Serious plot planning is serious!

So, for those of you who read/have read my Ss501 fic will  know I'm taking it super seriously and am trying to make sure the plot is very complicated, thought through, and twisting!
I have made it clear each of the five female characters will be linked together in unexpected, hidden ways and I'm pretty pleased with the links I've made and sewn them all together simply using the information given in their applications.

To show you just how serious I am; I'll show you my brainstorm that I spent forever doing.
I obviously, finally chose all of the girls, then gave them each a colour and made a spider diagramme with ways to link them up; take a look!


Haha, did you really think I'd let you read it all?!
Of course I blurred it out so none of you can have a sneaky look at what I have planned.
Nice try~


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Well that looks complicated! I'll be sure to expect many twists along the story. You got me curious now. :)
I do that too when plotting! XDXD
Aaaah I wish it wasn't so blurry >.>
Anelea #3
Haha, your work is briliant! I really like how much you put into the story!
adeloveskyu #4
Can't wait to read more.. Saranghae n hwaiting nee chingu ^___^b