Z-A (How many of you can say your alphabet backwards? I know I can....)(Stolen from -Tigress-)

Z - Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Y - Your Favorite Foods: cheese, Cheese, and MORE CHEESE! And super spicy food, like them spicy pho and spicy chicken wings xD

X - X-Ray’s You’ve Had: None, I is okay-healthy xD

W - Worst Habit: Stuttering (Is that a habit? Imma say it is cause I used to never stutter when I talk, but after living with my stuttering uncle I've started stutter T_T)

V - Vacation Destination: Take me to England! Anywhere historical!

U - Underwear Color: I don't even know and I'm not gonna check for yall erts on here ;)

T - Time You Woke Up: 6:30 AM, alarm for them work at 7AM WAHAHAHAHA

L - Last Song You Sung: Sorry by Justin Bieber lol....If not then it's the Chinese song "I can only love you"

R - Reason To Smile: Work-related...? KInda a requirement here xD

Q - Question You’re Always Asked: How are you? (It's what happens when you're like never home and work customer service I guess xD)

P - Person Who You Last Called: Uh....The last called was for work? It was a call back since I missed the call, otherwise ahem who needs to be on the phone? PHONE BILLS

O - One Wish: I wish Woollim Boys debut in 2016. And that Infinite get marry soon. 

N - Number of Siblings: Uh I have eight biological siblings and eight half siblings xD There's 17 of us in total. If we combine all 17, you can say I'm the middle child lol xD

M - Middle Name: Don't got one~!

L - Longest Relationship: In a romantic aspect? None. In a family aspect? Well, life duh....

K - Killed Someone: Not...yet....Yeah I said it! I've killed many people in my fictions and dreams but not yet in real life. Though my biggest fear is running over a biker who bike too close to the road or something....

J - Jealous Of: Successful people. Especially those who makes money and don't know where to spend it. 

I - In Love With: "Concealed identity" lol.....

H - Hometown: I'll just say California, USA (good luck trying to find me)

G - Grossest Memory: Gosh get ready to puke at this story. So I used to raise chickens, yes I've succeeded in raising up to 200 chickens that sort of all lived together. Back then 30% of my days were spent with them chickens. Anywho so a hen had laid eggs that were ready to pop, and so for some reason I was taught to help them baby chicks come out faster by removing the shells and then putting them back under the hen. When I came across this half opened egg, I saw movement and was ready to remove the shell. But then I noticed the moving looked straight. It was freaking maggots! Gosh let's stop here. That was gross. 

F - First Friend: My first friend was a girl named Tiga xD I remember she had a super small waist (even for a little girl) and we were headstarters xD I believe she was hispanic but she was really pretty xD Idunno if she still remembered me but she moved some time in elementary xD I remembered she used to call my house and wanted to talk to me but I didn't want to talk to her for some reason. Maybe cause I don't like talking on the phone in general xD

E - Easiest Person To Talk To: My siblings, brothers or sisters I can easily share anything and everything with them xD

D - Drink You Last Had: Strawberry Pepsi created by Me lol xD

C - Current Time: 5:10 PM

B - Biggest Fear: Lynching. I hate the sight of lynching. I mean photos are alright (I guess?) but if I ever see anyone get lynched in real life I'd probably lynched myself beside them. Super creepy stuff >_<

A - Age: Twenty-one who's mind is still developing and body is that of someone at the age of 50. Man I'm unhealthy. 


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