AEON - Song Haeun


Song Haeun

iRedTeax3 • Jie • 7


the basics.

name » Song Haeun

nickname(s) » 
- Eunnie (her members like to call her this, a short form of her name)
BIRTHDAY » September 29, 1997 (18, international)

birthplace » Seoul, Korea

hometown » Seoul, Korea
ethnicity » Korean

language(s) » Korean(fluent) - Its her native language

face claim » Yein of Lovelyz

backup face claim » Park Hwan Hui


appearance » She has a wavy dark brown hair, and one piercing on each of her ear. She has some small scars on her arms caused when she fell down carelessly, nothing too serious. Her nails are quite short as she likes to bite them.


style » She likes to dress in casual and simple clothes. She avoids wearing striking colours such as neon, bright yellow or bright pink. She doesnt like to wear anything too revealing too. She loves hair accessories and has a huge variety of it, from hair bands to clips to hair tie. However, she doesnt like accessories such as necklaces or bracelets and only wears them when neccesory such as for performances. She also doesnt wear heels.

Clothes: 1 2 3 4 5

Bag: 1 2 3

Shoes: 1 2 3

"  Annyeonghaseyo, Aeon Haeun imida"

" Have more than you show, and speak less than you know"


the girl next door.

plotline » The Naive

STAGE PERSONA » The Silent Flower
POSITION » Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
BACK-UP POSITION » Lead Vocalist & Main Rapper (The Brawn)
INDIVIDUAL FANCLUB NAME » HArmony (the first two letters taken from her name)

SINGING TWIN » Red Velvet Seulgi
DANCING TWIN » aPink Naeun
SPEAKING TWIN » Lovelyz Yein

» -

TRAINEE SPAN » 4 years (2011-2015)
She entered the company through audtions. She went through 2 unsucessful auditions and she didnt hold any hope for her third audition but her family and friends encouraged her to go and to her surprise, she passed the audition and became a trainee at SM.For the lazy Haeun, she hated trainings and at one point of time (almost 2years of training), she even thought of giving up, but once again her parents encouraged her and she herself didnt want her previous hardwork go to waste. Initially, her dancing was the worst of the worst, and she didnt even bother trying to perfect it, as she doesnt neccessary have to be in a dancer position when she debut. However, she once overheard her dance trainer talking to other trainers about how bad Haeun is at dancing and that she is hopeless,etc. Haeun, who had a little rebelious soul in her at that time, decided to prove to her trainer that she is absolutely wrong. She practiced day and night, even asking the other trainees who are good in dancing for help. Fortunately, the trainees are nice enough to help her. After months and months of vigorious training, her dancing showed tremendous improvements, suprising everyone. For Haeun's singing, she has been in choir since a young age, hence explaining how she managed to pass the auditions with her singing. After training at SM, her vocals have improved greatly too.

When she is stressed, she gives herself a break from her own extra training and gets on a random bus from any bus stop (after checking the route of the bus, ensuring that she isnt going to get lost since she has really bad sense of direction), she just sit beside the window with her earpiece plugged in, enjoying the view outside. Or she would go out with some trainees to buy drinks or some snacks, complaining to each other about everything. As she isnt somebody who enjoys being in the spotlight, whenever her trainers ask her to perform in front of the other trainees (sing or dance, etc), she would freak out and she is very sure that when she debuts, she will take some time to get to used to the stage. What she enjoys most about the training days is that everybody works towards the same goal, complain about everything from the trainers to the trainings together, even though there are some trainees that will bully her or the others, she thinks she will miss this period of time where they get really happy when they receive news of performing as a backup dancer or cameo in a music video of the sunbaes.


- Books
- Sun and rain (The sun makes her feel alive and she loves walking in the rain, even though her friends and family usually dont allow her to do so)
- Fried food
- Stitch from the cartoon
- Sweets

- Vegetables
- Clowns
- Whipped Cream
- Crowded and noisy places
- Ghosts

- Puffing her cheeks when she is nervous
- Praying before she sleeps or eat
- Biting her nails when she has nothing to do/is bored

- Cycling
- Watching dramas
- Reading

- She can play the violin
- Her favourite colours are white and purple
- She hasnt dated before
- She cant really swallow pills (it takes her at least 15mins for one pill)
- She is 160cm and 48kg
- She is a christian
- She knows sign language, she learnt it as thinking that it is interesting
- She is a fussy eater(she cant take spicy food, doesnt eat vegetables and seafood other than fish)
- Her favourite number is 9
- She keeps track of news related to them
- Her blood type is O
- She cannot leave house without her earpiece

- She cant cook but wishes she can
- She is thinking of learning a new language but cant decide between japanese and chinese 

- Instagram: @SHAEUN


home is where your heart is.

POSITIVE » Understanding, Sensitive, Humble, Loyal, Obervant
NEUTRAL » Emotional, Childish, Curious, Innocent, Shy
NEGATIVE » Reliant, Insecure, Lazy, Forgetful, Likes to think too much, Awkward

She is very sensitive hence, she usually knows how people feel, it is just whether or not she decides to say it out. She is so incredibly observant that she notices all the small details usually people wouldnt notice, therefore, her things such as her room and bag are always neat and tidy, not that there is no trash in her bag, but trash such as sweet wrappers are always separated from her other stuffs for example, being put in a little plastic bag. In addition, she doesnt really like crowded or noisy places but being a celebrity, she cant really avoid these things. She is always humble as she strongly believes that no one person is the "best in the world" in an area or another, and you never know when you would need other people's help. She really cannot stand arrogant or proud people. She is loyal to her friends, family and even her boyfriend (she doesnt have one now though), she doesnt badmouth her friends behind their backs, and when there are people badmouthing her friends, she just stay silent like she didnt hear anything as she isnt brave enough to confront them. She is understanding and doesnt make unreasonable requests, she will understand you if you explain things to her logically.

She tends to rely alot on people around her, hence she can never take on any leader position. She is so forgetful that she knows it herself so she writes all important things in this little booklet that she brings around, but she always forget to check the booklet for the important things. She is really insecure and not confident about literally everything, from her looks to her performance to what she says, as she tends to think too much hence scaring herself in the process. She is really lazy, she can lie on her bed or the couch for hours just using her phone, when her members ask her to go out to buy something, she would whine and whine but still listen to them. She is very emotional, she cries easily, if someone around her is crying, she would start to tear up also. When watching dramas, she can even cry like someone really died. She likes play around, as childish as a kid but she knows her limits, she knows when to be serious and when to play around. When she is annoyed with someone or she doesnt like someone, she cant really hide it and it is really obvious to people around her, she would be giving forced smiles and short answers to those people. She can be very awkward around people she dont know, especially guys.

background »  
Haeun grew up in a middle class family, her father works at a chinese cuisine restaurant as a manager while her mother is a housewife. She has a older sister but they dont really get along well, as their personality are the total opposites. While Haeun is the understanding and obedient child, her sister is the unreasonable and rebellious child. Her entire life is pretty boring, as on normal days, she usually goes home straight after school and continue to watch dramas or find new dramas to watch, same goes for weekends. As a christian, Haeun grew up going to church and she was in the children choir and teenager choir. In the church choir, there are many people who are musically talented and she had always envied them. Until when she was 11, she decided that she want to learn a instrument too, and she decided on the violin. She spent alot of time trying to convince her parents and they finally allowed.  

Haeun has always loved singing and music. When her teachers in school ask them to write about what they want to be when they grow up, she wanted to do something she likes and she never knew what she wanted to be as she doesnt like those office work, other jobs like police, doctors, lawyers all dont suit her. Until one day she saw some video about the SM audition, she realise that she can be a singer instead. She told her mother who then encouraged her to chase her dream bravely. After failing two auditions at SM already, she still insisted on wanting to audition for SM as she thinks that it is due to that video that she knows what she want to do so she thinks that SM would be able to help her fulfill her dream. She only told her parents about her dream of being a singer and her two failed auditions, her friends and her sister only knew about it after she was accepted as a trainee, as she thinks it is very embarrassing and they will laugh at both her dream and the failed auditions.


family »
Song Jitae | Father | 55 | Manager of chinese cuisine restaurant | Gentle, fun, stubborn. Haeun likes to joke around with her dad who would also play around with her. Her dad is very proud of Haeun even before she entered SM when she only had average results in school. He respecets Haeun's decisions as he trusts her alot.

Park Yeojin | Mother | 50 | Housewife | Understanding, wise, caring. Haeun always tells her mother everything that happens to her whether happy or sad and her mother would always listen to her. When facing problems, she is the first person Haeun goes to and whatever advise she gives, Haeun always put it in mind. She never pressures Haeun to be the best of the best, like what she always says, "the best or not, you are still my daughter, so just do it".

Song Jieun | Older sister | 20 | Employee at clothing store | Rebellious, outgoing, stubborn. Her sister is the exact opposite of Haeun. Her sister smokes, has tattoos and often dye her hair to different colours like pink or red. The two of them usually will start quarrelling after 3 sentences to each other because of different opinions.   



friends/rivals »
Kim Jongdae (EXO Chen) | Friends | 23 | Singer | Playful, caring, outgoing. They entered SM in the same year and with Chen's outgoing personality, it is difficult not to make friends with him. Chen approached Haeun and she became friends with him and some other trainees. Haeun was really happy for him when he managed to debut after 1 year. To her, Chen is like an older brother.

Emily Lee  | Close friend | 19 | Trainee | Mature, hardworking, smart. She entered SM later than Haeun but evetually grew close to her. Although Haeun has friends during the trainee period, she isnt the kind to consistantly hang around them, they are friends but not that close, however when she got close to Emily, they often eat and train together. 


the one and only.

love interest » Oh Sehun
birthday » April 12 1994 (21, international)
group » EXO
nickname(s) » Thehun (fans likes to call him that because of his lisp although he himself doesnt like this nickname)

backup love interest » Lay Zhang Yixing (EXO)


personality »
POSITIVE » Sensitive, Affectionate, Genuine
NEUTRAL » Emotional
NEGATIVE » Playful, Rebellious, Vulnerable
Everybody's first impression about him would mostly evolve around things like cold, bratty attitude and stuffs. But he actually genuinely cares about the people around him and gets hurt easily. He is the kind to care for people sliently. He might not seem like it but he does get shy around strangers so he mostly pulls up this "poker face" but once he warms up to you, he would be very outgoing and playful. He tries to hide the fact that he is very emotional and vulernable,  and is the kind to cry by himself in a corner.


first meeting » 
When EXO has already debuted but Haeun was still a trainee, Chen asked Haeun's other trainee friend to help buy drinks and food for EXO who was practising. The trainee friend then asked Haeun and a few other trainees to help take the drinks and food to the practise room as there are too many for one person to take. Then Haeun saw Sehun who was practicing his dance when they entered, and she was mesmerised by how smooth his dance moves are and of course how handsome the guy look. Thats how her crush started. 
PS: Even though Chen and Haeun are friends, he didnt ask her to help buy the drinks and food as it would be ungentlemanly of a guy to ask a girl to help to buy 12 portions of food and drinks. The trainee friend is guy and is their mutual friend.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS » Haeun crushing on Sehun
Chen found out about Haeun's crush on Sehun and helped out, eventually Sehun and Haeun grew closer. Haeun sort of brings out another side of Sehun, he tends to take care of her alot, and they tell each other about all sorts of stories for example something happened during their performance, some fans did something, etc. They unconsiously watch all the performance of each other without them knowing that they did. They were caught by some fans and reporters when the two of them went to a coffeeshop to buy drinks, resulting in a scandal and Haeun being scolded harshly by his fans.

» They both have a braided leather bracelet, Haeun bought it from some random roadside stall, but they always wore it unless requested to take off for performance.
» They like to just sit in the practise room and chill with some snacks or drinks, afterall it is where they first met each other.
» There are some fans who actually do ship them, coming up with the name "HaHun"


Their relationship became public. Initially there are alot of pressure especially for Haeun as she gained alot of hate, but they managed to cope with all the pressure with support from their team members and each other. There were many haters leaving bad comments on her instagram that she had to close down her account. But after a period of time when many started to accept the fact that they are dating and gave them their blessings, she reopened her instagram account.


last words.

comments/suggestions » I hope i didnt miss out anything ^^

scene requests » Nothing specific :)

password » Aeonology (LOL sorry i tried)


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