*:・゚ Hogwarts #2k15 ━ ◜ jaehyun kang ◞

full name – Jaehyun Kang
other name(s) – n/a
nickname(s) –
— Jae ( It's just the first syllable of her name, so it's easier for the non-Korean students to remember ) & ( basically everyone )
— nickname ( reason ) & ( who calls her it )

birthdate – February 28, 1998
birthplace – Seoul, South Korea
hometown – Manchester, England
ethnicity – 100% Korean
blood status – Half-blood

— Korean ( fluency - reason )
— English ( fluency - reason )

faceclaim – CLC's Chang Seungyeon + gallery
backup – name + gallery
height & weight – 170 centimeters and 59 kilograms
appearance – any differences between your faceclaim and character. ie. scars, piercings, ect.
style – how do they wear the uniform + how they dress when not wearing the uniform
traits –
( positive ) Independent, Eloquent, Caring, Charismatic
( neutral ) Social, Confident, Observant
( negative ) Fidgety, Dense, Clumsy, Gullible.

personality –
✘ the good jaehyun likes to be independent, meaning that she doesn't like being tied down and told what to do. she often was the one looking after her siblings and the house when her parents weren't home, even though she wasn't the oldest. she also has a way with words, where she knows what to say and when to say it. she speaks confidently and the tone in her words has everyone listening. jaehyun is one of the most caring people out there. with her image, jaehyun is the outgoing, talkative girl. she's good at socializing and likes making friends. her attitude about things give off a certain charm that just draws people in. ever since she was little, jaehyun has always been observant. she can always read other people like a book.

✘ and the bad jaehyun is the type of person who cannot stand staying still. she always has to move and fidget around. despite her being observant, jaehyun can be dense at times, especially when it comes to others feeling and even her own. whenever she's not playing quidditch, jaehyun tends to trip on nothing and run into walls since she's not paying attention. this surprised many people because who would've thought that someone who was the Gryfindor quidditch captain, would be so clumsy. jaehyun also tends to fall for the smallest things. she's easy to play tricks on since she's so gullible and easy going, so everybody knows she won't get revenge.

background – explain their background in 1 - 3 paragraphs, only include important events
likes – min 5, no max
dislikes – min 5, no max
hobbies –  max 5
habits –  max 5
trivia – min 5, go crazy
family –
father ✘ name ✘ age ✘ occupation ✘ personality ✘ interactions
mother ✘ name ✘ age ✘ occupation ✘ personality ✘ interactions
brother/sister ✘ name ✘ age ✘ occupation ✘ personality ✘ interactions
( add more if needed )

friends –
best friend/friend ✘ name ✘ age ✘ occupation ✘ personality ✘ interactions
best friend/friend ✘ name ✘ age ✘ occupation ✘ personality ✘ interactions
best friend/friend ✘ name ✘ age ✘ occupation ✘ personality ✘ interactions
​( add more if needed )

others –
relation ✘ name ✘ age ✘ occupation ✘ personality ✘ interactions
relation ✘ name ✘ age ✘ occupation ✘ personality ✘ interactions
relation ✘ name ✘ age ✘ occupation ✘ personality ✘ interactions
​( add more if needed )
house – Gryffindor
wand – use this page for reference
quidditch position – Gryffindor's seaker
other – The captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team.

patronus – the animal + why
boggart – what it is + why
other – n/a
love interest – can be anyone or applicant
backup love interest – can be anyone or applicant
birthdate – day month year
house – here
personality – explain their personality in 1-2 paragraphs
relationship – explain their relationship with your character in 2-5 paragraphs. include interactions, first meeting, ect.
comments – lorem ipsum
scene request(s) – lorem ipsum
suggestion(s) – lorem ipsum
password – lorem ipsum
⋆ layout by heebumdae ⋆




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