Ugh!!! She just never cares!!!

My mom just shouted at me for no reason at all!!!! She told me that when the timer beeps at the kitchen, turn the heat off then pull the pan away from it. I did what she told me.

After, she said she smelled something burnt. It was the pan that was burnt because the water dried out apparently.. So I told her I DID DO WHAT SHE SAID! I can't helps shouting at her because this is what happens every day. She just told me to stop lying. Yeah sure I lied to her once or twice that's because I was scared that she's get mad at me for what I did before. Then I shouted at her again, I FREAKIN DID WHAT YOU TOLD ME!!! And my stupid useless nuisance of a brother didn't help. See, whenever my mom gets mad at me, I usually take it out on my brother because I can't help it... I've been working like a slave to every chore while my brother just doesn't help at all instead playing on the computer! My mom apparently heard it and said, WHY ARE YOU TAKING IT OUT ON YOUR BROTHER!! You're older you should set a good role model and those kind of crap I've been hearing my whole life.. I get that she's tired from work or stressed but I'm more stressed keeping up with the AC program at my school, tryna catch up with homework, taekwondo, chores and keeping up with her expectations!! Ugh.. I just wish she knows how hard it is now. 


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