You know what that number means.

Yep. I made it.



You can see the struggle right there ^



And after the touchdowns at 40k then 45k, I got stuck! Again! I barely wrote a thousand words each on Thursday and Friday. I had to make it up today.

But with only  3.5k words left to reach 50k, you'd think it would be a breeze.

I've been writing or trying to (at least) since this morning. An hour ago, I thought I wouldn't make it. I planned to validate tomorrow morning because the words weren't coming.

But see... there's this one scene I was too scared to write. The few times that I tried I just froze. My mind was blank. So I decided to write it after NaNo. To just reach 50k with the other scenes. 

But tonight, I faced the inevitable.

It was her backstory, that NIGHT I mentioned in a previous blog post.

It's like getting past a pack of stray dogs late at night.  I crossed the finish line scared and I'm so glad I did. I felt invincible!

And that was the highlight of this year's NaNo. 



I did it again guys!

Two years in a row.

Thank you.



P,S, The original message was lost because my sis pulled the plug. She doesn't know I'm writing and it has been happening a lot. There were days when I wasn't able to validate because I lost the connection and got lazy to leave my room. If it's not her, it's the service provider. 



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Congratulations, K! You're one crazy cacti.
Haha look at the last leg of your race though, it shoots straight up on the graph like you made a massive push mentally.
CONGRATULATIONS!! Yes!!! Well done!!
Congratulationsss!! I wouldn't have finished XD I will try the challenge next year tho since I've just graduated ^^