Les Mis Performance

Next year, my class and I will be performing Les Mis... Yay...

My audition was swell. (Lol no XD) I auditioned as Fantine but then again I'm a mezzo soprano (found that out through a vocal range test). My voice could reach only up to C5 and my classmate (who also auditioned as Fantine) is a light lyric soprano (Taeyeon's vocal range). We all know who got the upper hand here.

Wow, I have been studying my Music.

I ended up as a factory worker/e. I'm cool with that! I still want to cross-dress though... As one of the students or maybe Enjolras because why not? I could be the first female to play Enjolras.

{Lol dunno why i did this blog post i'm too hyper today XD}


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