Bias Game (tagged by others, tagging everyone who's reading...yes that means you!)

Rules: write down your top 10 biases and answer the following questions.
1. Mark Tuan (Got7)
2. Park Jaehyung / Jae (Day6)
3. Chwe Hansol / Vernon (SVT)
4. Jackson Wang (Got7) 
5. Min Yoongi / Suga (BTS) 
6. Do Kyungsoo / D.O (EXO
7. Park Jinyoung / Junior (Got7) 
8. Im Jaebum / JB (Got7) 
9. Tiffany Hwang (Snsd)  
10. Kim Hanbin / B.I (ikon)

a) the names are not in order
b) I realize that I may be slightly biased towards Got7 xD 
c) I should've just put Mark's name for all ten numbers, but alas I wanted to play fair lol

1. between 1&4: who would you rather kiss? Most definitely 1!!!!! Mark is my UB all the way xD 

2. between 2&7: who would be your best friend? Ah drat this is hard, but I think Jae

3. between 5&10: who has the better voice? Nooooo why does it have to be the battle of the rappers?! But I think I would choose B.I? Omg I'm sorry Suga D:

4. between 1&8: who is the funniest? Hmmm I think we all know that Mark can't be funny xD his jokes are only funny because they're super bad... So sorry Mark but Jaebum wins this round

5. between 6&9: who would you date? Well seeing as Tiffany is a girl and I'm straight xD I'll pick Satan Soo (but I wanna date Mark D:)

6. between 9&10: who would you do a collaboration with? Ooooh this is so hard, I love Tiffany's voice but I've always wanted to do a song with a featured rapper so I shall pick B.I 

7. between 4&8: who is the best dancer? Ahhhh why?! Why would you make me pick this?! I'm sorry Jackson is an amazing dancer but JB was a B-boy.... So I guess I'll pick Jaebum, BUT JACKSON IS AMAZING TOO

8. between 3&5: who would you most likely marry? Uhhhh I feel like a pedo noona but I'll choose Vernon even if he is a baby (why couldn't I have put Mark as number 3?!)

9. between 1&7: who would you nurse when they are sick? Mark (lol were you expecting any other answer?!) 

10. between 2&3: who has a better smile? Vernon, that handsome baby fetus

11. between 6&8: who would you vacation with? JB, I don't wanna be alone with Satan Soo D:


Another game! :D
Pick your top 5 biases from different groups and answer the questions.
1. Mark (Got7)
2. Jae (Day6)
3. Vernon (SVT)
4. B.I (iKon)
5. Suga (BTS)
♦ What do you like about 4?
His dedication and responsibility at such a young age! He's an amazing leader and s really look up to him, even the hyungs. 

♦ Is 2 an alcoholic?
Uh, I hope not? D: please don't be Jae >.<

♦ Can 1 sing?
He's a rapper so I'm gonna say no xD 

♦ Can 3 cook?
I'm guessing no? How am I supposed to know?! 

♦ What do you like about 1?
Abdjdnfjgfhshg... Let's just say I like everything about him, ok? 

♦ Has 4 had any solo albums?
No, they just debuted so... Hopefully he will have one in the future 

♦ Would you set-up pair 2 and 5 together?
Jae and Suga?! Like what???? .....I think I'd ship it xD 

♦ Do you think 3 would be a good parent?
Dude he's still a baby himself, let's not think about this yet...

♦ What do you like about 2?
His voice omg his voice!!!!!! He may very well be my favorite voice in kpop 

♦ Would 3 take drugs?
He better not!!!! I'm watching you Hansol Vernon Chwe :/ 

♦ Would 4 bail you out of jail?
Hahahaha Idk?! He better or I'm gonna kick his

♦ Has 2 ever been on reality tv?
No :(((( Day6 needs to go on shows, DO YOU SEE THIS JYP?! 

♦ Out of 1 and 5 who would be more likely to ask you out?
How can you even ask that?! It's Mark hands down. 

♦ Is 5 tall?
Loooool hahaha I'm sorry Suga but you ain't tall xD 

♦ Do you like 4’s current hair style?
I don't mind it, but I liked it more when his hair was a dark red/purple color. It really suited him 

♦ Is 2 gay?
What?! First you ship Jae and Suga together and now you ask me if Jae is gay?! Idk xD ARE YOU GAY JAE?!

♦ Would 3, 4 and 2 have a cross-dressing show? 
I'm pretty sure Jae would do it xD as for Vernon and B.I, they're slightly more on the manly side but I guess I can see them doing it as well? Though Vernon would probably be embarrassed as hell, the poor fetus is so shy xD 

♦ Would 1 go skinny dipping?
I'm gonna say no, he's too shy... But yet again it's always the quiet ones. TAKE ME WITH YOU MARK!!!! Wait what?! 

♦ Does 3 remind you of anyone you know?
He seriously reminds me of Leonardo DiCaprio, boy's too handsome for his own good 

♦ Would 5 watch ?
Hahahahaha most definitely xD sorry Suga 

♦ Would you marry 1 but then have them divorce you 6 months later; marry 2 but have them run away a year later; date 3 but then lose them in a car crash a year later; date 4 but then break up 2 years later or sleep with 5 and have them or you pregnant?
Ummmm omg this question is soooo sad. Well I would never choose 5 cause Yeon and Hye will kill me, and 3 is just way too sad to even think about. And if I choose to date anyone other than Mark, Yeon will kill me. So I guess I'll marry Mark, and I will be crushed when he divorces me 6 months later D: WHY MARK?! WHY?! WHAT HAPPENED TO US?! Ok I need to calm down xD 


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nerd_91 #1
Hahahahaha yeon and hye watching u well? Becuz of mark? They like mark too?