Had a massive breakdown


Last night I came home from college already feeling unstable, I had been holding back tears the whole time at college and I felt stupid. Well I decided to try and get help with some work that was a big part of what was wrong and the girl gave me all her notes saying she wasn't sure if we were allowed them during the class since it is for an assessment that I missed the planning for (I was sick for two days well a week but I couldn't take the other days off). I then realised I had a Japanese test as well that I am not ready for as I am slower than the rest of my class due to my dyslexia and the teacher keeps making fun of me in front of the whole class, I now worry everytime I have Japanese that she is going to try and make me read something that I can't read.

To tell you the truth as I cannot read Hiragana and Katakana yet I am unable to follow what is happening in class now as everything is in Japanese not English and Romaji. I struggle so much so that adds to my problem. 

I cried for hours yesterday when everything became to much for me to handle and my brain was just crashing. My mother arrived home after 9pm but when she did I just exploded into an anxiety and stress breakdown, I cried for a good hour and ended up not sleeping the whole night. 

I got to the point last night that I actually said I wanted to overdose and just die and I kinda still want to do that...I don't see how I am supposed to be as fast as they want me to be...I am not like that... 

Really wish I could just stay home and try and calm down some more but I can't and I just know I will have a breakdown at college. 



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kpoplover_160 #1
Do not hurt ur self I sometimes have breakdowns and when they happen I try to do something that can make me happy and something I can do alone so that I don't have explain why I'm down and have another so u should try this and if that doesn't work just try to do something to make u happy ok ?^.^
Never give up. Do not hurt or harm yourself because of it. Learning should be fun not stressful. I hope your teacher can be alittle more understanding. Maybe you can ask for some help from your friends or coursemate too. No matter what there's always a way out. Just do not hurt or harm yourself. Stay strong . Everything will be fine soon. Fighting :)
please don't harm yourself...be strong...
yea...sometimes it's hard to accept everything happening around us...but never ever thought of harming yourself...
you maybe slow in this subject, but i hope you know this - god is fair...you maybe weak in this subject, but you may have a talent that others don't have...
do try to believe in yourself...even though others look down or poke fun at you...just ignore them...
you are who you are...and for your japanese class, please take it easy, take your time to understand and enjoy the process of learning it...

please try and listen to me...even though i'm a stranger to you...because i did experienced the same thing in my schooling days...everyday is a nightmare for me...slaps on the face, being rottan, or book thrown at my face were normal...but i know i've to be strong and not loss to all of them who look down on me...i may take extra time in capturing things but i didn't give up...
and now, even though i may not be as successful as my friends, but i'm proud of what i've achieved...
cassidyann34 #4
Be a good girl for me kitten and calm down
cassidyann34 #5
Honey, no matter how hard it is overdosing is not the answer. I know I sound like everyone else but take it from me, someone who everyone else would be better without me, harming is not it. Sometimes going into little space is something you have to do so the world doesn't feel like it's crashing down on you. Please don't do anything harmful. I love you and I want you here.