Favourites vs Popular

Popular Favourite
1. After Practice 1. Drugs & Loneliness
2. Drugs & Loneliness 2. Will you remember this in the morning?
3. Hold Off 3. Double Life
4. Red Lipstick 4. Betrayal (is a double edged sword)
5. Betrayal (is a double edged sword) 5. Antique
6. Will you remember this in the morning? 6. Hold Off
7. Chance/ In Another Life 7. After Practice
8. Double Life 8. Red Lipstick
8. Antique 9. Chance/ In Another Life

Because the lovely Tigress kept bugging me ;)

It's meant to be a top ten but since I only have nine fics up ~

There's more to come haha! Still it really is kinda cool to look at and see how I feel about my fics compared to my fabulous readers :P I did the popularity by the number of subscribers if you're wondering :3

Thanks darlings,

~ Ally


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Oh that is really interesting. I do like how your favorite is your second most popular though, that is a great feeling, right? =D