A-Z Tag (Because I've seen it around and thought it'd be a pretty apt first blog)

A - Age: Two. Two. 

B - Biggest Fear: Commitment

C - Current Time: 12:49am

D - Drink You Last Had: Water

E - Easiest Person To Talk To: Complete strangers. They're always the easiest to talk to, and sometimes we never see each other again.

G - Grossest Memory: Uh, it involves a female bodily function. Not sure if that's comfortable to talk about lol.

H - Home: Anywhere there is someone that I can relate to.

I - In Love With: Sleeping/eating.

J - Jealous Of: Inanimate objects. I really just want to observe everything. This whole living a life business is hard sometimes.

K - Killed Someone: Yes. In stories.

L - Longest Relationship: My mom and dad. Been in that relationship since I was born.

M - Middle Name: L. Maybe. It says so on my birth certificate so probably.

N - Number of Siblings: 1

O - One Wish: To be happy. Content. Whatever. Anything at all as long as I'm happy with it.

P - Person Who You Last Called: Work.

Q - Question You’re Always Asked: Why are you so quiet? (Answer: Because I am, deal with it.)

R - Reason To Smile: Kind people. Kind people are awesome.

L - Last Song You Sung: Cake by the Ocean - DNCE

T - Time You Woke Up: Um, I think it was 7:30am. Idk, I never usually wake up early so I didn't notice lol.

U - Underwear Color: Plain, boring white.

V - Vacation Destination: Venice or Hawaii. Whichever is sinking faster.

W - Worst Habit: Procrastination/apathy. On the flip side of that being a pushover and having too much empathy.

X - X-Ray’s You’ve Had: Lungs/chest.

Y - Your Favorite Foods: It's honestly easier for me to name foods I DON'T like. Bitter Melons. Olives. Other things.

Z - Zodiac Sign: Virgo, which is funny because I barely act anything like a Virgo (if you believe in horoscopes of course).


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