Park JiHae

spicea11347 • you can call me Sam • 8/10


the basics.

name » Park JiHae

nickname(s) » Ji or JiJi (pronounced as a g) || Nearly everyone refers to her as one of the two. Her guy friends and associates usually call her Ji, while the girls call her JiJi. This nickname came about simply because it's a shortened version of her name.

birthplace & birthday » Lemaria + July, 11th, 26 years old

hometown » Lorreon - a city just outside of the capital of Lemaria

ethnicity » Korean

language » Korean + Sindarian (an old language taught to her by her mother: it sounds almost musical, all the words flow together)

face claim » Park Sunyoung/Luna (4 Minute)

backup face claim » Jeon JiYoon (4 Minute)


appearance » JiHae definitely doesn't fit the mold for a perfect, young lady in the land of Lemaria. If anything, she better fits the description of a man. She stands at 168 cm (5'6"), and weighs 60 kg (132lbs). At one point in time, JiHae had fairly long hair, reaching her waist. But recently, there was an incident with a fellow soldier that caused her to have to cut her hair. JiHae's eyes are a very distinct blue which gets her a lot of unwanted attention. Due to an extensive workout for the majority of her life, JiHae isn't what most will call petite. She can easily hold her own against any man and can beat most of them. JiHae also isn't ashamed of her muscles. But, even with her muscles, she does possess some curves. Her chest is larger than average and it's quite the hinderance to her. But, though she doesn't enjoy having a larger chest or hips, it does help make her look feminine and alluring when she needs to rely on these abilities to make opponents trust her or underestimate her. Her occupation is quite the hazard and because of this she has a number of scars on her upper arms and chest and back. She has a rather large scar that runs across her neck from her left ear to the middle of .

style » JiHae doesn't have much of a sense of style. Even though she's a bit - okay, a bit is an understatement - rough and tough, she has no issue with gowns. It's not her go-to choice of clothing because it simply isn't practical. But, she does own a few because she was charged with the protection of Lemaria's royal heirs which means escorting them to balls and other glamorous events. Typically, she'll wear some trousers and a tunic or a simple peasent blouse since they're the easiest to move in.
Travel [o1] [o2] [o3]
Formal [o1] [o2] [o3]
Armor [o1] [o2] [o3]

"Throw me to the wolves, I'll return leading the pack"

" Men are natural warriors, but a woman in battle is truly bloodthirsty."


Who are you?

plotline » Free Plotline - Body Guard

personality » Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur.

trivias »

- Storms

- Chocolate - food in general really

- Animals

- Night/Moon

- Learning new things

- Practicing

 - Summer (but she does love snow)

- Zahra, of course

- Waking up early

- Humid weather - she lkes heat, not humidity

- Strong smells - she, as well as Zahra, rely on their noses and she knows strong smells alerts others to their pressence

- Hot beverages - she can't stand them, including hot tea (she's weird)

- Heels - she doesn't mind dresses, but heels are a nightmare

- ist pigs

- Spoiled brats

- Overly preppy people

- When she's thinking about something, she needs to keep her hands busy, so she usually sharpens her sword.

- When someone hands her a new weapon (new to her), she'll either balance the hilt against the blade or give it a few swings to test the weight of the weapon. She's very skilled in telling if a weapon is properly balanced or not.

- JiHae will talk to herself when she's analyzing the land (following tracks), and when she does, it's usually in Sindarian. This is because she associates the language with tracking because both were taught by her mom.

- When she gets angry, or confronts an enemy, JiHae has the bad habit of baring her teeth at them, just like Zahra. She's spent a bit too much time with her wolf. She has also been known to growl and to snap at them on ocassion.

- If she hasn't had the chance to wash her hair for awhile - at least a week - she'll braid it. She starts with her bangs on the left side, and does a french braid around the front and towards the side of her head.



- Due to training for most of her life, JiHae will take time every day to do some strength training (push ups, squats, etc) as well as practicing her hand-to-hand combat and using her sword or staff.

- JiHae rather enjoys cooking and is pretty decent at it.

- If it's a clear night, JiHae enjoys star gazing and ocassionally climbs a tree to be closer.

- When she can, she'll wrestle and play fight with Zahra.



- JiHae loves working with her staff or sword because she considers them extensions of her body. She constructs elaborate dances involving her weapons. They're deadly dances.

- On the note of her staff, just before the blades she's placed some thick, wool around the staff. This way, she can actually place either end in a fire and it will set the ends ablaze. The wool has been treated in order to allow it to not be destroyed while being set on fire. A little invention on her part.

- When she's out tracking and working in the woods, JiHae has been known to rub mud over her clothes and body to hide her scent and to make her blend into her surroundings.

- JiHae, though having been raised to expect the worst in men and after what happened with JiHo, isn't afraid of men. Nor is she against a relationship. She just doesn't kid herself that there are a large portion of men who only want one thing.

- Speaking of that one thing, JiHae is not a , nor makes others believe she is one. She isn't ashamed like some would be.



home is where your heart is.

background »
JiHae was the only child to a loving and doting mother and the General of the Armed Forces for Lemaria. Throughout her childhood, JiHae can distinctively remember her dad mentioning he wished he had a son instead. But, don't fret, it wasn't because he wanted someone to carry on his legacy or anything, and he did love her dearly. It was simply because, as a soldier, he knew how men think and act, and he simply wanted an older son in order to watch out for her. Since there was no son, HaMin - JiHae's father - saw it as his job to defend and protect his little princess. For the first few years of her life, he did just that; which isn't saying much since the worst thing that could've happened at this age is falling out of a tree. As a child, JiHae didn't have to worry about much and she choose to spend most of her time outside.


JiHae's mother was a renowned tracker and was quite capable of living off the land. GaYoung, her mother, comes from a very old and traditional family, whereas HaMin, though also coming from an old family, he comes from old money. GaYoung taught her daughter everything she knew, passing on the knowledge of the land like her mother had done. JiHae learned how to track animals and she learned what plants are useful and which are poisonous. She learned how to make medicine and how to safely handle the poisons. Because of this, JiHae became very comfortable with being outside - at all hours of the day - doing nothing but listening. Her mother also taught her the value of animals and the concept of familars and aids. GaYoung's family believed that if an animal presented itself to a member of their family and it trusted them, it was to be their guide. JiHae didn't really believe any of this until she was much older.


The winter after JiHae's tenth birthday, her mother became violently ill. It was something that had been rumored to be making it's way through Lemaria, but no one knew for certain. No one really knew what it was, and JiHae tried everything she could think of using a variety of different plants, but nothing seemed to work. On Janurary 21st, GaYoung passed away, leaving young JiHae alone with her father. Don't misunderstand; JiHae loved her father just as he loved her. He didn't know how to raise her; it was typically a woman's job to raise the children, especially girls. But he wasn't a man to abandon his own, so HaMin raised JiHae the best way he knew how. By treating her as a guy. HaMin began to train JiHae just like he would any soldier enlisted under him. He realized JiHae was the perfect student because of his wife's own training. She had taught JiHae how to listen and how to adapt to any changes. He used that to his advantage. HaMin taught his daughter how to be an excellent fighter and to only rely on herself. He taught her to anticipate different attacks and to react instantly. HaMin realized that since he was training a girl, she could use her natural flexibility as a weapon.


During her eightenth year, JiHae witnessed something amazing, at least in her opinion. She remembered her mother telling her about animal guides and that it wasn't until she was eighteen when they would even consider presenting themselves to her. In her mother's belief, eighteen was believed to be the age that a child truly enters the world and is no longer being lead by a parent. It is this time that an animal guide is usually needed. One evening after training with her father, JiHae was out in the woods near her house gathering herbs. She heard a soft growl behind her and slowly, she turned to face the creature. A wolf stood behind her. Her hand instantly found the hilt of her sword as stood up. The wolf didn't seem threatening. In fact, it walked up to her calmly and sat at her feet. Slightly confused, JiHae reached up and gently its fur. When it responded in a positive manner, she gave it a few more before she decided to head home. As she began to walk away, the wolf began to follow her. No matter what she did, she couldn't shake the wolf. After an hour of a stop and start routine trying to get the wolf to leave, JiHae gave up and just accepted its company. In time, she named the wolf Zahra.


In time for her ninetenth birthday, HaMin beleived he had taught JiHae everything he could. He had made his daughter a weapon - for better or worse. Due to her specialized skill set, there weren't a lot of jobs she could take on. She couldn't work in the military under her father because of two things: one, her father was the general, and two, she worked better alone. She knew how to fight as a team, but she couldn't trust a team. Her father had her believe that men - especially in the military - only have one thing in mind and will do anything to get it. For two years or so, she worked as a personal body guard for any of the upper class if they needed someone. Because of her father being the general, many hired her because they trusted his judgement. And it didn't lead them astray. But, she yearned to do something more. Her father spoke on her behalf to the emperor and she soon became a part of an independent, yet elite team dedicated to protecting the royal family. Because she was still new, she had been assigned to protect the youngest child - seeing as how she wasn't in immediate line to the throne. JiHae did her job well, but something she wasn't expecting was to be more than a body guard. The youngest girl, Tzuyu, had been very lonely and thought herself a burden to her older siblings and even to JiHae. Having been an only child, she didn't know how to deal with the situtation but tried her best. In a short amount of time, do the closeness that was involved with her job, JiHae had befriended the youngest princess.


After proving her worth though, the Emperor moved JiHae to protect Sungeun, the only prince. The two didn't socialize nearly as much as when she was with Tzuyu, that is until he learned who her father was. Then he wanted to discuss war ans strategies all the time. Though JiHae obliged him, it wasn't a favorite topic for her. She might have been trained to fight and to protect, it didn't mean she enjoyed the thought of going to war to kill who-knows-how-many people. She spent the next three years working for Sungeun without incident. For most of it, JiHae would constantly ask herself, and sometimes Sungeun, why the hell she was even protecting him. He definitely didn't need it. But nevertheless, orders are orders. Less than a year ago, JiHae was involved in a bit of an incident with some other members of the elite team assigned with protecting the royal family.


JiHo, the man who was inolved had apparently been talking with a number of the other guards and thought "this young " shouldn't be tasked with watching the only Prince. Many believe she wasn't capable of protecting him. So, they sought to prove that theory. They thought if she couldn't protect herself, then she couldn't protect the royal family. And, they figured while they were at, they could have a little fun with it... and her. When she was making her way to her quarters late one night, when she had been relieved by another guard, she noticed someone following her. She instantly went on the offensive, and swung at him. Unfortunately for her, it was not just one. One came up behind her and balled up her hair into his fist and held a knife to . He began to press it into her flesh, not wasting any time, and she began to bleed. JiHae quickly piveted on her foot, causing her to spin to face her attacker. This caused his knife to cut her neck and to cut a portion of her hair off. Not caring for her hair, she pulled out her sword and began to use the training her father had taught. She listened and watched, anticipating the moves. She reacted quickly and with only minimal work, dispatched the men who thought they could have their way with her simply because she was a woman. After filing a report with the Captain of their elite team - and the men subsequently being detained - JiHae returned to her quarters to find her hap-hazard hair. About a third of her long hair had been cut off at the chin. Not being a woman hung up on her looks, JiHae decided to cut off the rest so it was all even at her chin.


It wasn't long after this that news of Atheria's princess being pregnant spread to Lemaria and that the Emperor had asked his son to join the journey. Thinking she might be able to work for Tzuyu again, JiHae was almost happy to hear the news. But, alas, the Emperor called upon her and asked to speak privately. It was then he told her he wanted her to accompany Sungeun. He stated that, though a part of his reason was so it would seem Sungeun was protected, another part was a political move. Lemaria was currently at peace, but war was on the horizon. They needed allies. If they could help out Atheria in their hour of need, then they in turn will help Lemaria if they were to need it. So, JiHae was also tasked with protecting Eunkyung just as much as Sungeun. But, the Emperor told her that if it was between Sungeun and Eunkyung, that Eunkyung's life was more important to him.


family »



"We may not be royalty, but you're my princess."

Father // Park HaMin // 56 // General of the Lemarian Armed Forces // JiHae and HaMin are very close, they are all they have left after all. He's a bit awkward around his daughter, simply because he didn't know how to raise a girl. Her teenage years were especially difficult on him. He had no idea how to explain the things she was going through. Nevertheless, they work well together. // 8/10



friends/rivals » Repeat if needed


10 Korean celebrities who should be the next Calvin Klein model instead of Justin Bieber:

"Would I lead you astray?" "YES!"

Best Friend and Former lover // Kwon Jonghyun // 25 // Member of the Elite Guard // Jonghyun was the only one at the beginning who was completely fine with a woman joining the guard. It could be in part because he got a lot of lip because of his age. These two became near inseparable during their time. Jonghyun was a notorious prankster and tried to rope JiHae in whenever he could. After spending a lot of time together, they became very close. They had many passionate nights but they both believed that a relationship would jeopardize their work.  // 9/10



"You should never have left the kitchen, ."

Enemy // Nam JiHo // 31 // Former member of the Elite Guard // Before their little altercation, JiHae never paid any mind to JiHo, and she thought he didn't pay any mind to her. Apparently, that was not the case. Due to his father's influence at the Emperor's court, JiHo was never truly punished, other than being removed from the Guard. Because of this though, JiHae still occassionally sees him wandering around the grounds. She is always alert when he's around or he's rumored to be around. JiHo hates JiHae because it was because of her that he is no longer a member of the Guard. And this hatred is no secret.  // 1/10



the one and only.

love interest » Kwon JiYong, Crowned Prince of Mithran

backup love interest » Applicant - male

Crushes» None


personality » Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


love story » Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.


the Powerful You.

Powers (s) » You may or may not have them, it's up to your plotline. Feel free to add more if you have some, just don't go crazy. If you don't have powers, you may add one skill, and then describe when and how they got it. Example: Sight // Can see up to 100 miles away // Developed because he was taken for ransom and needed to see the route to get out // Ten years old

Weapons »
Double sided spear (staff) |The first one|


Fighting Style » Some plotlines include this, some don't. Please describe with at least five, meaningful sentences.


last words.

comments/suggestions » Lorem ipsum

scene requests » Lorem ipsum

password » Lorem ipsum


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