Selene Clark

MinRin04 — Min — 9/10

VENOmous desire

name — Selene Clark

nickname(s) — Sel - It's a shorter version of her name.
Kid/Kiddo - Her co-workers call her like that because she is the youngest working at the club.
Baby/Love/Beautiful - Blake calls her like that.
Godly counterpart — Nyx

birthday & age — December 3, 1992 & 23

birthplace — New York, US

ethnicity — American

language(s) — English - It's her native language.

face claim & backupSelena Gomez & Nina Dobrev

me, me, and me. 

appearance — Selene stands at 164cm and weights 47kg. She has a tattoo on her right rib that says :'Stars can't shine without darkness'. 

style — Selene has a very casual style when she is not working. The colors she wears the most are grey, black and white. She also likes to wear pastel colors (+). When she is working she wears shorts or skirts, most of the time her clothes are black but sometimes she wears glitters (+ + + +).


(+) Hard-working, Mysterious, Laid-back, Patient, Calm

(/) Reserved, Quiet, Determined, Seductive
(-) Secretive, Cold, Wrathful, Harsh, Brutal


personality — 
(/-) RESERVED, QUIET, SECRETIVE. Selene is a reserved and quiet person. She doesn't really talk to stranger until she gets to know them and also because she doesn't feel the need to, she prefers to listen other people than having to talk herself. She especially doesn't like to talk about herself and when people ask her questions about herself, she stays really vague. She is very secretive about her life and only her closest friends knows her secret.
(/+) DETERMINED, HARD-WORKING. Determination could be Selene middle's name, she is someone who works very hard and she never takes anything for granted. She knows that money won't magically appear on her bank account and that she has to work hard to gain money. That's why she doesn't care about working overtime. When she starts something she likes to finish it.
(+) LAID-BACK, PATIENT, CALM. Selene isn't someone who is anxious. She usually is laid-back and she is the one who calms people when they are stressed or angry. She is very patient and calm with people, especially her friends. She can spend hours talking with them if they have a problem and they need someone to talk to. She always has the words to make people feel better. She is also patient when doing things, she doesn't like to be rushed because for her, it's the best way to make mistakes. 
(+/-) MYSTERIOUS, COLD, SEDUCTIVE. Selene has a mysterious aura around her, especially when she works. Since she doesn't tell much about herself, it makes people even more curious about her. Selene likes to keep that mystery about herself, because it attracts customers to the club. A lot of customers flirts with her, so she is quite seductive when she is  working. But even if she flirts back with customers, if they become to insistant with her, she will happily tell them to get lost. Once a customer or someone has gotten on her bad side, she is very cold towards them and she barely aknowledge them.
(-) WRATHFUL, HARSH, BRUTAL. Never mess with Selene because as much as she can be calm and patient if she is angered, she can be very cruel. When she is angry, she either screams at people and becomes furious and sometimes she starts to throw things at people. Or she when she really furious, she becomes very cold, and she tell people the cruelest and most harsh things to them. She also becomes quite violent when she is angry. Once, at the club, a drunk customer, to whom she had told to leave her alone, tried to kiss her and she didn't had the strenght to push him away so she took the first bottle that she managed to grab, broke it and threatened the customer with it. The man was furious but Selene was even more furious and when the man tried to come closer to her, she held the bottle in front of her and said to him: 'Take one more step and you won't be leaving this club alive'. After that the man left and Selene told her boss what happened and he said that he would take care of it. Selene never saw the man again.


likes — 
Her job

dislikes — 
People who are too curious
Very hot days
hobbies — 
Listening to music
Playing with Esther

Walking home from work. She likes it because walking helps her relax.
habits — 
Biting her lips when she thinks about something.
Not looking into people's eyes when she is lying.
When she is bored, she plays with her fingers.
She always sleeps with the curtains open because she likes to stare at the night sky and the stars.
fears — 

funfacts — 
Her name Selene means 'Moon'. 
Even if she is a bartender, she doesn't really like to drink.
She is a pro at making drinks, she can create a new cocktail in no time.
She is allergic to dust.
She is OBSESSED by chocolate. She can eat a entire jar of nutella within ten minutes.
She has her driver's license but she doesn't have a car.
She has a small appartment in Brooklyn.
She hasn't seen her parents for 2 years.
Her favorite books are Harry Potter, The Mortal Instruments and The Maze Runner series. 

home is where the heart is. 

background — Selene was born on December 3, 1992 in New York. Her parents, Henry and Jennifer Clark, worked as teachers. Her family wasn't the richest nor the poorest, they were a middle-class family who lived happily. She had a good childhood. In high school, she met her best friend Megan, who became like a sister for her. But the encounter that changed her life was when she met, at the beginning of her second year in high school, Matthew Williams. It was love at first sight. Three weeks after they met Matthew left a note in Selene's locker telling her to meet him on the roof of the school. She went on the roof and Matthew was waiting for her with a big heart-shaped balloon with I love you written on it. He confessed to her and asked her to be his girlfriend and she said yes. Selene's parents were okay with her relationship with Matthew. They stayed together throughout high school and the beginning of college. After graduating from high school, Matthew and Selene both went to NYU to study Accounting (for Matthew) and Latin & Greek (For Selene). They were still together and more in love than ever. On Selene's 20th birthday, Matthew proposed to her. She was shocked but immensely happy. She couldn't speak because of how happy she was so she just nodded and hugged Matthew. They agreed not to get married until they graduates from college. The next day, Selene and Matthew told both they parents that they were now engaged. They parents were very happy for them and asked them when they were planning to get married and they told them that they were going to get married after finishing they studies. 

But on March 5, 2013, Matthew was involved in a car accident and died due to his injuries. Selene learned it the day after and she felt like her heart has been ripped out of her chest. After Matthew's funeral, she stayed at her house for 2 weeks because she was too sad and heartbroken to go to college. The first week that she went back to class, she started to feel sick. She was throwing up, mostly in the morning, she felt dizzy most of the time and the smell of food made her feel nauseous. She thought it was because of the shock from Matthew's death and she talked about it to Megan, one night when she was sleeping at Megan's appartment, and Megan told her that she was 100% sure that Selene was pregnant. So Selene did a pregnancy test and she was indeed pregnant. Selene didn't know how she was going to announce that to her parents because whilst they were okay with her being in a relationship, they wouldn't be okay with her being single and pregnant. She told Megan that she was pregnant and Megan told her that she was going to come with her to tell her parents. The next day, they went to Selene's house and when she told her parents that she pregnant, her mother became furious and she said to her that she either abort the baby or she leaves the house, because she didn't wanted a daughter that was pregnant without being in a relationship. Selene told her parents that she wasn't going to abort, so she took her belongings and left the house.

After learning that she was pregnant and leaving her parents' house, she dropped out of university to find a job. She lived with Megan until she found an appartment. One day while she was searching for a job, she walked by the club 'Underworld' and noticed that they were searching a new bartender. She went inside and asked if they were still in need of a new bartender. The boss, Joe, asked her if she had any experience working at a club and Selene said to him that she never worked as a bartender but that she really needed that job. Joe said to her that she was hired and that Hanna, one of his employee, would show her how to make drinks. After two months of working at the club, Selene fainted and Joe brought her to the hospital. That's when he learned that Selene was pregnant. He told her he was okay with it and he took more care of her after learning. Six months after working at Underworld, she could finally afford a small appartment in Brooklyn. On November 16, 2013 her daughter, Esther was born and Selene was the happiest girl in the world. Now she still lives in Brooklyn, with her daughter, and she still works at Underworld.


family — 

Henry & Jennifer Clark, 50 & 45 | Parents | Strict, Harsh, Hard-working | Selene used to get along very well with her parents, when she was a child and even a teenager. But when she told them that she was pregnant they became very distant and cold with her. They don't see each other anymore.
Esther Clark, 2 | Daughter | Sweet, Cute | Esther is the center of Selene's world. Selene is always there for her daughter and she will do everything to make sure that Esther is always happy and in good health. Esther means 'Stars'.


relationships — 

Darielle Song | Friends, 23 | Charming, Honest, Flirty | They met because of Blake. He wanted Selene to go with him to the shooting of his latest movie which Darielle was in. At first Selene was jealous of the way that Darielle flirted with Blake but she realised that she flirted with nearly everyone. When Darielle had some time off, she went to speak to Selene and she told her not to worry about her trying to steal Blake away from her. Selene smiled at that and after that they talked about random things. When Selene had to go, Darielle gave her number to her and they sometimes, mostly when Darielle doesn't have to film something, go out for coffee. Darielle knows that Selene has a child.
Joseph 'Joe' Butler | Boss & 'Brother', 33 | Funny, Caring, Threatening, Cold | Joe is like a big brother to Selene. He was the only who gave her a job without asking questions about her past. Selene looks up to him. It's not unusual that when the club is closed, Joe comes to Selene's appartment or vice versa, and they watch movies or plays with Esther. He takes care of Selene and he is always here when she needs him. Joe is Esther's godfather.
Megan Anderson | Best Friend, 23 | Funny, Stubborn, Honest, Smart | They met in high school and they became friends nearly instantly. Their personalities complete each other. Megan is the one Selene lived with when her parents told her to leave the house after telling them she was pregnant. Megan is very supportive and protective with Selene. She is the one who babysits Esther when Selene is working. She is Esther's godmother.
Hanna Peterson | Co-worker & Friend, 25 | Sweet, Flirty, Honest, Critical | They met on Selene's first day of work. Hanna was the one to show her how to work as a bartender (how to make drinks...). They talked a lot and became friends. 
Matthew Williams | Ex-Fiancé, 21 (When he died) | Kind, Caring, Smart, Quiet| Selene and Matthew met in their second year of high school, it was love at first sight. They began to date shortly after they met. They were a very cute and loving couple, until Matthew died in a car accident. Matthew is Esther father. 

the one and only.

love interesT + FC — Blake Wood + Jamie Campbell Bower
*english name — If applicable.

backup(s)  — Dylan O'Brien
birthday — November 22, 1988

personalitY TRAITS — (+) Smart, Just, Passionate, Hard-Working, Loyal
(/) Stern, Morbid, Strong-willed
(-) Greedy, Cocky, Cunning, Playboy, Manipulative

background  — Blake Wood is the youngest son of Stephen and Mary Wood, two famous lawyers. He always had everything he wanted and nobody ever said no to him. His parents wanted that his brother, Nate, and him became lawyers. Nate was fine with it and he went to law school but Blake didn't liked that. However his parents forced him to go to law school. He studied law for a year but he left school the next year to become a movie director. Needless to say that his parents were furious. But when Blake was nominated for his first award for his first short movie and won it at only 19, his parents understood that he would be a much better movie director than a lawyer. After that, Blake started to work on his first movie, which received a lot of attention when it was released in cinemas. He is one of the youngest movie director to receive an oscar at only 23.

Selene and Blake met at Underworld. Blake was there with the cast and crew of his latest movie, to celebrate the end of filming. He spotted Selene behind the bar and went to talk to her. He ordered a drink and when she served it to him, he started to flirt with her but she just smiled at him and resumed doing drinks, completely ignoring him. Not used of being ignored like that, he tried to talk to her again but she said to him that she was working. He asked her when her shift ended so they could talk more, she just laughed and told him that she wasn't interested, because she thought that he was just like any other customers that liked to flirt with her. He wanted to talk to her more but one of his crew member called him so he left the bar to go to where his friends were. But when he was going to leave, nearly when the club was going to close, seeing that they were nobody near the bar and that Selene was cleaning up, he came to talk to her again. He apologized to her for problably sounding like a jerk earlier, saying that it wasn't his intention and that he genuinely wanted to talk to her. She asked him why and he said that it was because he found her really pretty but also because there was something really intriguing to her, a mysterious aura. He said to her that he wanted to know her and maybe become friends. She smiled at him and asked how could she be sure that he was really interested in getting to know rather than just trying to seduce her. He asked her to tell him what to do to prove her that he was sincere and she told him to surprise her. That's what he did and now he comes three times a week at Underworld, from opening to closing, stays at the bar watching Selene, talking to her when there aren't too many customers, sometimes protecting her from insistent customers, and he drives her home. Thanks to that, they got to talk more about each other, and became friends,  and Selene realizes that he is sincere with her. 


interactions  — They are really flirty with each other. They could easily pass for a couple with the way they act with each other. It's not unusal to see Blake waiting for Selene when she finishes work. At first she was really reluctant to let Blake enter her life, because she didn't wanted to feel the pain she felt when Matthew died, but she started to fall for him. Blake wanted to know more about Selene, and even if at first she was really secretive about her past, she finally told Blake everything. She feels safe with Blake and he feels very protective over her. Thanks to Selene he become less of a playboy.

endgame  — Selene and Blake become more and more close. And eventually Blake confesses to Selene, saying that he will take care of Esther and her for the rest of their lives.

last messages.

comments/suggestions — I hope you'll like my app ^-^ I'm sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my first language. I'm sorry for not using asian face-claims but I thought that Selena Gomez fitted the plotline well ^-^ and also I'm sorry if the background is too long. Also I hope that Selene's secret is good enough :) 

scene request — 
Selene, Esther and Blake go to the cemetery to see Matthew's grave.

Anything else? — Begin Again 

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