Committing A Crime

Is being fat a crime? 

Because if not... why are they looked down upon.

Why are they looked at like they did something wrong just because they have a few more pounds than you do...


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Sharissa #1
And i would ask being skinny is a crime too? Those people who look down upon us is just idiot.
People with a well functioned brain wont insult people
of course not.......just love yourself whatever you are....ignore them ....actually some times looking chubby is good & beautiful
Of course not!! Neeeever!!! ;)
THANK YOU FOR THIS POST!!! Being fat never was a crime and never will be. Those who judge are the criminals.
There are so SO much more to see than the fats on our arms or tummy. If they see still see you like this, then believe me someday you'll get someone who will see your beauty no matter the circumstances. Cheers! ♡
Judging people. That is the crime.
Being fat is NOT a crime. Judging people for their appearances is.
sweetypiee #8
Its definitely not a crime. But if people judges everyone that way, we have no choice/sigh/
To me appearances doesn't matter.
All is the inside, good and well.
morganlynn #9
[Part 1]
Warning this is long:
Being Fat is not a crime.
But this is where I feel like I might get some hate.
So I don't care if you are overweight and I won't judge you for it. I don't care about appearance.
But I feel like I can't say what I really feel so I'm just going to say it quickly: Be healthy.
There are some overweight people who are healthy. When you eat healthy you will live longer usually unless you get hit by a car or bite by a snake. You have less chance of losing limbs, heart failure, breathing is easier, walking is easier, less likely to die early, less back pain, less chances of getting hip replacements, it also helps relief depression, and tons more.
Listen I know I might seem like I'm making fun of you but I'm not. I'm just saying that because I exercise 30 to a hour day and I don't eat seconds or eat a bag of chips by myself that I am most likely going to live longer than you.
It harsh I know. But sometimes you have to be harsh. I feel like media has blinded us from the truth. They say love your body but people take that as:
"I'm overweight and I eat fatty foods all day but that's all right because media says its okay to be...
Appearance doesn't matter! It was never a crime ,but judging a person by their looks is a terrible crime! Don't feel bad about yourself the right people will always love you, it's what you do that counts, not how you look like! I'll still love you fat or thin, remember it's better to ignore those people who aren't worth your time! They don't deserve a good friend like you! You are appreciated for being your self more than you think! Fighting! ♡♡♡ ^__^
Being fat is absolutely not a crime. If thry can't accept us just because our pyshical appearance, then they don't deserve to be a friend.
Being fat IS NOT A CRIME. Not all people look down on a fat person. Even if you're 200 kg, I'll love you still because every human being deserves to be loved and you my friend don't have to worry for when one oppose, behind you there will be a million supporters. ·
If it is, i am guilty. Jk, i dont think its a crime, but if it was, i would be in adoration before thieves. (Fat ppl are so cute, i mean seriously, dontchu wanna squish their chubby cheeks?)