☀ the princesses' exchange - kingdom of caeria ; yu naryeong

  call me   Yu Naryeong





hey I just met you > Yu Naryeong 
especially for you > 
💎 Solar - the stage name that naryeong created for herself which the people in town now referred her as. Very few really know her real name.
💎 Yuna - Naryeong, for some reason, introduces herself as Yuna when it is not work related. 'I'm Yu Naryeong, you can call me Yu Na.' and it is used by her acquaintances and some friends that she met outside orphanage.  
I fell from heaven on > 2/12/1994 (21 years old)
the blood pumping through my veins > Korean
never tongue twisted >
💎 Korean / mother tongue / fluent
💎 English / naryeong doesn't limit her music listening to just the music in her country but finds the foreign music, especially the west's, very interesting. so she learns english online and youtube in continuation of school to be able enjoy them more / conversational
isn't she lovely? > Bae Irene [Red Velvet]
isn't she wonderful? >  Park Minha [Nine Muses]
beauty is in the eye of the beholder >  naryeong owns black hair and always braided them messily. (other than that, all her features would be the same as irene)





I know myself like the back of my hand >
( + ) : nonjudgemental, open minded, hardworking, independent.
( -- ) : passive , insecure, reserved, distrusting.
clear as glass >
💎 naryeong is known by her friends and even those people in the orphanage to be someone that they can always talk to without being judged. she doesn't limit herself into one belief and even finds what others believe to be interesting. same relationship, there is one God or something like that. she always tries to understand or at least not voicing any opinions when people's beliefs or views differ from hers. when people talk about their secrets or mistakes, naryeong is one to listen and nod rather than speaking her mind of what she thinks about those secrets. she may not be good at comforting people but she is good at lending people her shoulders or ears to talk. some says 'the artistic minds see things more differently than others' and this is the exact phrase that defines naryeong.
💎 naryeong is not someone that is easily stastified with her work so she done it with lots of hard work so that she can be happy with the end product. she doesn't rely on her pay on her performances alone but also does other works too so that she is not sitting by idly when there are no calls for her performance. in everything she does, she doesn't do them half heartedly. she doesn't like giving up and gives it everything she has before saying 'she can't do it' and doesn't like giving excuses. this is due to something about her wanting to be strong and reliable to other people's eyes even though she is just has no parents by her side.
💎 naryeong doesn't like to depend on people. even at such a young age, she had shown a trait or two of an adult and her independence is one of them. partly because she likes the feelings after achieving something without the help of others, the feelings that she can afterall do those thing on her own. other part of her dislikes to burden people. and because she doesn't trust people that much.
💎 naryeon is passive in a way that she allows everything to go their way. there are rumours about her sleeping with one of the important people in the royalty system, about her being a homoual but she just go with the flow. she doesn't confirm or deny all those things. that is how she usally handle other things. she may be independent in such way that she doesn't rely on people but not so much when she has to be in action about how people treated her or what they say about her. she just go with the flow even when she does not like the pace.
💎 naryeong goes up and down a stage multiple of times before but she still has deep insecurities about herself. she always feel like what she has done is not good, especially after she finished performing. she likes to beat herself up with the fact that she could've done better, with all the 'I messed up's and 'did you see I slip a little?'. naryeong is the one that stays in front of a mirror for so long not because she is vain but the opposite - she always see flaws in herself and keep trying to fix them. it is so obvious that she lacks confidence whenever she is not on stage, with her head hung low and her hesitant waves to people as if not understanding why some people says they love her. she loves what she do and good at it, even the king wants her to perform at the palace but for due to her low self esteem rather than pure humbleness, she doesn't take much credit for her natural talents.
💎 to say naryeong doesn't mingle much is an understatement. naryeong is distant and reserved because of her fear of being abandoned just like how her parents did if she get attached. she is not unfriendly or cold (she treats people the way she wanted to be treated) but you could always catch her restraining herself to talk about the deeper topics with people. she is good at changing the topic when the talk suddenly turns personal. she just doesn't like to talk about herself and her life and always become distant to those who pressed her to not bottle everything. we can conclude that she has major trust issues and it takes lots of time for her to open up. her first question that she ask to herself when meeting new people is that 'is this person trustworthy?'. may sound judgemental contradicting to the above trait but sometimes she needs to protect her heart
hard as stone >
after being abandoned by her parents, the Sunshine Orphanage became her home for so long. even so, she never feels at home there because she never feel like she belongs even with the kind caretaker. she is an outcast there, being the reserved girl that she is. she doesn't talk to people there about how she feels, how she is mad at herself for being someone that her parents don't want to keep. she beats herself with those thoughts until she truly believes that she is not good enough if her own parents don't want her. every anniversary of the orphanage, artists were brought there to perform and naryeong realized that she is most happy in that place around that time of the year, watching those people danced and sings and just entertaining people. she realized that she wanted to be like those people - someone that can help forget someone's sorrows. around 12 years old, she started being one of those performers even though she is not paid but she is still happy to be producing art in terms of her voice. she wrote her own music and sometimes stands infront of the mirror just to do some random dances that she picked up from the performance. this is how at 15, she finally decided to perform her own most personal song. about how mad she was at the world, how she get over it despite everything, how she wanted to be better. the song was so emotional that the king himself had felt it and was impressed. now at 21 years old, she had performed at the palace multiple of times, earns lots of money because of that day, known as the artistic musician by some people in the town. she is not famous but people recognize her. the king offers her own room at the palace for her to stay. but after she turns 18, she lives there only for a few days if there are royal party that she needs to perform for. she has her own home now bought, designed and renovated by her own money. with that amount of money, she also takes musical instruments classes.
I woke up like this, flawless >
  when there are no scheduled for her that day, naryeong can sleep till noon or early afternoon if no one is there to wake her up. but when there are some events that she needs to attend to, she will wake up at 7 or 8 with the help of a five-minute differences on her alarm that starts at 6.55 (usally takes her 3 alarms to wake her up). she always then take her coffee before going out to take a jog if she feels like it. If she feels lazy she will just stay in her bed with her journal, jotting any random phrases until she feels inspired with one of those phrases to write a song. she also has a dancing studio that she paid with her own money that she used to practice and usually used them in her free time at the afternoon. or just hang out with her cat and housemate, watching TV or go out shopping. this is all if she doesn't have any schedule but she when she has, she used her hours after her morning coffee because she doesn't want to mess up. She also has a flexible working contract at the musical instruments shop that she goes to if the owner calls for her presence. She limits her performances to palace and the occasional festivals that the town held. Other than all those things, her life is as normal as other people.
optimism enhancers > Willow, popcorns, movies, any sorts of peanuts, shopping, her guitar, slow songs, poetry, feelings to be on stage, autumn.
pessimism causers >  thunders, hot weather, summer, spicy foods, skin ship, personal talks.
time well spent > writing songs, dances, composing with her guitar, shopping with maru, playing with willow, go to fashion blogs, youtubing.
all the little things in between >
  💎 naryeong is not a morning person.

💎 naeyeong likes her coffee black with only one packet of sugar.

💎 the only dances she performed are modern contemporary and the traditional dances even though she can do hip hop and jazz.

💎 her favorite color is white.

💎 the people that calls her naryeong is only the ones that know her from the orphanage.

💎 her stage name is inspired by the name of her home, Sunshine Orphanage.

💎 she can play multiple of instruments but her favourite to use in her songs are the guitar and harmonica.

💎 her black cat is called 'willow'.

💎 her favourite popcorns are the peanut flavoured

💎 she is not worried about people seeing her journal because her handwriting is the worst

💎 a hot weather/sunlight sometimes makes her sneezed (weird and irony because her name is solar)

💎 her normal attire consisted of maxi skirts with a simple t-shirt.

💎 the only times she opens up to people are when she is on stage/performing and with maru.





through thick and thin >
Lee Maru (fc : Hwang Kwanghee) | 21 | housemate/best friend | cheerful and loud, confident, friendly, emotional | self-employed manager/fast food cashier | alive

Maru is someone that Naryeong met in the the orphanage and sticked by her since then. Naryeon didn't push him away but doesn't not open up to him either but Maru never cared. Naryeong never admitted it but he is her mood maker and heart curer and when she can legally moved out of the orphanage, she brought Maru along because other than the caretaker, he is the close thing that he has a family. Naryeong knew from experience that Maru will not leave her but she still feel a little insecure that Maru might still do that. Maru is also the one that accept calls about performances usually the one that manage Naryeon's schedules even though she always complained that she can do that herself since the calls are very far apart from eachother. he is also the optimist to her pessimism.





if you're wrong, I don't want to be right > Song Minseok [EXO'S Xiumin]
all I ever wanted > Song Junho [2PM's Lee Junho]
the adam to my eve >  26/3/1991 (24 years old)
bringing back the bacon > Prince
magnetic attraction > 
minseok met naryeong just like other royalty met her, when she was brought in to perform whenever she is needed to. minseok, along with his sisters and brothers, introduced themselves as immediately welcomed her with open arms because if the king said she is great, then she is great. minseok, at first, thought she is just another young entertainer but on the night she performed for a party - he was immediately interested and compared the girl that introduced herself shyly to the girl that sings her heart out. he went to her after she performed and went on ranting that how she changed when she singed. her eyes were more brighter, her voice was more clearer, her body were more relaxed. the 18 years old prince honestly said, "it's obvious that you like to do music. and i love the kind of people that appreciate music like you do."
it, ofcourse, took lots more than that to break her shield but miseok never stops, he would always take the time to rant about what he loves about her performance every single time she came to the palace. it goes on for almost six years, since she started performing her skills at 15 years old for the royal events. every single time, her heart soften because, just like Maru, minseok never gives up trying to be her friend. minseok would show her his paitings, his failed attempts of wriring songs just to imitate her and naryeong would always be impressed. they sometimes hang out at the garden when she came over - naryeong singing minseok's songs spontaneously and minseok telling her about school because naryeong never get to be in university. naryeong is actually in denial that she is slowly falling in love with him but one night when minseok is complaining about the engagement, naryeong realized that it hurts her. as if the doodling of his name and the minseok inspired songs in her journal was no indication. she doesn't know if she regrets opening and warming up to minseok or not because minseok is the best thing, second to Maru and willow, that ever happened to her. it was like when she realizes that those anniversary parties at orphanage makes her happy. just like hearing him talk animatedly makes her happy. and she doesn't want to lose him just like she wants to keep anything related to arts forever with her. but why would minseok chose a mere entertainer over a princess and disobey his parents.

you're weird but I like you >
  what differs minseok from the other princes (and ami) is that he prefers to stay inside and paint, listening to music and just be engrossed in anything that doesn't require him to be outside. he is majoring arts at the moment. to say he is not active outdoor is an understatement. he is the one that stays behind and tells his siblings not to do stupid things. he is a risk averse and if to put it in myungsoo's words, he is a chicken when it comes to new things. he obeys his parents orders diligently and plans to stay that way. kyungmi is his role model, though she wouldn't admit, so her obedience rubs on him. he is also patient and it is so rare for him to raise his voice or getting mad.
on the other side, minseok is tolerant, too tolerant that his younger brothers and sisters sometimes take opportunity of. he advises not to break their parents' orders but the next second he is covering and making excuses for them. in conclusion, minseok is a softie that some of his brothers would sometimes call her a princess but what always forgot is that he is good at martial arts that he could take them down wuth his judo skills. thankfully, miseok is patient.





comments // suggestions // questions ;
i hope you don't mind me mentioning arts in terms of music only. it's unclear to me if the king brought her to palace to live with them also so i put down she moved out when she legal. deeply sorry if that's not you're planning but you can change that part hehe. i hope this is ok. 

scene requests ;
- minseok drawing nareyong
- naryeong wrote a song for minseok after knowing he is going to get married as a confession?
- minseok finally man up and sneak out of a party to be with naryeong
- might be adding more soon?
layout credits to _milkshake @ fallen angel. do not steal.


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Ahaha! :) OMG you also included Kyungmi~ ^^
This is a big help on how I'd write about her and Minseok.
I know this may be weird but, I feel happy. <3