized that he was attracted to her and that good women was still out there. Like the one right in front of him. He was gone for a while to go the bathroom but when he came back Minhee disappeared and he didn't know her identity. He searched for her but never found her until fate leads him to see her again.
First official meeting: Minhee was chattering with her friends in the coffee shop when Suho walked in alone. He was shocked to see her but also happy but he didn't show his excitement. It been 2 years since he last saw her and he noticed how much she has grown. She was soo beautiful. Minhee didn't have any idea that somebody was staring at her. A phone call came saying her grandmother is coming to the shop and that she want to meet Minhee's finance. Minhee panicked, she didn't have anyone. The "happy-go-lucky" proposed an idea to find someone to play along. But who? In the shop there was only Suho and the girls. The "cocky" one want up to Suho and dragged him over to the girls table. "Use him." she said. Minhee and Suho locked eyes for the first time. 
Interaction — When they are together World War 3 can happen. They constantly bicker even in front of the other girls despite Minhee not wanting to show them that side of her. She just don't know how to act around him. He is somebody she is not used to. She gets flustered around him and he always or irritate her in some way. He shows his love through his teasing. She would respond with mean words and glare. From others point of view they truly act like a couple. He worries a lot about her and don't like guys near her. She is clueless about his feelings but the (shaman's kid) and (the cocky) noticed about it. When they are both acting, Suho is the one leading. Minhee just follows him. Most of the time they just hold hands or hug. Minhee do not allow anything more than that. But soon his presence is warming and comfortable to her. 
How both got into agreement — (I guess this part is up to you)
Are you ready?
Nickname — Lil
Activity rate — 8.5
Comment/Question/Others — I am soo excited for this^^ Also I wonder what you think of my application.....quite nervous. Oh great! My excitement cannot be hold any longer. 
Scene Requests — 
  • a scene where Suho confess his love to Minhee with a rose 
  • wedding scene
  • Minhee being a badass and not being a weakling toward the bad people (stand up for herself)
  • Minhee hugging Suho tightly like there is no tomorrow
  • A scene where Minhee's dad revealed the guy who he wanted Minhee to marry was actually Suho
  • Minhee cuddling with Suho (she didn't realize what she was doing) 
  • Minhee helping her friend's dress up for their dates (that be soo cute) 
Keyword — 
                               tumblr_mnoh2nJpI71rxui9eo1_500.gif  lol...this scene soo bad


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